Ministry Of Home Affairs Tender
INR 12,700 (USD 147)
Colostomy Bag 25 Cm X 14cm,endotracheal Tube Plain Without Cuffed 2.0,endotracheal Tube Plain Witho CATEGORY: Colostomy bag 25 cm x 14cm , Endotracheal tube plain without cuffed 2.0 , Endotracheal tube plain without cuffed 2.5 , Endotracheal tube plain without cuffed 3.0 , Endotracheal tube plain without cuffed 3.5 , Endotracheal tube plain without cuffed 4.0 , Endotracheal tube plain without cuffed 4.5 , Endotracheal tube plain without cuffed 5.5 , Endotracheal tube with cuffed 6.5 , Endotracheal tube with cuffed 7.0 , Endotracheal tube with cuffed 7.5 , Endotracheal tube with cuffed 8.0 , I V Extension tube 50cm , I V Cannula sterilized 24g with pore , I V Extension tube 10cm , POP Bandage 1 , POP Bandage 2 , POP Bandage 3 , Sterilized disposable Needle size 18g , Sterilized disposable Needle size 20g , Sterilized disposable Needle size 22g , Sterilized disposable Needle size 23g , Sterilized disposable Needle size 24g , Sterilized disposable Needle size 26g , Suction Catheter Sterile No 10 , Suction Catheter Sterile No 12 , Suction Catheter Sterile No 16 , Tracheosotomy Tube 7.5 , Tracheosotomy Tube 8 , Tracheosotomy Tube 8.5 , Urine Bag sterilize disposable with urometer hourly measurement , Infant Feeding tube Sterile size 04 , Crescent Blade , Adhesive Dressing Bandages , Bandage roll gauze -1 , Bandage roll gauze -2 , Adhesive tape hospital economy , Ear Bud Swabs , Gudal Air Way No.1 , Gudal Air Way No.2 , Gudal Air Way No.3 , Guedal Airway No. 0 , Liga Clipe Size. 400 , Macintosh sheet in double color with cloth impression , Male Incontinence Device - Condom Catheter , Micro I V Set , Scalp Vein No. 22 , Scalp Vein No.23 , Scalp Vein No.24 , Soff roll 10cm X 3mtr , Gamji Pad 15cm X 15cm , Gamji Roll 15cm , ECG paper Roll for 9108 BPL , Merocel Nasal Packs 8cm
Tender Id
GEM/2023/B/3647286Bid Award Id
ViewTender No
GEM/2023/B/3647286Tender Authority
Ministry Of Home Affairs ViewPurchaser Address