Tenders of Municipality Ostroda
Tenders of Municipality Ostroda
Municipality Ostroda Tender
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
The construction of the I Wyposaowana Musi S fulfills the Minimal Examination of the Wg Przepisów Oraz, along with the Excluding In Poniższe Opisie: - Act of "prawo O Movement" (U. Z 2021 R. 450, Zóźna). Zm., Wraz Z Przepisami Wykonawczymi Doy. - Regulation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs I Administration on 20 June 2007 R. In the case of the Office of Public Security of the Protection of Health I Życia Oraz Mienia, A Także Principles of Tych Wyrobów Dopużytowanie (U. Z., No. 143, Poz. 1002, Zm.), - Regulation of Ministers: Internal Affairs: Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Education (U. Z., March 22, 2019). In the case of Special Interviews, the Interior Security Agency, the Interior Intelligence Agency, the Military Intelligence Service, the Military Intelligence Service, the Central Military Intelligence Office, the Central Antykoruptial Office, the Border Service of the State, the Administration of the Treasury, the Office of the Office of the Office of the Ministry of Public Security, the Security, the Ministry of the Security, 594th Guard, the State Security of State, the State Security of the State. Norm: Pn-en 1846-1 I Pn-en 1846-2. Musi's vehicle has an important Świadectwo Dopument Dopużytkowanie Wie przeciwpożarowej Na Terenie Polski Wydane, The Minister of Internal Affairs I Administracji z dnia 20 Czerarz 2007 R. In the case of the Distribution of Public Health Protection of I Życia Oraz, A Także Szkoła Wydawania Tych Wyrobów Dopużytowanie (U. Z. 143, Poz. 1002, Zm.) Z. In the Celu Werification - The Truth of the Officers. Musi Być Oznakowana Numerami Operacyjny Krajy 09 Marca 2021 R. In the case of the Gospodarka Transport Unity of the State Fire Department, the Executive Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Directorate of the "Op Przybroda" Oraz Wykona I headquarters at the Logo Project of Doansowcy. Operating with Logo Zostan Dostared by the Umowy Post. The Executive Office of the Ogluena Poang (Accords I Skośne Na Roletach Boowie Zabudowy - Folia Odblaskow) According to Ze Wzorem Ustalonym Na Etapie Realization. In addition, the Executive Officer of the Life" Na Tylny Żaluzji Oraz Na Blenda, "The Anti-Semiter of the Samochodu. Zostan Na Etapie Realization. The Technical Rescription No. 1 Do Swz
Closing Soon7 Mar 2025
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