Poland – Miscellaneous Furniture – Dostawa Mebli Do Internatów I Kwater Internatowych Znajdujących Się W Rejonie Działania Oddziału Regionalnego Amw W Bydgoszczy.
Tender Notice for Construction Works Repair of External Staircase Cladding in the Building of the Military Property Agency, Regional Branch in Gdynia, ul. Curie-skłodowskiej 19
Renovation of the parking lot surface, garbage shelter, external lighting together with accompanying works in the Garrison Dormitory in Bartoszyce at ul. Wojska Polskiego 2.
Tender Notice for Construction Works Renovation of Parking Surface, Garbage Shelter, External Lighting Together with Accompanying Works at the Garrison Dormitory in Bartoszyce at ul. Wojska Polskiego 2.