All Tenders

All Tenders

Westerplatte Academy of War Marines Tender

Akademia Naval Im. Heroów Westerplatte
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Command of the police in Rzeszov Tender

"Operation of Dostawa Papieru Kserograficznego dla Oneostk Policja Wojcji" (in Polish)
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Command of the police in Rzeszov Tender

As a result of the Progress of the Medical Service of the Medical Services. In Zakresie Pobierania Krwi I Studia Osób Zatrzynych przez Komendy Komendy Powiatowej Policja W Ropczycachcach
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Warsaw Medical University Tender

As a result of the Progressive Roboty Construction Authority, the Order of the Robót Construction of the W Budynach Farmation of the University of Warsaw, the Medical University, the Institute of Technology, the University of Warsaw. In Zakresie Przebudowy I Naprawy Instalacji, Znak Sprawy: Aez/s-086/2022/20222022/222022/2022/2022/2022
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Warsaw Medical University Tender

The report of the Progress of the Dostawa Office of Medical Medical Medical Relations. Aez/s-033/202222, Znak Sprawy: Aez/s-033/202222
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

By OMV PETROM S A - Romania Tender

Servicii De Interventii Si Reparatii La Sonde – 2 Loturi
Closing Date20 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRON 191.5 K (USD 42.2 K)

Military Unit No. 6021 Tender

The announcement of the Dostawa Sprzętu, Obuwia, Ubioru Sportowy I Cup of Natrzeby Oneostek, a military unit No 6021
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Military Unit No. 6021 Tender

"O Zmianie Ogłoszenia Dostawa Wyrobów, Articles of the Medical Office, Stomatologic Oraz Fizjoterapeutical For Military Unit No 6021".
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

University of Warsaw Tender

"Operation of Roboty Constructionlane Remont Two of Osobovów Oraz Usługa Konserwacji I Pogotowia Dzwigowego W Budynku Department of Psychology at the University of Warsaw". Warsaw in Warsaw in Warsaw in Warsaw in Warsaw
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

University of Warsaw Tender

The reporting of the Office of the Robotic Construction Authority Remont of the Dachowy Z Remontem Kominów I Wymiana Stolarka Okienna W Budynku Department of Polonistyka "Mały Belwederek" University of Warsaw. In Warsaw.
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
9961-9970 of 10000 active Tenders