Tenders of Lodz City Hall

Tenders of Lodz City Hall

Lodz City Hall Tender

Consultancy Services
Announcement of the Intention to Conclude a Service Agreement for the Purchase of Rights to Use the Concept and Brand "Open Eyes Economy" (license) for the purpose of organizing the International Culture Congress of the Regenerative City in Łódź on May 14-15, 2024...
Closing DateNA
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Lodz City Hall Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Building Construction
Łódź City Hall
Closing DateNA
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Lodz City Hall Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Building Construction
Łódź City Hall
Closing DateNA
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Lodz City Hall Tender

Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Announcement of the intention to conclude a Supply Agreement for the sale of heat in hot water supplied from the heating network to heating nodes No. 0009494 and 0013778 in the swimming pool building at ul. Sobolowa 1
Closing DateNA
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Lodz City Hall Tender

Announcement of Intent to Conclude an Agreement for the Provision of Technical Support Services for the Application for Managing Notarial Deeds for 2024
Closing DateNA
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Lodz City Hall Tender

Łódź City Hall
Closing DateNA
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Lodz City Hall Tender

Urząd Miasta Łódź Łódź
Closing DateNA
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Lodz City Hall Tender

As a result of O Wyniku Postępowanie Usługi Przygot. Zabudowy,transport,montaż, I Bież. Stoiska Wystaw.-prom. O Pow. 24m2 Na Internationale Targi Tech. Web 2022 Response 1-4.11.2022 R. In Lisbon, Portugal
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Lodz City Hall Tender

"Poniku Proępowanie Roboty Budowylane Przebudowa Pergoli Pod Pnącza W Parku Im. J. Piłsudski w Łódź W Łódź W Łódź"
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Lodz City Hall Tender

The announcement of the Dostawa Zakup Zakup Pomocy for Children's Słabo Wiwidzych I Niewidomych Do: Rewalidacji Wzroku, Dydaktyczno-edukacji, Brajlowski, Sensornych Do: Rewalidacji Wzroku, Dydaktyczno-edukacji, Brajlowski, Sensortyczne, Sensorowski, Sensorowski, Sensorowski, Sensorowski, Sensorowski, Sensorowski, Sensorowski, Sensorowski, Sensorowski, Sensorowski, Sensorowski, Sensorowski, Sensorowski, Sensorowski, Sensorowski, Sensorowski, Sensory, Sens
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
11-20 of 33 active Tenders