Announcement of the Order for the Service of Periodic Technical Inspections of Devices and Installations in the Buildings of the Provincial Specialist Hospital in Olsztyn
Poland – Cardiac Surgery Devices – Dostawa Sprzętu Jednorazowego Do Wykonywania Zabiegów Ablacji Na Potrzeby Pracowni Elektrofizjologii I Elektroterapii
Announcement of the Procurement of the Service of Execution of the Functional and Utility Program Together with the Concept, Technology Design and Agreements.
Announcement of the Order for Services Consulting Service in the Field of Benchmarking and Optimization of Hospital Operations Including Analyses and Verification of Settlements with the National Health Fund
Consulting service in the field of benchmarking and optimization of hospital work, including analyses and verification of settlements with the National Health Fund
Poland – Operating Techniques – Dostawa Wyrobów Medycznych Na Potrzeby Oddziału Kardiochirurgicznego, Bloku Operacyjnego Oraz Pracowni Leku Cytostatycznego