Shoes Tenders

Shoes Tenders

City Of Dapitan Tender

Textile, Apparel and Footwear
Details: Description Republic Of The Philippines Bids And Awards Committee City Of Dapitan February 13, 2025 Invitation To Bid The City Government Of Dapitan, Through Its Bids And Awards Committee (bac), Invites Interested Parties To Apply For Eligibility And If Found Eligible To Bid For The Following Contract: Contract Id: Pr# 2025-02-06-036 Contract Name: Procurement Of Garments (philarpat, Etc.) Purpose: For Official Use Of The Scaa Personnel Approved Budget For The Contract (abc): Php 1,332,000.00 (inclusive Of All Applicable Taxes) Source Of Fund: Annual Budget 2025 • Prospective Bidders Should Have Expertise In Undertaking A Similar Project Within The Last Three (3) Years With An Amount Of At Least 50% Of The Proposed Project For Bidding. • Bidders / Contractor’s Shall Submit Their One (1) Copy Sealed Envelope Containing Their Technical And Financial Documents. • Documents Submitted Must Be In Accordance With The Checklist Provided And Must Have A Corresponding Label Or Name Plates. • The Eligibility Check/screening As Well As The Preliminary Examination Of Bids Shall Use Non-discretionary “pass/fail” Criteria. Post Qualification Of The Lowest/single Calculated Bid Shall Be Conducted. • All Particulars Relative To Eligibility Statement And Screening, Bid Security, Performance Security, Evaluation Of Bids, Post Qualification And Award Of Contract Shall Be Governed By The Pertinent Provision Of Ra 9184 And Its Implementing Rules And Regulations (irr). The Schedules Of Activities Are Listed As Follows: Bac Activities Schedule Advertisement / Posting February 14 – 21, 2025 Availability And Issuance Of Bidding Documents February 14 – March 10, 2025; 1:30 P.m. Pre-bid Conference February 24, 2025; 2:00 P.m Deadline For The Submission Of Bids March 10, 2025; 1:30 P.m Bid Evaluation March 10, 2025; 2:00 P.m. • Philippine Bidding Documents Will Be Electronically Uploaded To The Philgeps Website Of The City Of Dapitan. ( • Payment For The Philippine Bidding Documents Is A Non – Refundable Amount Of Five Thousand Pesos Only (php 5,000.00) Payable To The Office Of The City Treasurer, Dapitan City. The City Government Of Dapitan Assumes No Responsibility Whatsoever Compensate Or Indemnify Bidders For Any Expenses Incurred In The Preparation Of Their Bids. The City Government Of Dapitan Reserves The Right To Accept Or Reject Any Bid, And To Annul The Bidding Process And Rejects All Bids At Any Time Prior To Award Of Contract, Without Thereby Incurring Any Liability To The Affected Bidder Of Bidders. Sgd.engr. Renmar Terenz E. Draper Cgdh I, Management Information Systems Office Bac Chairman Annex A: 1. 90 Pcs. Philarpart Size: Small (14pcs), Small Short (19 Pcs), Small- Reg. (23pcs) Medium (12pcs), M-reg. (15pcs), Large (4pcs), Large-reg (3pcs) 2. 90 Pcs. Head Gear Size: 36(1pc), 45(2pcs), 52(3pcs), 55(4pcs), 56(14pcs), 57(42pcs), 58(23pcs), 7.5(1pc) 3. 270 Pcs. T-shirt Size: Small(22pcs), Medium(42pcs), Large(21pcs), Xl(5pcs) 4. 270 Pcs. Shorts Pants Size: Small(7pcs), Medium(41pcs), Large(36pcs), Xl(6pcs) 5. 90 Pcs. Combat Boats Size: 6(1pc), 6.5(2pcs), 7(8pcs),7.5(7pcs), 8(12pcs), 8.5(20pcs), 9(29pcs), 9.5(3pcs), 10(5pcs), 10.5(1pc), 11(1pc), 12(1pc) 6. 90 Pcs. Tactical Bag World Pack 7. 90 Pcs. Hammock Size: 7(18pcs), 8(35pcs), 9(8pcs) Small (1pc) Large(28pcs) 8. 90 Pcs. Poncho 9. 90 Pcs. Rubber Shoes Size: 7(11pcs), 7.5(3pcs), 8(16pcs), 8.5(17pcs), 9(33pcs), 9.5(2pcs), 10(5pcs), 10.5(2pcs), 12(1pc)
Closing Soon10 Mar 2025
Tender AmountPHP 1.3 Million (USD 22.9 K)

Indian Army Tender

Furnitures and Fixtures
Description: CATEGORY: Almirah large steel half H x half S FD E SIX MAP EIGHTEEN , Locker Bed side steel FD TWO HUNDERED FIFTY SEVEN , Side board FD ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED TWELVE , Table dining six Persons FD MAP II THREE , Table dining four Persons FD MAP II THREE , Table steel nine hundred x six hundred x seven hundered sixty mm with drawer , Rack shoe steel FD E SIX MAP TWO R , Bath stool PVC FD E SIX MAP SEVEN , Table office officer steel FD ONE THOUSAND THREE , Table office Clk steel FD ONE THOUSAND FOUR , Table computer FD E SIX MAP THREE , Chair writing steel FD E SIX MAP TWELVE
Closing Soon6 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Municipality Of Tiaong, Quezon Tender

