Tenders of Municipality Of Yauli Huancavelica

Tenders of Municipality Of Yauli Huancavelica

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Tenders of Municipality Of Yauli Huancavelica

Municipality of Yauli Huancavelica Tender

Civil And Construction
Hiring of the Construction Consulting Service for the Preparation of the Technical Construction File: Improvement and Expansion of the Secondary Education Services Daniel Hernandez of the Populated Center of Paltamachay of the District of Yauli Province of Huancavelica -Province of Huancavelica
Closing Date28 Nov 2023
Tender AmountPEN 180 K (USD 48.1 K)

Municipality of Yauli Huancavelica Tender

Hiring of Construction Consulting Service for the Supervision of the Execution of the Work: Improvement and Expansion of the Primary Education Services of Ie No. 36118 in the Population Center of Ambato of the District of Yauli Province of Huancavelica Department of Huancavelica
Closing Date29 Nov 2023
Tender AmountPEN 104.6 K (USD 28.2 K)

Municipality of Yauli Huancavelica Tender

Contracting of Work Execution: Improvement and Expansion of the Primary Education Services of Ie No. 36118 in the Population Center of Ambato of the Yauli District, Province of Huancavelica, Department of Huancavelica.
Closing Date20 Nov 2023
Tender AmountPEN 4.5 Million (USD 1.2 Million)

Municipality of Yauli Huancavelica Tender

Acquisition of Hojuelas De Avena, Quinua and Kiwicha X 680 Gr, Precocida Fortified with Vitamins and Minerals for the Milk Vaso Program of the District Municipality of Yauli, Correspondant to Fiscal Exercise 2023. - Acquisition of Hojuelas De Avena, Quinua and Kiwicha X 680 Gr, Precocida Fortified with Vitamins and Minerals for the Milk Vaso Program of the District Municipality of Yauli, Correspondiente al Exercise Fiscal 2023
Closing Date18 Apr 2023
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Municipality of Yauli Huancavelica Tender

Contracting for the execution of the work: improvement of the vehicular and pedestrian traffic of Jr. Jose Olaya and Zanjon Street in the Florida neighborhood of the town of Yauli in the district of Yauli, province of Huancavelica, department of Huancavelica?
Closing Date31 Jul 2023
Tender AmountPEN 1.6 Million (USD 435.2 K)