Tenders of Region Syddanmark
Tenders of Region Syddanmark
Region Syddanmark - DENMARK Tender
The Region of Southern Denmark ("Client") must, in accordance with the Soil Pollution Act (see Consolidated Act No. 282 of 27 March 2017), map contaminated properties. In this connection, a number of initial soil pollution surveys must be carried out in the Region of Southern Denmark for the purpose of determining which properties are contaminated to such an extent that they must be mapped. As a result of the above, the Client wishes to obtain offers for technical and professional assistance to carry out these initial surveys at potentially contaminated locations. The surveys are carried out in batches and may consist of different types of locations, such as car repair shops, trucking companies, blacksmith and machine shops, garden centres, dry cleaners and tanneries. The locations are continuously mapped at knowledge level 1, and therefore not all locations are known at this time. Some of the locations must be investigated because the activities may pose a risk to the use of the property as a residence. The majority of these investigations must, based on the landowner's request, be investigated within one year. Other locations must be investigated because they are located in an area with special drinking water interests, within a catchment area for a waterworks or within the buffer zone for surface water. The investigations will generally include the preparation of investigation proposals, site inspections, field work in the form of drilling, geological description, soil and water sampling, pore air measurements and indoor air measurements. Finally, a report must be prepared that, among other things, contains a risk assessment in relation to indoor air, land use and groundwater. A report template has been prepared by the client and is to be used. The laboratory work is not included in the tender, as the consultant must use the client's current/current laboratory agreements. The client is offering 5 parallel framework agreements (partial agreements), where the allocation of specific tasks is done using a cascade model without reopening the competition.
Closing Date15 Apr 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Region Syddanmark - DENMARK Tender
Civil And Construction...+3Others, Civil Works Others, Machinery and Tools
The tendered task includes the planning/design, production, delivery, installation and commissioning of an automated warehouse system. The plant supplied under the tendered contract must meet...
Closing Date21 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Region Syddanmark - DENMARK Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
The tender, which is being carried out as a public tender in accordance with the rules in Sections 56-57 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, concerns total consultancy in all phases of construction, as described in more detail in the tender documents. Overall O...
Closing Date14 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Region Syddanmark - DENMARK Tender
Others...+2Civil And Construction, Civil Works Others
The Region of Southern Denmark has decided that the 2020 Mineral Resources Plan will be revised. The region expects to call for ideas and proposals for the plan's content in the first quarter of 2025. Next phase in the work on the new ...
Closing Soon11 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
1-10 of 14 active Tenders