Solar Installation and Products...+1Electrical and Electronics
Details: Description Item 103 Excavation Quantity: 45.00 Cu.m. Labor: 6 Laborer 12 Day Item 900 Structural Concrete Quantity: 73.80 Cu.m. Materials: Portland Cement 554.00 Bag(s) Sand 48.00 Cu.m Crushed Gravel (g-1) 74.00 Cu.m 12 Mmø Rsb X 6m 450.00 Pc(s) 10 Mmø Rsb X 6m 563.00 Pc(s) Tie Wire # 16 10.00 Kg(s) C W N # Asstd 10.00 Kg(s) Ord. Plywood # 1/4 X 4 X 8 60.00 Pc(s) Coco Lumber ( 2 X 2 X 8 ) 300.00 Pc(s) Labor: 1 Construction Foreman 15.00 Day 7 Skilled Worker 15.00 Day 12 Laborer 15.00 Day Item 1047 Structural Steel(steel Post & Solar Panel) Quantity: 225 Pcs Materials: Tapered Pole With Single Arm( 4in-2in 1.5 M Single Arm) L = 5m 225.00 Pcs Split Solar Streetlights 500watts (see Attached Specs) 225.00 Pcs Steel Round Solid Bar Metal Rod (6mmx100mm) 450.00 Pcs Welding Rod 15.00 Kg Anchor Bolt/nut ( 1/4 X 8 ) 900.00 Pcs Angle Bar ( 1 X 1 ) 1/4 112.50 Pcs Equipment Rental Boom Truck 2.5 Tons Lift Capacity 21.00 Days Labor 1 Construction Foreman 21.00 Day 8 Skilled Worker 21.00 Day 10 Laborer 21.00 Day Item 1032 Painting Works Quantity: 1.00 Lot Materials: Q D E Paint 11.00 Gals Flat Latex Paint 11.00 Gals Laquer Thinner 3.00 Gals Baby Roller 11.00 Pcs Paint Brush # 4 11.00 Pcs Labor: 2 Skilled Worker 12.00 Days 2 Laborer 12.00 Days Spl 1 Signages Quantity: 1.00 Lot Materials Metal Signages With Flat Bar Framing (400mmx250mm) 225.00 Pcs Metal Signages For Pedestal (5"x12") 225.00 Pcs Labor: 1 Construction Foreman 8.00 Days 2 Skilled Worker 8.00 Days 2 Laborer 8.00 Days Item 605 Project Signboard Quantity: 5.76 Sq.m Materials Tarpauline 8' X 8' 1.00 Pc Ordinary Plywood 1/4" 2.00 Pc(s) Cocolumber 2" X 3" X 12' 5.00 Pc(s) Assorted Nail 1.00 Kg Labor: 1 Skilled Worker 0.50 Days 2 Laborer 0.50 Days Spl 2 Construction Safety And Health Quantity: 1.00 Lot Materials Safety Helmet 10.00 Pc(s) Hand Gloves 10.00 Pair(s) Safety Shoes 10.00 Pair(s) Misc (medicine, Medicine Cabinet, Water, First Aid Kit) 1.00 Lot Cluster 4 Paiisa - 82 San Juan - 26 Cabay - 39 Del Rosario - 68 Tagbakin - 10
Closing Soon5 Mar 2025
Tender AmountPHP 5.9 Million (USD 103.2 K)

City of Clamart Tender

Description: Supply of work clothing/shoes for CCAS and City of Clamart agents
Closing Date17 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Municipality Of Tiaong, Quezon Tender

Solar Installation and Products...+1Electrical and Electronics
Details: Description Unit Description Quantity Item 103 Excavation Quantity: 63.00 Cu.m. Labor: 5 Laborer 15 Day Item 900 Structural Concrete Quantity: 103.32 Cu.m. Materials: Portland Cement 775.00 Bag(s) Sand 68.00 Cu.m Crushed Gravel (g-1) 104.00 Cu.m 12 Mmø Rsb X 6m 630.00 Pc(s) 10 Mmø Rsb X 6m 788.00 Pc(s) Tie Wire # 16 15.00 Kg(s) C W N # Asstd 15.00 Kg(s) Ord. Plywood # 1/4 X 4 X 8 65.00 Pc(s) Coco Lumber ( 2 X 2 X 8 ) 350.00 Pc(s) Labor: 1 Construction Foreman 25.00 Day 7 Skilled Worker 25.00 Day 12 Laborer 25.00 Day Item 1047 Structural Steel(steel Post & Solar Panel) Quantity: 315 Pcs Materials: Tapered Pole With Single Arm( 4in-2in 1.5 M Single Arm) L = 5m 315.00 Pcs Split Solar Streetlights 500watts (see Attached Specs) 315.00 Pcs Steel Round Solid Bar Metal Rod (6mmx100mm) 630.00 Pcs Welding Rod 25.00 Kg Anchor Bolt/nut ( 1/4 X 8 ) 1,260.00 Pcs Angle Bar ( 1 X 1 ) 1/4 157.50 Pcs Equipment Rental Boom Truck 2.5 Tons Lift Capacity 30.00 Days Labor 1 Construction Foreman 30.00 Day 8 Skilled Worker 30.00 Day 10 Laborer 30.00 Day Item 1032 Painting Works Quantity: 1.00 Lot Materials: Q D E Paint 15.00 Gals Flat Latex Paint 15.00 Gals Laquer Thinner 6.00 Gals Baby Roller 15.00 Pcs Paint Brush # 4 15.00 Pcs Labor: 2 Skilled Worker 15.00 Days 2 Laborer 15.00 Days Spl 1 Signages Quantity: 1.00 Lot Materials Metal Signages With Flat Bar Framing (400mmx250mm) 315.00 Pcs Metal Signages For Pedestal (5"x12") 315.00 Pcs Labor: 1 Construction Foreman 15.00 Days 3 Skilled Worker 15.00 Days 3 Laborer 15.00 Days Item 605 Project Signboard Quantity: 5.76 Sq.m Materials Tarpauline 8' X 8' 1.00 Pc Ordinary Plywood 1/4" 2.00 Pc(s) Cocolumber 2" X 3" X 12' 5.00 Pc(s) Assorted Nail 1.00 Kg Labor: 1 Skilled Worker 0.50 Days 2 Laborer 0.50 Days Spl 2 Construction Safety And Health Quantity: 1.00 Lot Materials Safety Helmet 10.00 Pc(s) Hand Gloves 10.00 Pair(s) Safety Shoes 10.00 Pair(s) Misc (medicine, Medicine Cabinet, Water, First Aid Kit) 1.00 Lot Cluster 5 Behia - 25 St. Francis - 71 San Jose - 32 Anastacia - 44 San Isidro - 18 Palagaran - 47 Cabatang - 78
Closing Soon5 Mar 2025
Tender AmountPHP 8.4 Million (USD 145.4 K)

Municipality Of Argao, Cebu Tender

Machinery and Tools...+1Manpower Supply
Details: Description The Bids & Awards Committee (bac) Of Municipality Of Argao, Cebu, Invites All Interested Suppliers/manufacturers/distributors/contractors/consultants To Apply For Eligibility And To Submit Bids For The Following: B.1 Mobilization/demobilization Quantity 1.00 Ls Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph) 1.00 Ls 1.00 L.s. Mobilization/demobilization Direct Cost: A. Materials: B. Manpower: C. Equipment And Water: 4 Hour Unit Transit Mixer 1 Hour Water Truck/pump (16000 L) 1 Hour Motorized Road Grader (140 Hp), 6710a 1 Hour Vibratory Roller (10 Mt), Sd 100 Dc 1 Hour Backhoe 80 Cc 1 Hour Payloader (1.50 Cu.m), Lx80-2c 2 Hour Dump Truck (12 Yd3) 1 Hour Bulldozer, D6h Series Ii Psds/dd Indirect Cost: Contractor's Profit Ocm Tax (vat/withholding Tax) B.2 Project Billboard/signboard Quantity 2.00 Each Dpwh Standard Output Per Day (opd) 2.00 Each 2.00 Each Project Billboard/signboard Direct Cost: A. Materials: 64.00 Sq.ft Tarpaulin (4' X 8') 74.00 Bdft Lumber Coco 2.00 Kg(s) Common Nails Assorted 2.00 Pc(s) Plywood Marine (3/16" X 4' X 8') B. Manpower: Number Of Days Number Of Person: Unit 1 1 Construction Foreman Day 1 1 Skilled Laborer Day 1 1 Unskilled Laborer Day C. Equipment: Indirect Cost: Contractor's Profit Ocm Tax (vat/withholding Tax) B.3 Occupational Safety And Health Program Quantity 1.00 L.s Dpwh Standard Output Per Day (opd) 1.00 L.s 1.00 L.s Occupational Safety And Health Program Direct Cost: A. Materials: 14.00 Pcs Safety Helmet 14.00 Pair Safety Shoes 14.00 Pcs Safety Vest 14.00 Pair Working Gloves B. Manpower: Number Of Days Number Of Person: Unit 20.00 1 Safety Practitioner/officer (part Time) Day(s) 20.00 1 First Aider Day(s) C. Equipment And Water: C.1 Equipment Rental, Fuel & Oil Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) B.4 Construction Survey And Staking Quantity 0.453 Km Dpwh Standard Output Per Day (opd) 0.3 Km/day 0.453 Km Construction Survey And Staking Direct Cost: A. Materials: 35.00 Pcs Standard Stake Plan 175.00 Pcs Blue Printing Miscellaneous (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Days Number Of Person: Field Work 0.69 1 Geodetic Engineer 0.69 3 Skilled Laborer 0.69 3 Unskilled Laborer Office Work 2.08 1 Geodetic Engineer 2.08 2 Skilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: C.1 Equipment Rental, Fuel & Oil 0.69 1 Total Station With Complete Accessories Day(s) Minor Tools (10% Of Labor) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 100(1) Clearing And Grubbing Quantity 1.54 Ha Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph) 0.05 Ha 1.54 Ha Clearing And Grubbing Direct Cost: A. Materials: B. Manpower: Number Of Days/hours Number Of Person: 1.00 1 Construction Foreman 1.00 2 Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: C.1 Equipment Rental, Fuel & Oil 1.00 2 Dump Truck (12 Yd3) 1.00 1 Payloader (1.50 Cu.m), Lx80-2c 1.00 1 Bulldozer Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 100(3)a Individual Removal Of Trees Quantity 60 Each Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph) 1 Each 60 Each Individual Removal Of Trees Direct Cost: A. Materials: 20.00 M Rope 1'' Diam. (5 Uses) B. Manpower: Number Of Days/hours Number Of Person: 0.33 1 Construction Foreman 0.33 1 Skilled Laborer 0.33 2 Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: C.1 Equipment Rental, Fuel & Oil 0.25 1 Backhoe 80 Cc 0.17 1 Dump Truck (12 Yd3) 0.17 1 Chainsaw Hour Minor Tools (5% Of Labor) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 102(1) Roadway Excavation (unsuitable) Quantity 9,513.00 Cu.m Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph) 20 Cu.m 9,513.00 Cu.m Roadway Excavation (unsuitable) Direct Cost: A. Materials: B. Manpower: Number Of Days/hours Number Of Person: 1.00 1 Construction Foreman 1.00 3 Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: C.1 Equipment Rental, Fuel & Oil 1.00 2 Dump Truck (12 Yd3) 1.00 1 Backhoe 80 Cc 0.10 1 Payloader (1.50cc) At Disposal Site Minor Tools (10% Of Labor) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 104(1)b Embankment From Roadway Excavation Quantity 2,548.13 Cu.m Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph) 50 Cc 2,548.13 Cu.m Embankment From Roadway Excavation Direct Cost: A. Materials: B. Manpower: Number Of Days/hours Number Of Person: For Excavation Work: 