South America Tenders
South America Tenders
Minist Rio Da Infraestrutura Tender
Hiring a Specialized Company to Prepare Basic and Executive Engineering Studies and Projects for the Execution of Implementation, Paving, Capacity Adjustment, Safety Improvement and Elimination of Critical Segments of the Br-470/rs - Lot 03.
Closing DateNA
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Minist Rio Da Infraestrutura Tender
Hiring a Company to Prepare the Studies and Executive Engineering Project for the Renovation of the Buildings of the Local Units of Picos/pi, Piripiri/pi and Floriano/pi and Updating the Projects of the Local Unit of Teresina/pi and the Headquarters of the Regional Superintendence of State of Piauí, in accordance with the specifications and conditions contained in the Terms of Reference through bidding in the Rdc modality, in its electronic form.
Closing DateNA
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Hiring an Engineering or Architecture Company to Renovate the Adequacy of a Property Belonging to the Federal Police Superintendency in Ceará Sr/pf/ce, On Land Located On Avenida Padre Antônio Tomás, Nº 2302, Bairro Aldeota, Fortaleza/ce.
Closing DateNA
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Ministry Of Education Tender
Hiring a Company Specialized in the Engineering Area to Retake the Construction Work on the Sports Court, to Serve the Ifmt - Alta Floresta Campus, According to the Conditions, Quantities and Requirements Established in the Notice and Its Annexes.
Closing DateNA
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Minist Rio Da Infraestrutura Tender
Integrated Contracting of a Company Aiming at the Preparation of Basic and Executive Engineering Projects and the Execution of the Construction Works of the Special Works of Art - Oae (bridges) on Br-319/am Over the Igarapés Fortaleza, Realidade and Santo Antônio, in the State of Amazon.
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents
6921-6930 of 6992 active Tenders