Tenders of Kornyna Settlement Council
Tenders of Kornyna Settlement Council
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Tenders of Kornyna Settlement Council
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Tenders of Kornyna Settlement Council
Kornyna Settlement Council Tender
Closing Date2 Oct 2023
Tender AmountUAH 441.3 K (USD 12.1 K)
Dr. 021:2015 - 45310000-3 Electric Robothy
_ In Turbic Filj, the Cornincius of Corninciko, for the Gitomirsky District of Gitomirciko, the Oblasts for the Address: Ukraine, Gitomirsk Oblast, Gitomirski District, S. Turbivova, Vol. Tolkava, 2
In the Mohnazic Filh, the Corninci of the Cornincius Corninciu Korninciko, for the Gitomirsky District of Gitomirciko, the Olaststi Za Aresoy: Ukraine, Gitomirica Oblast, Gitomirov District.
Remote the Sistemi, Sigalizazi, to the Lisivskai Filii, Corninciu Korninciko, Seljno, for the Gitocirci District of Gitomirciko, Olasti Za Aresoya: Ukran, Gitomirica Oblast, Zhitomirci, Zhulitomiri.
Torque, 7