0.83 1 Construction Foreman 0.83 2 Unskilled Laborer Spreading And Compaction: 1.00 1 Construction Foreman 1.00 2 Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: C.1 Equipment Rental, Fuel & Oil For Excavation Work: 0.83 1 Bulldozer, D6h Series Ii Psds/dd 0.83 1 Payloader (1.50cc) 0.83 1 Dump Truck (12 Yd3) Spreading And Compaction: 1.00 1 Motorized Road Grader (140 Hp) G710a 1.00 1 Vibratory Roller (10mt), Sd100dc 0.25 1 Water Truck/pump (16000 L) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 105(3) Subgrade Preparation(unsuitable Material) Quantity 6,795.00 Sq.m Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph) 300 Sq.m 6,795.00 Sq.m Subgrade Preparation(unsuitable Material) Direct Cost: A. Materials: B. Manpower: Number Of Days/hours Number Of Person: 1.00 1 Construction Foreman 1.00 2 Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: C.1 Equipment Rental, Fuel & Oil 1.00 1 Motorized Road Grader (140 Hp) G710a 1.00 1 Vibratory Roller (10mt), Sd100dc 0.25 1 Water Truck/pump (16000 L) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 201.00 Aggregate Base Course Quantity 679.5 Cu.m Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph) 50 Cu.m 679.5 Cu.m Aggregate Base Course Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.15 Cu.m Aggregate Base Course Or Its Equivalent Filler Material For Correction Of Existing Grade (w/ 15% Shrinkage Factor) B. Manpower: Number Of Days/hours Number Of Person: 1.00 1 Construction Foreman 1.00 2 Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: C.1 Equipment Rental, Fuel & Oil 1.00 1 Unit Motorized Road Grader (140 Hp), 6710a 0.50 1 Unit Vibratory Roller (10 Mt), Sd 100 Dc 1.00 1 Unit Water Truck/pump (16000 L) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 311(1)a.2 Pcc Pavement (plain) - Conventional Method Quantity 270.4 Cu.m Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph) 80.5 Cu.m 270.4 Cu.m Pcc Pavement (plain) - Conventional Method Direct Cost: A. Materials: 0.39 Kg Reinforcing Steel Bar 0.29 L Curing Compound 0.12 L Asphalt Sealant 0.46 M Steel Forms (rental) 0.11 M3 Washed Sand 0.20 M3 Washed Gravel 1.90 Bag Portland Cement, Type 1 0.00015 Pc Concrete Saw (diamond Blade 14" Ø) 0.00860 M Pipe Sleeve, 1 1/2" Ø 0.00560 L Grease/tar B. Manpower: Number Of Days/hours Number Of Person: 1.00 1 Construction Foreman 1.00 4 Skilled Laborer 1.00 12 Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: C.1 Equipment Rental, Fuel & Oil 1.00 4 Transit Mixer (5cc) 1.00 2 Concrete Vibrator 1.00 1 Concrete Batch Plant (30cc) 1.00 1 Payloader (1.50cc) 1.00 1 Concrete Screeder (5.5 Hp) 1.00 1 Water Truck/pump (16000 L) 1.00 1 Concrete Saw (7.5hp), 14" Blade Ø 0.10 1 Bar Cutter, Single Phase Minor Tools (5% Of Labor) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 505(5) Grouted Riprap (class A) Quantity 362.4 Cu.m Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph) 1.25 Cu.m 362.4 Cu.m Grouted Riprap (class A) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 3.00 Bag Portland Cement, Type 1 0.25 M3 Washed Sand 0.02 M3 Gravel Fill 0.30 M Weep Holes (pvc) 0.02 Sq.m Filter Cloth 1.05 M3 Boulders (15kg-25kg) Miscellaneous (1% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Days/hours Number Of Person: 1.00 1 Construction Foreman 1.00 2 Skilled Laborer 1.00 8 Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: C.1 Equipment Rental, Fuel & Oil 1.00 1 One Bagger Mixer 0.05 1 Water Truck/pump (16000 L) Minor Tools (5% Of Labor) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax)
Closing Soon10 Mar 2025
Tender AmountPHP 7.9 Million (USD 137.8 K)

NTNU Tender

Electrical Goods and Equipments...+2Electrical Generators And Transformers, Electrical and Electronics
Details: Title: Frequency Transformers Transmission Electric Motor Framework Agreement description: The Aim Of The Procurement Is To Enter Into A Framework Agreement With A Tenderer For The Procurement Of High Quality Products On Competitive Terms Within A Sufficient Broad Product Selection Within The Categories Frequency Converters Transmission & Stores, Electric Motor, Rubber Products & Structural Plastic, Belts, Belts, Belts & Boss, And Machine Shoes &vibration Damping For The Delivery Of Urgent Deliveries With Short Deadlines In Acute Events, Within And Outside Of Core Time.
Closing Date19 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Sri Lanka Ports Authority Tender

