Tenders of Pohjois Karjalan Hankintatoimi
Tenders of Pohjois Karjalan Hankintatoimi
Pohjois Karjalan Hankintatoimi Tender
Northern Karelia The acquista procedure extends to You to submit an application for infringement to the Dynamic Procurement System for the use of the Book Majls, Nu.s and Multimedia recordings for the contract period 17. 17.2020 – 31.12.2023. In the conclusion of the application for participation, the Editors Kesken will deposit the Book Matls, Nuots and Multimedia Records. The \r\n\ndynamic Purchase System includes the Joensuu Regional Library (cities of the River and Outokumpu and the municipalities of the Contiolahti, Liper and Polvijän, municipalities of Heinäveen, Ilomants, Juuan, Rä.lä, Tohmajä. and Valtimo municipalities and the towns of Lieksa and Nurmes, and Karelia Akorttttsi are located in Finland.
Closing Date31 Dec 2025
Tender AmountNA
1-10 of 11 active Tenders