Tenders of Randers Kommune

Tenders of Randers Kommune

Randers Kommune - DENMARK Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Closing Date25 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
The tender for this framework agreement covers the purchase, delivery and establishment of underground waste containers for the Municipality of Randers. The agreement consists of an initial order for the delivery and establishment of a minimum of one (1) new waste station consisting of four (4) underground waste containers in the year 2025 located in the center of Randers. In addition, during the remaining period of the agreement, there is an expectation of the establishment of a further four (4) new waste stations in the center of Randers as well as the replacement of two (2) older existing waste stations also in the center of Randers. During the remaining part of the agreement period, the Municipality of Randers will also be able to make purchases under the framework agreement in connection with the establishment of new waste stations at locations not yet known or the replacement of other older existing waste stations in the Municipality of Randers. The Tenderer shall plan, organise and carry out the establishment at specified locations in the Municipality of Randers and shall submit unit prices for the complete establishments with all elements for a complete establishment. A location (waste station) consists of four (4) buried waste containers with one (1) two-part and three (3) undivided 5-5½ M3 waste containers for the storage of the household collected waste fractions. Randers Municipality expects to establish a separate solution for citizens' disposal of batteries and small electronics, which is not included in this agreement, but if it is not possible to establish a separate solution at certain locations, Randers Municipality wishes to be able to establish two-part buried waste containers that can accept batteries and small electronics, which is why prices must be given for two (2) types of two-part buried waste containers. Reference is also made to the tender documents for a more detailed description of the tendered tasks.

Randers Kommune - DENMARK Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Closing Date25 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Denmark – Refuse Skips – Udbud Af Rammeaftale På Indkøb, Levering Og Etablering Af Nedgravede Affaldsbeholdere Til Randers Kommune

Randers Kommune - DENMARK Tender

Closing Date17 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
4 Main Contracts With Salting, Combined Driving And Snow Removal On Class I Roads With Truck With 2 Trucks In Each Contract. 8 Main Contracts With Salting, Combined Driving And Snow Removal On Class Ii Roads...

Randers Kommune - DENMARK Tender

Closing Date17 Mar 2025
Tender AmountDKK 20 Million (USD 2.8 Million)
Denmark – Ice-clearing Services – Vintertjeneste På Kørebane - 2025 - 2029