Textile, Apparel and Footwear
Sri Lanka
Description: Shoe Assy (lower)
Closing Soon3 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Municipality Of Argao, Cebu Tender

Manpower Supply
Details: Description The Bids & Awards Committee (bac) Of Municipality Of Argao, Cebu, Invites All Interested Suppliers/manufacturers/distributors/contractors/consultants To Apply For Eligibility And To Submit Bids For The Following: B.9 Mobilization /demobilization Quantity 1.00 L.s. Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.00 Ls 1.00 L.s. Mobilization /demobilization Direct Cost: A. Materials: B. Manpower: C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 6.00 A. Backhoe (0.80 Mᶾ) 1.00 6.00 B. Dumptruck (12 Ydᶾ) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) B.5 Project Billboard/signboard Quantity 1.00 L.s. Dpwh Standard Output Per Day (opd)= 1.00 Ls 1.00 L.s. Project Billboard/signboard Direct Cost: A. Materials: 64.00 Sq.ft. A. Tarpaulin (4' X 8') 37.00 Bd.ft. B. Lumber Coco 1.00 Kg C. Common Nails Assorted 2.00 Sheets D. Plywood Marine (1/4" X 4' X 8') B. Manpower: Number Of Days 4.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 4.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 4.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) B.7(2) Occupational Safety And Health Program Quantity 1.00 L.s. Dpwh Standard Output Per Day (opd)= 1.00 L.s. 1.00 L.s. Occupational Safety And Health Program Direct Cost: A. Materials: Ppe 2769.00 Man-days A. Safety Helmet 2769.00 Man-days B. Safety Shoes 2769.00 Man-days C. Working Gloves 1.00 Set E. First Aid Kit B. Manpower: Number Of Days 15.00 1.00 A. Safety Practitioner/officer (part Time) C. Equipment And Water: Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) B.3 Permits And Clearances Quantity 1.00 L.s. Dpwh Standard Output Per Day (opd)= 1.00 L.s. 1.00 L.s. Permits And Clearances Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 L.s. Permits And Other Clearances - Building Permit Processing Fees Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 803(1)a Structure Excavation (common Soil) Quantity 25.92 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 20.00 M3 25.92 M3 Structure Excavation (common Soil) Direct Cost: A. Materials: B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 5.00 B. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Backhoe (0.80 Mᶾ) 1.00 2.00 B. Dumptruck (12 Ydᶾ) Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 804(1)a Embankment From Structure Excavation Quantity 25.92 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 9.84 M3 25.92 M3 Embankment From Structure Excavation Direct Cost: B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 5.00 B. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 0.75 A. Plate Compactor (5 Hp) 1.00 0.75 B. Backhoe (0.80 M3) Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 804(4) Gravel Bedding Quantity 6.01 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.20 M3 6.01 M3 Gravel Bedding Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.05 M3 A. Gravel Bedding (g1)(w/5% Shrinkage Factor) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 5.00 B. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 0.50 1.00 A. Plate Compactor (5 Hp) 0.00 0.00 Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 900(1)c2 " Structural Concrete (footing,tie Beam, Roof Beam Slab On Fill)" Quantity 18.43 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 0.36 M3 18.43 M3 " Structural Concrete (footing,tie Beam, Roof Beam Slab On Fill)" Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M3 A. Gravel 0.50 M3 B. Sand 9.10 Bags C. Portland Cement B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 8.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 15.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 2.00 A. One Bagger Mixer Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 900(1)c4 " Structural Concrete (columns)" Quantity 5.94 M3 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 0.36 M3 5.94 M3 " Structural Concrete (columns)" Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M3 A. Gravel 0.50 M3 B. Sand 9.10 Bags C. Portland Cement B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 4.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 8.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. One Bagger Mixer Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 902(1) " Reinforcing Steel Of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Grade-40" Quantity 3,135.93 Kg Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 143.44 Kg 3135.93 Kg " Reinforcing Steel Of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Grade-40" Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 Kg A. Deformed Reinforcing Steel - G40 0.02 Kg B. #16galvanized Iron Wire C. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 3.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 12.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 0.50 1.00 A. Bar Cutter 0.50 1.00 B. Bar Bender Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 903 (2) Formworks And Falseworks Quantity 69.50 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 3.24 M2 69.50 M2 Formworks And Falseworks Direct Cost: A. Materials: 0.35 Pcs A. Ordinary Plywood - 3 Uses 7.19 Bd Ft B. Good Lumber - 3 Use 0.21 Kg C. Assorted Common Wire Nail D. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours Installation 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 2.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 4.00 C. Unskilled Laborer Removal 0.41 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 0.41 6.00 B. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1046 100 Mm Chb Non Load Bearinglload Bearing (including Reinforcing Steel) Quantity 154.26 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 3.83 M2 154.26 M2 100 Mm Chb Non Load Bearinglload Bearing (including Reinforcing Steel) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 13.00 Pc A. 100 Mm Thk Chb (non-load Bearing) 0.53 Bag B. Cement 0.04 Cu.m C.sand 3.24 Kg D. Reinforcing Steel 0.05 Kg E. #16 Tie Wire B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 1.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. One-bagger Mixer Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1027(1) Cement Plaster Finish Quantity 308.52 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 7.13 M2 308.52 M2 Cement Plaster Finish Direct Cost: A. Materials: 0.33 Bag A. Cement 0.03 Cu.m B. Sand B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 2.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 4.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1047 (2)b Structural Steel (roof Truss & Member) Quantity 2,447.63 Kg Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 85.00 Kg 2447.63 Kg Structural Steel (roof Truss & Member) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 Kg A. Structural Steel (channel Bar A36) 0.01 Kg B. Acetylene 0.02 Kg C. Oxygen 0.02 Kg D. Welding Rod E. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours Fabrication 6.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 6.00 3.00 B. Skilled Laborer 6.00 8.00 C. Unskilled Laborer Erection 6.00 3.00 A. Skilled Laborer 6.00 5.00 B. