Tenders of Province Of Mazowieckie
Tenders of Province Of Mazowieckie
Province Of Mazowieckie Tender
Other Consultancy Services...+1Consultancy Services
Poland – Research Services – Przeprowadzenie Badania I Opracowanie Raportu „analiza Potencjału Sektora B+r W Województwie Mazowieckim” W Ramach Projektu Współfinansowanego Ze Środków Programu Operacyjnego Fundusze Europejskie Dla Mazowsza 2021-2027
Closing Date21 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Province Of Mazowieckie Tender
Poland – Postal Services – Świadczenie Usług Pocztowych W Obrocie Krajowym I Zagranicznym W Zakresie Przyjmowania, Przemieszczania I Doręczania Przesyłek Pocztowych Oraz Ewentualnych Ich Zwrotów W Rozumieniu Ustawy Z Dnia 23 Listopada 2012 R. Prawo Pocztowe (dz. U. 2023 R. Poz. 1640) Na Rzecz Wojewódzkich Samorządowych Jednostek Organizacyjnych, Dla Których Realizowane Jest Zamówienie.
Closing Date10 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Province Of Mazowieckie Tender
Education And Training Services
Announcement of the Intention to Conclude a Service Agreement Provision of Services After Completion of the Project "Integrated Development of Vocational Education" Aiming at Maintaining and Developing Cooperation with Vocational Education Institutions in the Masovian Voivodeship
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Province Of Mazowieckie Tender
As a result of the Progress of Dostawa's Succession of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Government of the Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unitary Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unity Unit
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA
1-10 of 13 active Tenders