Paint Tenders
Paint Tenders
National Road and Highway Directorate Tender
Closing Date18 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Description: I. Subject of the Procedure: 1. Description of the Subject of the Order: Painting Suit. The assortment must meet the following requirements: Be new and free from defects, original. 3. Shelf Life: According to the Regulations; 4. Bid Evaluation Criterion: Price 100% Ii. Order Completion Terms: 1. Completion Date: 7 Business Days; 2. Completion Hours – 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.; 3. Rules for Delivery and Unloading of Goods: In accordance with the Regulations; 4. Place of Delivery: Koleje Wielkopolskie Sp. Z o. o., Ul. Kolejowa 4-8 Zbąszynek, the Contractor, no later than 12 hours before commencing the execution of the order, is obliged to confirm the delivery date of the goods, including the delivery time. 5. Delivery method: One-time delivery, Price should include the cost of delivery and unloading, 6. Payment date: In accordance with the Regulations: (payment deadline 30 days from the invoice issuance) The Buyer accepts the issuance and delivery of electronic invoices by the Seller, in accordance with Art. 106n of the Act Of March 11, 2004 on Tax on Goods and Services (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2022, item 931, as amended; hereinafter referred to as the "VAT Act"). When issuing an electronic invoice, the Seller is obliged to prepare it in PDF format. In the case of issuing an electronic invoice, the Seller is obliged to deliver it to the Buyer to the e-mail address: 7. Warranty Terms: In accordance with the Regulations; 8. Deadline for Removing Defects Under the Warranty: In accordance with the Regulations; 9. Contractual Penalties: Pursuant to § 7 of the General Terms and Conditions, (the ordering party informs that the penalties referred to in § 7.1. A) of the General Terms and Conditions will be charged in the event of the Supplier's delay of more than 5 business days. Additionally, § 7 Section is excluded. 1 Pt. C) Owd). III. Course of the Proceedings: The Ordering Party informs that the Proceedings are conducted in two stages: A) 1st Stage - Submitting Offers, B) 2nd Stage - Electronic Bidding - The bidding will start automatically after the end of the 1st Stage and will last 15 minutes and extra time - a sub-stage of the 2nd Stage, which The Terms are Described in Full in the Conduct Setting on the Shopping Platform. Each Overtime Lasts 3 Minutes - It is triggered if another Bid (bid) is correctly submitted within the last 3 minutes of the proceedings. Contractors Accepted by the Ordering Party, who do not submit their offers correctly at the Bid Submission Stage (1st Stage), will be automatically excluded from further stages of the procedure. The Ordering Party grants approval for the execution of the order by placing information on the selection of the most advantageous offer on the Purchasing Platform. At the moment referred to in the previous sentence, the Order is awarded. The Ordering Party is entitled to withdraw from awarding the order at any time. IV. Contractor's declarations: The Ordering Party informs that participation in the proceedings in question is tantamount to submitting the following declarations: 1. I declare that I have fulfilled the information obligations provided for in Art. 13 or Art. 14 of the GDPR*) towards natural persons from whom I obtained personal data directly or indirectly For the purpose of applying for a public procurement contract in this Proceedings. *Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) ) (Journal of Laws of the EU L 119 of 04/05/2016, Page 1). 2. I declare that I consent to the processing of my personal data voluntarily provided by me to the Ordering Party. Information Clause Pursuant to Art. 13 of the GDPR - It was posted on the Eb2b Shopping Platform in the "Information obligation" tab. 3. I declare that the Price Offer was submitted on the Purchasing Platform by a Person Authorized to Represent the Contractor. 