South America Tenders

South America Tenders

Ministry Of Defense Tender

Remnant of the Infrastructure Work at the School of Communications (escom), in Sobradinho, Df
Closing DateNA
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Ministry Of Education Tender

Renovation work on the Rectory and Pró Rectorias buildings, Blocks 07 and 08, in the municipality of Rio Branco.
Closing DateNA
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Ministry Of Defense Tender

Contracting for the renovation of Substation 2265 E-064 of the Galeão Support Group, to meet aircraft maintenance needs.
Closing DateNA
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Minist Rio Da Cultura Tender

Hiring of a Specialized Legal Entity for the Execution of Architectural Restoration Works (including Complementary Installations) and Integrated Artistic Elements of the Basilica Cathedral of Nossa Senhora do Pilar, Located in the Municipality of São João Del-rei/mg.
Closing DateNA
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Governo Do Estado Do Maranh O Tender

Integrated Contracting of Projects and Execution of Viaduct Construction Work on Avenida Guajajaras Connecting to Br135, in the Municipality of São Luís/ma, in accordance with the conditions, quantities and requirements established in the Terms of Reference and other documents attached to the Notice, of interest to the Secretariat Municipal Public Works and Services Semosp
Closing DateNA
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Ministry Of Health Tender

Acquisition Of Dactinomycin 0.5 Mg Lyophilic Powder And Others
Closing DateNA
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Minist Rio Da Infraestrutura Tender

Hiring a Company to Execute Environmental Management Services, Covering Environmental Supervision, the Implementation of Environmental Programs and the Environmental Management of the Paving Works on the Br-156/ap Tronco Sul Highway. Single Lot.
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Minist Rio Da Infraestrutura Tender

Hiring of a Consulting Company to Execute Specialized Technical Supervision and Support for Inspection Services in the Execution of Road Maintenance and Restoration Actions, Under the Jurisdiction of the Dnit Regional Superintendence in the State of Rio Grande do Sul - Local Unit of Passo Fundo.
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Ministry Of Education Tender

Hiring a specialized company to carry out the renovation work to replace the wooden windows with glass and aluminum windows in the teaching blocks of the Ifce Campus Acaraú, in accordance with the conditions, quantities and requirements established in this invitation and its annexes.
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Prefeitura Municipal De Bel M Tender

Hiring a Specialized Company to Carry Out Work on the Renovation of the Ver-o-peso Complex: Ver-o-peso Fair, Açaí Fair and Docas
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
7211-7220 of 7298 active Tenders