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 4.00 1.00 A. Welding Machine 4.00 1.00 B. Cutting Outfit 4.00 1.00 C. Truck Mounted Crane (20-25 Mt) Minor Tools (10 % Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1047 (2)c Structural Steel Purlins Quantity 403.16 Kg Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 90.45 Kg 403.16 Kg Structural Steel Purlins Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.05 Kg A. Structural Steel Framing Including Cross 0.02 Kg B. Acetylene 0.00 0 C. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours Fabrication 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 3.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 5.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.00 2.00 A. Welding Machine Minor Tools (10 % Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1047 (7)b Metal Structure Accessories (sag Rods) Quantity 49.13 Kg Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 12.995 Kg 49.13 Kg Metal Structure Accessories (sag Rods) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.05 Kg A. Sag Rods With Nuts & Bolts B. Manpower: Number Of Hours Fabrication 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10 % Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1047 (4) Metal Structure Accessories (cross Bracing) Quantity 33.11 Kg Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 12.995 Kg 33.11 Kg Metal Structure Accessories (cross Bracing) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.05 Kg A. Cross Bracing B. Consumables (3% Of The Material Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours Fabrication 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10 % Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1047 (3)c Metal Structure Accessories (turnbuckle) Quantity 12.00 Each Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 Each 12.00 Each Metal Structure Accessories (turnbuckle) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.05 Kg A. Cross Bracing B. Consumables (3% Of The Material Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours Fabrication 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10 % Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1014.00 Prepainted Metal Sheets (rib Type, Long Span, 0.427 Mm Thk.) Quantity 89.64 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 2.769 M2 89.64 M2 Prepainted Metal Sheets (rib Type, Long Span, 0.427 Mm Thk.) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M A. Prepainted Metal Sheets (rib Type, Long Span, 0.427mm Thk. 10.00 Pc B. Tek Screw B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 3.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 6.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1013(1) Fabricated Metal Roofing Accessory (flashings& Metal Fascia) Quantity 44.20 M Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 10.600 M 44.20 M Fabricated Metal Roofing Accessory (flashings& Metal Fascia) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.05 M A. Flashings (bended) 1.05 M B.metal Fascia 19.00 Pc C. Blind Rivets D. Consumables (3% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1013(2)c Fabricated Metal Roofing Accessory (gutter) Quantity 17.30 M Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 11.800 M 17.30 M Fabricated Metal Roofing Accessory (gutter) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.05 M A. Gutter (0.4 Mm) 3.00 Pc B. 12" X 1" Plain Gi Strap 16.00 Pc C. Blind Rivets D. Consumables (3% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1013(2)a1 Fabricated Metal Roofing Accessory (ridge Roll) Quantity 6.80 M Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 11.800 M 6.80 M Fabricated Metal Roofing Accessory (ridge Roll) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.05 M A. Prepainted Ridge Roll, Ga. 24 (0.701mmx2.44mm) 19.00 Pc B. Blind Rivets 0.00 0 C. Consumables (3% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 1.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1038(1) " Reflective Insulation" Quantity 42.84 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 5.560 M2 42.84 M2 " Reflective Insulation" Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M2 A. Reflective Insulation B. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1003(1) 4.5mm Fiber Cement Board On Metal Frame Ceiling Quantity 42.84 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.243 M2 42.84 M2 4.5mm Fiber Cement Board On Metal Frame Ceiling Direct Cost: A. Materials: 0.37 Pc A. 4.5mm Fiber Cement Board 1.13 Pc B. Metal Furring 0.36 Pc C. Carrying Channel 1.00 Pc D. Hanger Bar/ Rods 6.00 Pc E. Channel Clip 0.24 Pc F. Wall Angle 14.00 Pc G. Rivets B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 3.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 5.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1003(1)e2 Metal Spandrel On Metal Frame Ceiling Quantity 18.00 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.243 M2 18.00 M2 Metal Spandrel On Metal Frame Ceiling Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.05 Sq.m A. Prepainted Ga. Sheet Spandrel 1.13 Pc B. Metal Furring 0.36 Pc C.carrying Channel 1.00 Pc D. Hanger Bar/rods 6.00 Pc E. Channel Clip 0.24 Pc F. Wall Angle 14.00 Pc G. Rivets 4.00 Pc H. Metal Screw 1" B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 1.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1008(1)a Aluminum Glass Window (sliding) Quantity 3.60 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 0.360 M2 3.60 M2 Aluminum Glass Window (sliding) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M2 A.aluminum Glass Window (sliding) B. Consumables (3% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1008(1)b Aluminum Glass Window (awning) Quantity 1.92 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 0.360 M2 1.92 M2 Aluminum Glass Window (awning) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M2 A.aluminum Glass Window (awning) B. Consumables (3% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 1.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1008(1)c Aluminum Glass Window (fixed) Quantity 0.36 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 0.360 M2 0.36 M2 Aluminum Glass Window (fixed) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M2 A.aluminum Glass Window (fixed) B. Consumables (3% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 1.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1004(2) Finishing Hardware Quantity 1.00 L.s Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 L.s 1.00 L.s Finishing Hardware Direct Cost: A. Materials: 6.00 Set A.door Locks (schlage Or Equivalent) 12.00 Pc B. Hinge (50mmx101mm) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours Labor Cost For This Items Are To Be Considered/included In The Installations Of Doors,windows & Other Fab. Materials Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1010 (4) Wooden Doors & Windows Quantity 1.00 L.s Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 L.s 1.00 L.s Wooden Doors & Windows Direct Cost: A. Materials: 4.00 Set A.door Jamb (d-1) (8 Sets) C. Consumables (5% Of The Material Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 2.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 2.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 2.