Corrective Maintenance Service for the Infrastructure of the I-2 Huancacarpa Health Establishment, Jurisdiction of the Morropón Huancabamba Health Sub-Region.
Corrective Maintenance Service for the Infrastructure of the I-2 Sol Sol Health Establishment, Jurisdiction of the Morropón Huancabamba Health Sub-Region.
Corrective Maintenance Service for the Infrastructure of the I-1 Cajas Shapaya Health Post, Jurisdiction of the Morropón Huancabamba Health Sub-Region.
Corrective Maintenance Service for the Infrastructure of the I-1 Mayland Health Post, Lalaquiz District, Huancabamba Province, Piura Department, Jurisdiction of the Morropón Huancabamba Health Sub Region.
Corrective Maintenance Service for the Infrastructure of the I-2 Juzgara Health Establishment, Jurisdiction of the Morropón Huancabamba Health Sub-Region.
Contracting of the Printing Service in General, Which Will Be Used in the Care of the Sis-Insured Population, in the Institutions Providing Health Services of the Jurisdiction of the Morropón Huancabamba Health Sub-Region.
Contracting of the Comprehensive Cleaning and Cleaning Service for the Facilities of the I-4 San Miguel De El Faique Health Establishment of the Morropón Huancabamba Sub Regional Health Directorate.
Corrective Maintenance Service of the Infrastructure of the I-2 Callancas Health Establishment, Jurisdiction of the Morropón Huancabamba Health Subregion.
Corrective Maintenance Service of the Infrastructure of the I-1 El Hualquiro Health Establishment, Jurisdiction of the Morropón Huancabamba Health Subregion.