South America Tenders

South America Tenders

Minist Rio Da Infraestrutura Tender

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Integrated Hiring of a Company for the Development of the Basic and Executive Projects, Accompanied by the Project Conformity Assessment (acp), in accordance with Item 6.2 of Nbr 7187/2021, and Execution of the Works and All Other Operations Necessary and Sufficient for the Final Delivery of 02 (two) Underpasses, 06 (six) Walkways, And Complementary Services Of Unfinished Oaes, Located On Br-101/se.

Minist Rio Da Infraestrutura Tender

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Provision of Technical Support and Advisory Services in Consultative Engineering to act in the areas of Planning and Public Management of Demands Regarding the Road Network Projects Under the Jurisdiction of the Dnit Superintendence in the State of Goiás and the Federal District and Within the Scope of the Technical and Operational Needs of the (s) Subordinate Local Units

Ministry Of Health Tender

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Hiring a specialized company to carry out renovation work on the Basic Indigenous Health Unit (ubsi), in the village of Ilha Grande, belonging to the Pavuru Base Pole, located in the municipality of Querência - Mt.

Ministry Of Health Tender

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Hiring an Engineering Company to Carry Out Work Implementation of a Water Supply System - Saa in the Serrinha Village, Located in the Municipality of Alta Floresta/ro, Belonging to the Special Indigenous Health District (dsei) Porto Velho

Prefeitura Municipal De Bel M Tender

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Hiring an Engineering or Architecture Company to Carry Out Reconstruction Services for the Municipal School of Elementary Education Emef Parque Amazônia, Designed to Serve the School Community of the Neighborhood of Terra Firme, Municipality of Belém-Pa.

Ministry Of Health Tender

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Hiring a Specialized Company to Carry Out Engineering Works with the Objective of Promoting the Expansion and Improvements of the Water Supply System of the Brejão Village, Located in the Municipality of Nioaque/ms - Aquidauana/ms Base Pole, Attached to the Special Indigenous Health District Mato Grosso Do Sul (dsei/ms), in accordance with the conditions, quantities and requirements established in this notice and its annexes.

Minist Rio Da Infraestrutura Tender

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Hiring a Specialized Company to Prepare a Basic and Executive Engineering Project for the Duplication of the Br-386/rs Highway, Between Sarandi and Carazinho, Under the Jurisdiction of the Dnit Regional Superintendence in the State of Rio Grande Do Sul.

Minist Rio Da Infraestrutura Tender

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Hiring a Specialized Company to Execute Services for the Preparation of the Pba Basic Environmental Plan and Environmental Management, Covering Environmental Management Services, Environmental Supervision and Execution of Environmental Programs Within the Scope of Physical Improvement and Traffic Safety Works on the Urban Crossing of Ijuí , On the Br-285/rs Highway, Under the Jurisdiction of the Dnit Regional Superintendence in the State of Rio Grande Do Sul.

Ministry Of Defense Tender

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Hiring a Specialized Company to Carry Out Work to Implement the Atmospheric Discharge Capture System at the Brasília Air Force Hospital - Hfab.

Ministry Of Defense Tender

Closing DateNA
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Hiring a Specialized Company to Carry Out Engineering Work to Restoration the Workshop of the Engineering Company, Equipment and Maintenance of the 4th Construction Engineering Battalion.
6921-6930 of 6992 active Tenders