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1010 (2)a Hollow Core Flush Door Quantity 3.57 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 0.320 M2 3.57 M2 Hollow Core Flush Door Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M2 A.holiow Core Flush Door B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 1.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1010 (2)b Door (wooden Panel) Quantity 7.14 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 0.360 M2 7.14 M2 Door (wooden Panel) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 M2 A.wooden Panel Door B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1100(10) Conduit Works, Boxes And Fittings Quantity 1.00 I.s. Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 I.s. 1.00 I.s. Conduit Works, Boxes And Fittings Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 Length A. 25 Mm Ø X 3.00 M Rsc Pipe 85.00 Length B. 15 Mm Ø X 3.00 Mm Pvc Pipes 12.00 Pcs C. 15mm Ø Pvc Coupling 35.00 Pcs D. 15mm Ø Pvc Elbow 25.00 Pcs E. Utility Box 30.00 Pcs F. Junction Box 1.00 Pcs G. 25mm Ø Entrance Cap 0.00 0 H. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 47.39 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 47.39 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 47.39 1.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1101(33) Wires And Wiring Devices Quantity 1.00 I.s. Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 I.s. 1.00 I.s. Wires And Wiring Devices Direct Cost: A. Materials: 250.00 M A.3.5 Mm2 Electric Wire Thhn 180.00 M B.5.5 Mm2 Electric Wire Thhn 35.00 M C. 8.00 Mm2 Electric Wire (thhn) 10.00 Set E. Two-gang Switch 16.00 Set G. Duplex Convenience Outlet H. Consumables (3% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 28.05 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 28.05 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 28.05 1.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10 % Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1102(1) Panel Board With Main Breaker/branches, 3 Wires, 1 Neutral, 50 Amp - 200 Amp Quantity 1.00 Set Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 Set 1.00 Set Panel Board With Main Breaker/branches, 3 Wires, 1 Neutral, 50 Amp - 200 Amp Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 Set A. Panel Board With Main Breaker And 8 Branches 50 Amp - 200 Amp 2.00 Pcs B. 60 Amp. Plug-in Breaker 4.00 Pcs B. 30 Amp. Plug-in Breaker 4.00 Pcs B. 20 Amp. Plug-in Breaker 4.00 Pcs B. 15 Amp. Plug-in Breaker 0.00 0 B. Consumables (3% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 5.50 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 5.50 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 5.50 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1103(1) Lighting Fixtures Quantity 1.00 I.s. Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 I.s. 1.00 I.s. Lighting Fixtures Direct Cost: A. Materials: 46.00 Set A. 1-18 Watts Downlight/pinlight,recessed Type 1.00 Units B. Emergency Lamp (twin Head) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 20.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 20.00 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 20.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10 % Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1032(1)c Painting Works (metal Painting) Quantity 55.90 M2 Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 2.000 M2 55.90 M2 Painting Works (metal Painting) Direct Cost: A. Materials: 0.05 Gal A. Red Oxide Primer 0.10 Gal B. Enamel Paint 0.25 L C. Paint Thinner 0.00 0 D. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 1.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 1.00 2.00 B. Skilled Laborer 1.00 3.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1002(5)c Water Closet With Complete Accessories Quantity 2.00 Set Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 Set 2.00 Set Water Closet With Complete Accessories Direct Cost: A. Materials: 2.00 Set A. Water Closet With Complete Accessories B. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 2.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 2.00 2.00 B. Skilled Laborer 2.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1002(5)d Floor Drain Plates Quantity 4.00 Set Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 Set 4.00 Set Floor Drain Plates Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 Set A. Floor Drain Plate B. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 0.40 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 0.40 1.00 B. Skilled Laborer 0.40 1.00 C. Unskilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1002(5)g Bidet/ Faucet Quantity 3.00 Pc Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 Pc 3.00 Pc Bidet/ Faucet Direct Cost: A. Materials: 1.00 Set A. Bidet/ Faucet B. Consumables (5% Of Materials Cost) B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 0.40 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 0.40 2.00 B. Skilled Laborer C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1001(9) Storm Drainage, Sewer Lines, Downspout & Water Line Quantity 1.00 L.s Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 L.s 1.00 L.s Storm Drainage, Sewer Lines, Downspout & Water Line Direct Cost: A. Materials: 3.00 Length 4" Dia. Pvc Pipes S-1000 7.00 Length 3" Dia. Pvc Pipes S-1000 4.00 Length 2" Dia. Pvc Pipes S-1000 2.00 Pc .pvc Wye #4 4.00 Pc Pvc Elbow #4x90 Deg 3.00 Pc Pvc Elbow #4x45 Deg 1.00 Pc Pvc Tee Reducer 4x2 1.00 Pc Pvc Cleanout #4 4.00 Pc Pvc Elbow #2 2.00 Pc Pvc Tee #4 11.00 Pc Pvc Wye #3 5.00 Pc Pvc Elbow #3x90 Deg 13.00 Pc Pvc Elbow #3x45 Deg 4.00 Pc Pvc Bell Reducer #3x2 1.00 Pc Pvc Tee Reducer #3x2 2.00 Pc Pvc Clean Out #3 13.00 Pc Pvc Elbow #2x90 Deg 1.00 Pc Pvc Tee #2 4.00 Pc Ppr Pipe #1/2 2.00 Pc Ppr Female Coupling 1/2 12.00 Pc Ppr Elbow Adaptor 1/2 7.00 Pc Ppr Tee 1/2 2.00 Pc Ppr Ball Valve 1/2 5.00 Pc Ppr Female Elbow Adaptor 1/2 4.00 Pc K. Dome Type Roof Drain With Strainer B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 20.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 20.00 1.00 B. Skilled Worker 20.00 2.00 C. Unskilled Worker C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax) 1001(11) Septic Vault Quantity 1.00 L.s Dpwh Standard Output Per Hour (oph)= 1.000 L.s 1.00 L.s Septic Vault Direct Cost: A. Materials: Structural Concrete 27.00 Bag A. Portland 2.87 Cu.m B. Sand 1.43 Cu.m C. Gravel Reinforcements 281.27 Kg D. 12mm Dia. Reinforcing Bars (grade 40) 25.02 Kg E. 10mm Dia. Reinforcing Bars (grade 60) 4.59 Kg F. Gi Tie Wire #16 Masonry Works 237.00 Pc J. Chb 4" Thk. Load Bearing 15.00 Bag K. Portland Cement 1.09 Cu.m L. Sand 88.13 Kg M. 12mm Dia. Reinforcing Bars (grade 40) 4.41 Kg N. Gi Tie Wire #16 B. Manpower: Number Of Hours 20.00 1.00 A. Construction Foreman 20.00 2.00 B. Skilled Worker 20.00 3.00 C. Unskilled Worker C. Equipment And Water: Number Of Hours 1.07 1.00 A. One Bagger Mixer 1.07 1.00 B. Bar Cutter 1.07 1.00 C. Bar Bender 0.86 1.00 D. Concrete Vibrator Minor Tools (10% Of Labor Cost) Indirect Cost Contractor's Profit Overhead, Contingencies And Miscellaneous (ocm) Expenses Tax (vat/withholding Tax)
Closing Soon10 Mar 2025
Tender AmountPHP 2.9 Million (USD 51.7 K)

