Tenders of Offizielle Bezeichnung Der Gemeindevorstand Der Gemeinde Jesberg

Tenders of Offizielle Bezeichnung Der Gemeindevorstand Der Gemeinde Jesberg

Offizielle Bezeichnung Der Gemeindevorstand Der Gemeinde Jesberg Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Public tender Vob/a Barrier-free expansion of the Jesberg bus stop - Steig A Approx. 110 m³ of soil removed from excavation routes / loaded and recycled Approx. 60 m³ of soil improvement delivered and installed ... Barrier-free expansion of the Jesberg bus stop - Steig A Approx. 110 m³ of soil removed from excavation routes / loaded and recycled Approx. 60 m³ of soil improvement delivered and installed Approx. 300 tonnes of frost protection material in the roadway and sidewalks / ancillary facilities delivered and installed Approx. 450 m² of concrete paving stones in sidewalks / ancillary areas delivered and installed Approx. 110 m of on-board facilities in various formats delivered and installed Approx. 12 pieces of lighting equipment provided / moved / set up by Ag including cable trenches etc. 1 piece of new waiting shelter including furniture + bicycle shelter
Closing Date9 Apr 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents