Tenders of Offizielle Bezeichnung Der Magistrat Der Stadt Maintal

Tenders of Offizielle Bezeichnung Der Magistrat Der Stadt Maintal

Offizielle Bezeichnung Der Magistrat Der Stadt Maintal Tender

Civil And Construction...+3Others, Consultancy Services, Civil And Architectural Services
Closing Date25 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Restricted tender with competition for participation (service) Carrying out a feasibility study for Bahnhofstrasse / Backesweg in Maintal-Dörnigheim as part of the funding program for growth and sustainable renewal. In 2018, the city of Maintal was one of several municipalities in Hesse to be included in the federal-state funding program “Growth and Sustainable Renewal”, previously known as “Future Urban Green”. The funding area is located in Maintal-Dörnigheim and includes the banks of the Main, the adjacent town center, and the main road axes heading north as far as Maintal Ostbahnhof, which also includes this. The funding program primarily aims to specifically upgrade, adapt, and expand urban areas, settlements, and infrastructure. The focus is on the creation of high-quality green and blue infrastructure that promotes both health protection and offers sustainable living spaces. Particular attention is paid to social justice and ecological responsibility through measures for inclusion and integration as well as through adaptation to demographic change. The individual measures for the sustainable upgrading and redesign of public spaces in the Maintal-Dörnigheim funding area are listed in the Integrated Urban Development Concept (ISBEK). The city of Maintal intends not only to upgrade the open spaces and public spaces, but also to promote the sustainable improvement of the transport infrastructure. The aim is to implement future-oriented and environmentally friendly transport planning that contributes to the quality of life and attractiveness of the district. This tender is intended to commission a planning office to carry out the individual measure 1.4 "Feasibility study Bahnhofstrasse / Backesweg" planned in Isbek. The study is intended to determine the feasibility and potential of the two traffic axes in the funding area and forms the basis for individual measure 7.2, which envisages a "redesign of Bahnhofstrasse and Backesweg". Further planning for the redesign will be based on the study. Current situation: South of Maintal Ost station, Bahnhofstrasse splits into two streets of almost equal importance. Bahnhofstrasse and Backesweg are main and collector roads and form central and continuous connections between the banks of the Main and the center of Dörnigheim as well as Maintal Ost station and the Hochstadt district. They connect the widening gap between Berliner Strasse and Kennedystrasse (l 3268) and shorten the routes in the subordinate network. This consists largely of area-wide 30 km/h zones as well as deliberately used traffic-calmed areas and a 20 km/h zone in the old town. Bahnhofstrasse and Backesweg take on different functions in Dörnigheim's transport network - also historically grown. Bahnhofstrasse is the city's grown axis. Historically, it connects Maintal Ost station with the old town area, and currently with the business area around Kennedystrasse. The expanded business area can therefore also be found here. Bahnhofstrasse is characterized by residential buildings; this is also reflected in the stationary traffic, which plays a significant role in today's streetscape. In addition, there are neither cycle paths nor trees along the road here. Backesweg is now the city's traffic axis, which also connects the station with Kennedystrasse. The central business area of Kennedystrasse is largely left out. A striking feature here is the routing of the two city bus routes 22 and 23 in Backesweg, which open up the district in terms of local public transport. In Backesweg there are often trees that are damaged on one side and the tree disks are too small between existing parallel parking spaces. Due to the relatively large distances, the trees appear isolated and scattered and cannot form a coherent and distinct spatial edge. The cycle path runs on one side on a footpath that is clearly too narrow for the separate use of cyclists and pedestrians according to the signs (remaining footpath width less than 1.0 m). At the Bahnhofstrasse / Backesweg intersection, the right-of-way rule is on the Bahnhofstrasse. The traffic on Backesweg, including the bus routes, is connected to a secondary route. With regard to the driving geometry of the buses (sliding curves) and the volumes and flows of traffic, this is a scenario that needs to be reconsidered. There is also a clear need for improvement in terms of the cycling infrastructure on both streets. In the integrated transport development plan for the city of Maintal (ivep 2017), the streets of Backesweg and Bahnhofstrasse, which lie within the funding area, are designated as important inner-city cycle routes. Two possible variants for changing the future traffic routing are presented. Variant 1 envisages the conversion of both streets into one-way streets. The changed routing reduces the required road width and creates space for greening measures and marked protective strips for cyclists. Variant 2 envisages the retention of the existing routing in two-way traffic with cycle protection strips in Backesweg. Bahnhofstrasse, however, is designated as a 30 km/h zone. Due to the narrow cross-section, cyclists would have to use the road space without protective strips. Both variants can only be understood as initial reorganization approaches and require in-depth studies on consequences and feasibility. Greening measures through street trees in public spaces or other greening measures are not addressed in either variant. Additionally, the MKK's bicycle traffic concept must be taken into account as a third option at: https://rv-k.de/mkk/radverkehrskonzept/final/webgis.html Objectives and fields of action: The feasibility study examines and specifies the two alternative proposals for redesign from the IVEP 2017 as well as the proposal of the MKK's bicycle traffic concept. The aim of the study is to identify options for greening public roads and improving the conditions of use for pedestrians and cyclists that can be implemented as cost-effectively as possible, and to present alternative solutions in a comparable manner. It is foreseeable that greening measures and additional space for pedestrians and cyclists will only be possible at the expense of space currently used by motor vehicles (roadway or parking spaces). The functional and design benefits associated with a redesign must be presented clearly and comprehensibly (e.g. using plans, perspective sketches, reference images, etc.). The noticeable gains in greenery, space for non-motorized traffic, quality of stay and atmosphere must clearly outweigh the "losses" in space for motor vehicles. The street spaces must become significantly more attractive for non-motorized users as a result of the proposed changes (possibly also in specific areas). Improving the crossing options over Kennedystrasse is part of the study. The proposed improvement measures in the street space, from Kennedystrasse in the south to Maintal Ost station in the north - including the intersection of the two streets, should be implemented as cost-effectively as possible. Greening measures should be planned in both streets. In view of the often very emotional public discussions on traffic issues, public relations work and participation in the measures are of fundamental strategic importance. Since the interests of the immediate residents and the overall city users of the two streets are probably different, public relations work and participation should relate to both residents and the overall city citizens and their important interest groups. As a basis for public relations and participation, the consequences of different planning approaches should be presented as clearly as possible. For the feasibility study and the redesign of Bahnhofstrasse and Backesweg, we plan to actively involve our local partnership and the public. In the first phase of the study, which focuses on analysis, in particular, great importance is attached to involving the public in order to obtain a comprehensive picture of opinions. The exact procedures of the participation process, including the question of which actors should be involved, will be discussed and determined within the project team. Process phases of the feasibility study: The feasibility study is divided into the following process phases: 1. Traffic/needs analysis and goal definition 2. Development of 3 concepts (traffic + greening) based on the two variants in the IVEP 2017 and the MKK cycling concept 3. Economic and cost analysis of the 3 concepts 4. Recommendation of a concept for implementation/final report The service description is described on pages 6 to 25 of the tender. The tender conditions can be found from page 26 ff.