Municipality Of Tiaong, Quezon Tender

Solar Installation and Products...+1Electrical and Electronics
Details: Description Item 103 Excavation Quantity: 63.00 Cu.m. Labor: 5 Laborer 15 Day Item 900 Structural Concrete Quantity: 103.32 Cu.m. Materials: Portland Cement 775.00 Bag(s) Sand 68.00 Cu.m Crushed Gravel (g-1) 104.00 Cu.m 12 Mmø Rsb X 6m 630.00 Pc(s) 10 Mmø Rsb X 6m 788.00 Pc(s) Tie Wire # 16 15.00 Kg(s) C W N # Asstd 15.00 Kg(s) Ord. Plywood # 1/4 X 4 X 8 65.00 Pc(s) Coco Lumber ( 2 X 2 X 8 ) 350.00 Pc(s) Labor: 1 Construction Foreman 25.00 Day 7 Skilled Worker 25.00 Day 12 Laborer 25.00 Day Item 1047 Structural Steel(steel Post & Solar Panel) Quantity: 315 Pcs Materials: Tapered Pole With Single Arm( 4in-2in 1.5 M Single Arm) L = 5m 315.00 Pcs Split Solar Streetlights 500watts (see Attached Specs) 315.00 Pcs Steel Round Solid Bar Metal Rod (6mmx100mm) 630.00 Pcs Welding Rod 25.00 Kg Anchor Bolt/nut ( 1/4 X 8 ) 1,260.00 Pcs Angle Bar ( 1 X 1 ) 1/4 157.50 Pcs Equipment Rental Boom Truck 2.5 Tons Lift Capacity 30.00 Days Labor 1 Construction Foreman 30.00 Day 8 Skilled Worker 30.00 Day 10 Laborer 30.00 Day Item 1032 Painting Works Quantity: 1.00 Lot Materials: Q D E Paint 15.00 Gals Flat Latex Paint 15.00 Gals Laquer Thinner 6.00 Gals Baby Roller 15.00 Pcs Paint Brush # 4 15.00 Pcs Labor: 2 Skilled Worker 15.00 Days 2 Laborer 15.00 Days Spl 1 Signages Quantity: 1.00 Lot Materials Metal Signages With Flat Bar Framing (400mmx250mm) 315.00 Pcs Metal Signages For Pedestal (5"x12") 315.00 Pcs Labor: 1 Construction Foreman 15.00 Days 3 Skilled Worker 15.00 Days 3 Laborer 15.00 Days Item 605 Project Signboard Quantity: 5.76 Sq.m Materials Tarpauline 8' X 8' 1.00 Pc Ordinary Plywood 1/4" 2.00 Pc(s) Cocolumber 2" X 3" X 12' 5.00 Pc(s) Assorted Nail 1.00 Kg Labor: 1 Skilled Worker 0.50 Days 2 Laborer 0.50 Days Spl 2 Construction Safety And Health Quantity: 1.00 Lot Materials Safety Helmet 10.00 Pc(s) Hand Gloves 10.00 Pair(s) Safety Shoes 10.00 Pair(s) Misc (medicine, Medicine Cabinet, Water, First Aid Kit) 1.00 Lot Cluster 3 Aquino - 20 Ayusan 1 - 89 Ayusan 2 - 26 Bula - 35 Bukal - 30 San Pedro - 47 Tamisian - 68
Closing Soon5 Mar 2025
Tender AmountPHP 8.4 Million (USD 145.4 K)
511-520 of 785 active Tenders