Tenders of Municipality Of Cluj Napoca

Tenders of Municipality Of Cluj Napoca

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Tenders of Municipality Of Cluj Napoca
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Tenders of Municipality Of Cluj Napoca
Romania-cluj-napoca: Consultative Engineering And Construction Services

Closing Date

31 Dec 2023

Tender Amount

RON 1.8 Million (USD 421.7 K)
Romania, Romania
SF development services for the investment objective - Retechnology of the thermal energy production, transport and distribution process in SACET Cluj-Napoca, in order to increase energy efficiency and reduce

Closing Date

26 Sep 2022

Tender Amount

Refer Documents 
Romania-cluj-napoca: Cadastral Surveying Services

Closing Date

18 Nov 2023

Tender Amount

RON 412.5 K (USD 90 K)
Others...+1Agriculture or Forestry Works
Romania-cluj-napoca: Tree-cutting Services

Closing Date

25 Nov 2023

Tender Amount

RON 2.5 Million (USD 560.3 K)