Purchase of Toys and Supplies for the Activity "Awakening Smiles 2024" - Jungle Refining (Item Package Consisting of 4 Sub Items) - Purchase of Toys and Supplies for the Activity "Awakening Smiles 2024" - Jungle Refining
Safety Condition Monitoring Service for 17 Onp Automatic Locking Valves for 365 Days - Safety Condition Monitoring Service for 17 Onp Automatic Locking Valves for 365 Days
Structural Combat Suits for Firefighters - Acquisition of Emergency Response Equipment and Accessories for Emergency Brigades in Processing and Auxiliary Units of the Talara Refinery
Acquisition of Galvanic Barrier, Insulated Barrier and Cables for Talara Refinery - Acquisition of Galvanic Barrier, Insulated Barrier and Cables for Talara Refinery
Service for changing a 36-inch diameter pipe section at the emergency line at km 395+531 of the Onp - Service for changing a 36-inch diameter pipe section at the emergency line at km 395+531 of the Onp