Tenders of National Thermal Power Corporation Limited
Tenders of National Thermal Power Corporation Limited
National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - NTPC Tender
Closing Date2 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
CATEGORY: PR_100247994_M1985313200_ADAPTER SLEEVE_Item-
10_Schedule-1 , PR_100247994_M1985032200_ADAPTER
SLEEVE_Item-20_Schedule-2 ,
PR_100247994_M1985031025_ADAPTER SLEEVE_Item-
30_Schedule-3 , PR_100247994_M1985313805_ADAPTER
SLEEVE_Item-40_Schedule-4 ,
PR_100247994_M1985314000_ADAPTER SLEEVE_Item-
50_Schedule-5 , PR_100247994_M1985556425_ADAPTER
SLEEVE_Item-60_Schedule-6 ,
PR_100247994_M1985313400_ADAPTER SLEEVE_Item-
70_Schedule-7 , PR_100247994_M1985031100_ADAPTER
SLEEVE_Item-80_Schedule-8 ,
PR_100247994_M1985995389_ADAPTER SLEEVE_Item-
90_Schedule-9 , PR_100247994_M1985312800_ADAPTER
SLEEVE_Item-100_Schedule-10 ,
PR_100247994_M1985314800_ADAPTER SLEEVE_Item-
110_Schedule-11 , PR_100247994_M1985031800_ADAPTER
SLEEVE_Item-120_Schedule-12 ,
PR_100247994_M1985031525_ADAPTER SLEEVE_Item-
130_Schedule-13 , PR_100247994_M1985555625_ADAPTER
SLEEVE_Item-140_Schedule-14 ,
PR_100247994_M1985303200_ADAPTER SLEEVE_Item-
150_Schedule-15 , PR_100247994_M1985031890_ADAPTER
National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - NTPC Tender
Closing Date6 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
CATEGORY: 100249074 - 10 - M1613331203 - PIPE BLK,IS1239-1
HEAVY,ERW,PL,15MM , 100249074 - 20 - M1613332003 -
PIPE BLK,IS1239-1 HEAVY,25MM , 100249074 - 30 -
M1613332703 - PIPE BLK,IS1239-1 HEAVY,ERW,PL,40MM ,
100249074 - 40 - M1613333303 - PIPE BLK,IS1239-1
HEAVY,ERW,PL,50MM , 100249074 - 50 - M1613333703 -
PIPE BLK,IS1239-1 HEAVY,ERW,PL,65MM , 100249074 - 60 -
M1613334203 - PIPE BLK,IS1239-1 HEAVY,80MM ,
100249074 - 70 - M1613336003 - PIPE BLK,IS1239-1
HEAVY,ERW,BE,150MM , 100249074 - 80 - M1613334802 -
PIPE BLK,IS1239-1 MEDIUM,ERW,PL,100MM , 100249074 -
90 - M1616324340 - PIPE IS 1239-1
National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - NTPC Tender
Machinery and Tools
Closing Soon28 Dec 2024
Tender AmountRefer Documents
CATEGORY: Schedule_ 1_ 100244920_ item 10_ M1878270944_ VV,
BTFL: WFR, CI, FG260, PN16, 100MM, MAN , Schedule 2_
100244920_ item 20_ M1878270952_ VV, BTFL: WFR,
IS13095, CI, FG260, PN16, 150MM , Schedule 3_
100244920_ item 30_ M1878170660_ VV, BTFL: IS13095,
FLG, CI, FG260, PN10, 250MM , Schedule 4_ 100244920_
item 40_ M1878120212_ VV, BTFL: IS13095, FLG, CI, FG200,
PN10, 150MM
1251-1260 of 1300 active Tenders