4. I declare that the Order in question will be performed by Contractors not subject to exclusion pursuant to Article 5k of Council Regulation (EU) No. 833/2014 of 31 July 2014 concerning restrictive measures in connection with Russia's actions destabilizing the situation in Ukraine (consolidated text U. E. L. Z 2014 No. 229, P. 1, AS AMENDED) And Pursuant to Art. 7 Para. 1 of the Act of April 13, 2022 on Special Solutions for Counteracting Support for Aggression Against Ukraine and for the Protection of National Security (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2023, item 129, as amended) V. Additional information: Proceedings underway In accordance with the provisions of § 25 of the Regulations for Awarding Sub-Threshold Sectoral Orders, available to contractors on the Ordering Party's website: The General Terms and Conditions of Delivery of Koleje Wielkopolskie Sp. apply to the proceedings in question. Z O. Available on the Ordering Party's website Information Clause Pursuant to Art. 13 of the GDPR - It was posted on the Eb2b Shopping Platform in the "Information obligation" tab. Contact Person for the Ordering Party - Monika Kruszwicka 667 313 233 Please direct any questions regarding the procedure via the Purchasing Platform. Technical Support can be obtained by calling the telephone number located in the footer at the bottom of the page. Pursuant to Art. 7 Para. 1 of the Act of April 13, 2022 on Special Solutions for Counteracting Support for Aggression Against Ukraine and for the Protection of National Security (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2023, item 129, as amended; hereinafter referred to as the "Sanctions Act"), The following Contractor is excluded from this Public Procurement Procedure: 1) listed in the lists specified in Council Regulation (EC) No. 765/2006 of 18 May 2006 concerning restrictive measures in connection with the situation in Belarus (OJ L 134 of 20/05/2006, page 1, as amended; hereinafter referred to as "Regulation 765/2006") and Council Regulation (EU) No. 269/2014 of 17 March 2014 concerning restrictive measures in relation to activities undermining the integrity Territorial, Sovereignty and Independence of Ukraine or Threaten Thereto (Journal of Laws of the EU L 78 of 17/03/2014, P. 6, as amended; hereinafter referred to as "Regulation 269/2014") or Entered on the List Based on the Entry Decision On the List Determining the Application of the Measure Referred to in Article 1(3) of the Sanctions Act; 2) Whose Real Beneficiary within the meaning of the Act of March 1, 2018 on Counteracting Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing (Journal of Laws of 2022, items 593, 655, 835, 2180 and 2185) is the person mentioned in the lists specified in Regulation 765/2006 and Regulation 269/2014 Either entered on the list or being such a beneficial owner as of February 24, 2022, provided that it was entered on the list on the basis of a decision on entry on the list deciding on the application of the measure referred to in Art. .1 Point 3 of the Sanctions Act; 3) Whose Parent Undertaking Pursuant to Art. 3(3) 1 point 37 of the Act of 29 September 1994 on Accounting (Journal of Laws of 2021, items 217, 2105 and 2106 and of 2022, item 1488), is an entity listed in the lists specified in Regulation 765/2006 I of Regulation 269/2014 Or Entered on the List or Being Such a Parent Entity as of February 24, 2022, provided that it was entered on the list on the basis of a decision on entry on the list deciding on the application of the measure referred to in Art. 1 point 3 Sanctions Act. Pursuant to Article 5k of Council Regulation (EU) No. 833/2014 of 31 July 2014 concerning restrictive measures in connection with Russia's actions destabilizing the situation in Ukraine (Journal of Laws of the EU L. of 2014 No. 229, Page 1, as amended; hereinafter referred to as "Regulation 833/2014"), the Contractor is excluded from this Public Procurement Procedure: 1) a Russian citizen, a natural person residing in Russia or a legal person, entity or body with its registered office in Russia; 2) A legal person, entity or body whose ownership rights, directly or indirectly, belong to more than 50% of Russian citizens or natural persons residing in Russia or legal persons, entities or bodies with their registered office in Russia; 3) A natural or legal person, entity or body acting on behalf of or under the direction of the entity referred to in point 1) or 2) of this Section, and using subcontractors, suppliers or entities on whose capabilities it relies (if applicable), belonging to To one of the above categories of entities, if they account for more than 10% of the order value.
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Closing Date18 Mar 2025
Tender AmountPHP 2.2 Million (USD 39.7 K)
Details: Description Invitation To Bid For The Contract Package For The Construction Of Multi-purpose Agricultural Activity Hall, Barangay Sawat, Tagudin, Ilocos Sur 1. The Local Government Unit Of Tagudin, Ilocos Sur, Thru Its Bids And Awards Committee Intends To Apply The Sum Of Two Million Two Hundred Seventy Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Pesos & 25/100 (php2,277,870.25) Being The Approved Budget For The Contract (abc) Through Ra 7171 Municipal Share, Special Budget No. 6, Appropriation Ordinance No. 20, Series Of 2024 To Payments Under The Contract For The Contract Package For The Construction Of Multi-purpose Agricultural Activity Hall, Barangay Sawat, Tagudin, Ilocos Sur, Contract No. Infr-2025-12. Bids Received In Excess Of The Abc Shall Be Automatically Rejected At Bid Opening. 2. The Local Government Unit Of Tagudin, Ilocos Sur Now Invites Bids For The: Item No. Description Qty Unit Contract Duration B.9 Mobilization And Demobilization L.s. L.s. 77 C.d. Spl. Item I. Doors, Windows And Railings L.s. L.s. Spl. Item Ii: Ceiling Works 201.30 Sq.m. Spl. Item Iii: Tile Works 161.68 Sq.m. Spl. Item Iv: Plumbing Works L.s. L.s. Spl. Item V: Roofing Side Cover L.s. L.s. Spl. Item Vi: Painting Works 705.00 Sq.m. Spl. Item Vii: Signage L.s. L.s. Spl. Item Viii: Electrical Works L.s. L.s. Item B7: Occupational Safety & Health Program L.s. L.s. Item B5: Project Billboard L.s. L.s. ***refer To Program Of Works *** Bidders Should Have Completed, For The Past Five (5) Years From The Date Of Submission And Receipt Of Bids, A Contract Similar To The Project. The Description Of An Eligible Bidder Is Contained In The Bidding Documents, Particularly, In General Conditions Of Contract. 3. Bidding Will Be Conducted Through Open Competitive Bidding Procedures Using Non-discretionary “pass/fail” Criterion As Specified In The 2016 Revised Implementing Rules And Regulations (irr) Of Republic Act 9184 (ra 9184), Otherwise Known As The “government Procurement Reform Act.” Bidding Is Restricted To Filipino Citizens/sole Proprietorships, Cooperatives, And Partnerships Or Organizations With At Least Seventy Five Percent (75%) Interest Or Outstanding Capital Stock Belonging To Citizens Of The Philippines. 4. Interested Bidders Shall Obtain Further Information From The Bac Secretariat Of The Local Government Unit Of Tagudin, Ilocos Sur And Inspect The Bidding Documents At The Address Given Below From 8:00 A.m. To 5:00 P.m. Monday - Friday. 5. A Complete Set Of Bidding Documents May Be Acquired By Interested Bidders On February 26-march 18, 2025 From The Address Below And Upon Payment Of The Applicable Fee For The Bidding Documents, Pursuant To The Latest Guidelines Issued By The Gppb, In The Amount Of Php5,000.00. It May Also Be Downloaded Free Of Charge From The Website Of The Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (philgeps) Provided That Bidders Shall Pay The Applicable Fee For The Bidding Documents Not Later Than The Submission Of Their Bids. 6. The Local Government Unit Of Tagudin, Ilocos Sur Will Hold A Pre-bid Conference On March 5, 2025 @ 1:00 P.m. At The 3rd Floor, Pimentel Room, Tagudin Town Hall, Rizal, Tagudin, Ilocos Sur Which Shall Be Open To All Prospective Bidders. 7. Bids Must Be Duly Received By The Bac Secretariat At The Address Below On Or Before March 18, 2025 @ 1:00 P.m. All Bids Must Be Accompanied By A Bid Security In Any Of The Acceptable Forms And In The Amount Stated In Itb Clause 18. Bid Opening Shall Be On March 18, 2025 @ 1:00 P.m. At The 3rd Floor, Pimentel Room, Tagudin Town Hall, Rizal, Tagudin, Ilocos Sur. Bids Will Be Opened In The Presence Of The Bidders’ Representatives Who Choose To Attend At The Address Below. Late Bids Shall Not Be Accepted. 8. The Local Government Unit Of Tagudin, Ilocos Sur Reserves The Right To Reject Any And All Bids, Declare A Failure Of Bidding, Or Not Award The Contract At Any Time Prior To Contract Award In Accordance With Section 41 Of Ra 9184 And Its Irr, Without Thereby Incurring Any Liability To The Affected Bidder Or Bidders. 9. For Further Information, Please Refer To: Loriefel T. Leal Head, Bac Secretariat Local Government Unit, Rizal, Tagudin, Ilocos Sur Tel. No. (077) 652 1740, Fax No. (077) 652 1167 Email Add: (sgd)enp. Fredie A. Vedania, Ph.d., Dba Bac Vice Chairman Posted At Philgeps, Lgu Website And At 3 Conspicuous Places (municipal Hall, Mun. Auditorium And Yellow Market) Dated Published: February 26-march 4, 2025
Clemson University Tender
Paints and Enamels
United States
Closing Date11 May 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Description: Paint And Drywall Services Contract
Clemson University Tender
Paints and Enamels
United States
Closing Date11 May 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Description: Paint And Drywall Services Contract
Fuente De Cantos Town Hall Tender
Civil And Construction...+3Paints and Enamels, Civil Works Others, Building Construction
Closing Date8 Apr 2025
Tender AmountEUR 1.8 Million (USD 1.9 Million)
Description: Exterior Facade Painting in the Reform Project of the Silo Building for the Creation of the Camino de Santiago Museum
Town Of Garrett Park Md Tender
Paints and Enamels
United States
Closing Date8 May 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Description: Rfp2023-5 Municipal Facility Exterior Painting
4911-4920 of 5016 active Tenders