South America Tenders

South America Tenders

Prefeitura Municipal De Cambe Tender

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Hiring of a Legal Entity to Carry Out Intervention Works at the Intersection of Avenida Francisco Delgado Sanches and Rua Belo Horizonte, with the Widening of Rua Belo Horizonte and Asphalt Resurfacing, in this Municipality.

Ministry Of Education Tender

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The object of this tender is to choose the most advantageous proposal for hiring a legal entity specialized in providing civil construction services, including all materials, equipment and labor necessary for the execution of the mezzanine and some parts of the ground floor of the building. Taguatinga Campus Technological Training Center

Prefeitura Municipal De Cachoeirinha Rs Tender

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Electronic Competition Notice for the Hiring of an Electrical Engineering Company, to Provision of Maintenance Services and Public Lighting Installations, According to the Basic Project (Implementation of Lighting for Public Square Projects) and Other Attachments to the Notice, in Service to the Municipality of Cachoeirinha - LOL.

Minist Rio Da Infraestrutura Tender

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Hiring a Specialized Company to Prepare a Basic and Executive Engineering Project for the Duplication of the Br-386/rs Highway, Between Sarandi and Carazinho, Under the Jurisdiction of the Dnit Regional Superintendence in the State of Rio Grande Do Sul.

Minist Rio Da Infraestrutura Tender

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Hiring a Specialized Company to Execute Services for the Preparation of the Pba Basic Environmental Plan and Environmental Management, Covering Environmental Management Services, Environmental Supervision and Execution of Environmental Programs Within the Scope of Physical Improvement and Traffic Safety Works on the Urban Crossing of Ijuí , On the Br-285/rs Highway, Under the Jurisdiction of the Dnit Regional Superintendence in the State of Rio Grande Do Sul.

Minist Rio Da Infraestrutura Tender

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Integrated Contracting of a Company Aiming at the Preparation of Basic and Executive Engineering Projects and the Execution of the Construction Works of the Special Works of Art - Oae (bridges) on Br-319/am Over the Igarapés Fortaleza, Realidade and Santo Antônio, in the State of Amazon.

Ministry Of Defense Tender

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Hiring a Specialized Company to Carry Out Work to Implement the Atmospheric Discharge Capture System at the Brasília Air Force Hospital - Hfab.

Ministry Of Health Tender

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Hiring a Specialized Company to Carry Out Engineering Works with the Objective of Promoting the Expansion and Improvements of the Water Supply System of the Brejão Village, Located in the Municipality of Nioaque/ms - Aquidauana/ms Base Pole, Attached to the Special Indigenous Health District Mato Grosso Do Sul (dsei/ms), in accordance with the conditions, quantities and requirements established in this notice and its annexes.

Ministry Of Defense Tender

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Hiring of a Company Specialized in the Preparation of Engineering and Architectural Projects, to Guide the Works Necessary for the Renovation and Recovery of the External Facades of the Buildings of the Navy Medical Assistance Complex/Naval Polyclinic Nossa Senhora Da Glória


Closing DateNA
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Hiring a Specialized Company to Provide Planning, Organization and Realization Services, Including Release of the Venue, for the Event Named ´São João Paulo - 2024 Edition´
7121-7130 of 7164 active Tenders