Manpower Tenders
Manpower Tenders
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti - NVS Tender
Manpower Supply
Description: CATEGORY: Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled;
Graduate; Admin , Manpower Outsourcing Services -
Minimum wage - Skilled; ITI; Others , Manpower Outsourcing
Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled; High School; Others ,
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage -
Unskilled; 8th; Others , Manpower Outsourcing Services -
Minimum wage - Skilled; High School; Others , Manpower
Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled; Not
Required; Others
Closing Soon28 Dec 2024
Tender AmountINR 3.1 Million (USD 37 K)
Directorate Of Urban Local Bodies Tender
Manpower Supply
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Description: CATEGORY: Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Highly-
Skilled; Graduate; Admin , Manpower Outsourcing Services -
Minimum wage - Skilled; ITI; Others , Manpower Outsourcing
Services - Minimum wage - Skilled; High School; Others ,
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled;
Secondary School; Admin , Manpower Outsourcing Services
- Minimum wage - Unskilled; Not Required; Admin ,
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage -
Unskilled; Not Required; Others
Closing Soon27 Dec 2024
Tender AmountINR 15.5 Million (USD 182.3 K)
Coal Mines Provident Fund Organisation - CMPFO Tender
Manpower Supply
Description: CATEGORY: Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage -
Unskilled; Not Required; Others , Manpower Outsourcing
Services - Minimum wage - Skilled; 10TH OR ITI; Others ,
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled;
Secondary School; Others , Manpower Outsourcing Services
- Minimum wage - Skilled; UNDER MATRICULATE; Others ,
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled;
ITI; Others , Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum
wage - Skilled; 10TH; Others
Closing Date10 Jan 2025
Tender AmountINR 50.9 Million (USD 598.4 K)
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited - HPCL Tender
Manpower Supply
Description: CATEGORY: Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled;
Secondary School; Admin , Manpower Outsourcing Services
- Minimum wage - Semi-skilled; High School; Admin ,
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage -
Unskilled; Not Required; Admin , Manpower Outsourcing
Services - Man-days based - Admin; Unskilled; HIRE EXTRA
Closing Date3 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Tobacco Board Tender
Manpower Supply
Description: CATEGORY: Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled;
Graduate; Admin , Manpower Outsourcing Services -
Minimum wage - Skilled; Graduate; Finance/Accounts ,
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled;
Diploma; Admin , Manpower Outsourcing Services -
Minimum wage - Highly-Skilled; Graduate; Admin ,
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage -
Unskilled; Not Required; Admin
Closing Soon30 Dec 2024
Tender AmountINR 49.1 Million (USD 577.8 K)
Directorate Of Urban Local Bodies Tender
Manpower Supply
Description: CATEGORY: Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled;
Graduate; Admin , Manpower Outsourcing Services -
Minimum wage - Skilled; High School; Others , Manpower
Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled; ITI; Others ,
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Semi-
skilled; Not Required; Others , Manpower Outsourcing
Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled; Not Required; Others
Closing Soon26 Dec 2024
Tender AmountINR 43.5 Million (USD 511.3 K)
Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited - UPPCL Tender
Manpower Supply
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Description: CATEGORY: Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration -
Admin; Senior Data Analyst; Post Graduate , Manpower
Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration - Admin; Data
Analyst; Graduate , Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed
Remuneration - Admin; Programmer; Graduate , Manpower
Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration - Admin;
Assistant Programmer; Graduate , Manpower Outsourcing
Services - Fixed Remuneration - Admin; Fire Officer;
Graduate , Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed
Remuneration - Admin; Computer Operator Grade A;
Graduate , Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed
Remuneration - Admin; Computer Operator; Graduate ,
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration -
Admin; Kushal Shramik Carpenter or Plumber or computer
Technician and Etc; High School , Manpower Outsourcing
Services - Fixed Remuneration - Admin; Office Helper; High
School , Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed
Remuneration - Admin; Firemen; Secondary School ,
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration -
Office; Driver - LMV; High School
Closing Soon28 Dec 2024
Tender AmountINR 140.9 Million (USD 1.6 Million)
Centre Of Biomedical Research - CBMR Tender
Manpower Supply
Corrigendum : Tender Amount Updated
Description: CATEGORY: Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration -
Non-IT Technical; Civil Engineer; Diploma , Manpower
Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration - Healthcare;
Lab. Technician; Graduate , Manpower Outsourcing Services
- Fixed Remuneration - Admin; Store Keeper; Graduate ,
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration -
Admin; Librarian; Graduate , Manpower Outsourcing
Services - Fixed Remuneration - Others; Electrician; ITI ,
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration -
Admin; Office Helper; Graduate , Manpower Outsourcing
Services - Fixed Remuneration - Others; Attendant; High
School , Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed
Remuneration - Others; Mali/Gardner Helper; Basic
knowledge of Gardening , Manpower Outsourcing Services -
Fixed Remuneration - Cook; Cook; High School
Closing Soon2 Jan 2025
Tender AmountINR 4.8 Million (USD 57.5 K)
Social Justice And Empowerment Department Tender
Manpower Supply
Description: CATEGORY: Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled;
Graduate; Admin , Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimu
wage - Skilled; High School; Others , Manpower Outsourcing
Services - Minimum wage - Skilled; High School; Admin ,
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled;
Graduate; Healthcare , Manpower Outsourcing Services -
Minimum wage - Skilled; High School; Healthcare , Manpower
Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled; Law Graduat
Others , Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage -
Skilled; Graduate; Others , Manpower Outsourcing Services -
Minimum wage - Skilled; BE in Computer Science Engineering
or MCA PGDCA A level DOE accredited Curse; Others ,
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled;
Diploma; Others
Closing Soon27 Dec 2024
Tender AmountRefer Documents
41-50 of 2291 active Tenders