Kerala Water Authority Tender
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"A" Class Contractors of Kerala Water Authority.
Technical Capacity
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The required prior work experience for the bidder includes: * Worth minimum 40% cost of major civil component included in the particular tender for his Sole / Joint Venture / Partner of the Joint Venture within the last ten years.
* Annual escalation @ 5% (simple interest) will be allowed for the cost of works completed in the previous years.
* No experience is required for components in the scope of work of projects costing less than 10% of the Tendered PAC.
* Construction of Water Treatment Plant upto 5 MLD output capacity: Must have constructed a Water Treatment plant in the past with any technology for a minimum of 1 MLD output capacity.
* Construction of Water Treatment Plant above 5 MLD output capacity: Must have constructed a Water Treatment Plant in the past with any technology for a minimum of 40% output capacity subject to a maximum of 40MLD.
* Construction of water treatment Plant with modern technology: a) Must have constructed a Water Treatment Plant in the past with any Technology for minimum of 40% output capacity subject to a maximum of 40MLD. b) In addition to the above, Must have constructed a Water Treatment Plant in the past with similar Technology for minimum of 10% output capacity of the proposed treatment plant.
* Rehabilitation work of Water Treatment Plant: Must have constructed/rehabilitated Water Treatment Plant in the past with similar Technology for minimum of 25% output capacity.
* O&M work of Water Treatment Plant: The specific requirements are not mentioned in the given text. The required prior work experience for the bidder includes: * For Water Treatment Plant construction: - Minimum of 40% output capacity subject to a maximum of 40MLD for his sole/Joint Venture/ Partner of the Joint Venture. - Minimum of 10% output capacity of the proposed treatment plant for his sole/Joint Venture/Partner of the Joint Venture, if the bidder has experience in similar technology.
* For Rehabilitation work of Water Treatment Plant: - Minimum of 25% output capacity for his sole/Joint Venture/Partner of the Joint Venture.
* For O&M work of Water Treatment Plant: - Minimum of 25% output capacity for his sole/Joint Venture/Partner of the Joint Venture.
* For Construction of Sewage Treatment Plant upto 5 MLD capacity: - Minimum of 0.5 MLD capacity for his sole/Joint Venture/Partner of the joint Venture.
* For Construction of Sewage Treatment Plant of capacity above 5 MLD: - Minimum of 10% capacity for his sole/Joint Venture/Partner of the joint Venture.
* For Supplying and laying of Water Supply pipes upto and including 400mm diameter: - No experience is insisted upon.
* For Supplying and laying of Water Supply pipes above 400mm and up to and including 800mm diameter: - Experience will be insisted with respect to the highest diameter of the pipe in the scope of the work, subject to the general condition that no experience is required for components costing less than 10% of the Tendered PAC. - For works with the total length of laying greater than 1000m, the bidder must have supplied and laid a total of 1000m of 300mm or higher sized pipes of any material in the past in a single work for his sole/Joint Venture/Partner of Joint Venture. Value and percentage of similar works completed:
- Minimum of 40% output capacity subject to a maximum of 40MLD for Water Treatment Plant construction.
- Minimum of 10% output capacity of the proposed treatment plant for Water Treatment Plant construction with similar technology.
- Minimum of 25% output capacity for Rehabilitation work of Water Treatment Plant.
- Minimum of 25% output capacity for O&M work of Water Treatment Plant.
- Minimum of 0.5 MLD capacity for Construction of Sewage Treatment Plant upto 5 MLD capacity.
- Minimum of 10% capacity for Construction of Sewage Treatment Plant of capacity above 5 MLD.
- Minimum of 1000m of 300mm or higher sized pipes for Supplying and laying of Water Supply pipes above 400mm and up to and including 800mm diameter.
INR 2,00,000 (USD 2,313)
Re 77 Jjm Well Cum Pump House At Methipara And Ohsr At Methipara Wtp Site
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Tender Id
2025_KWA_742199_1Tender No
Re-77/2024-25/SE/PHC/MVPATender Authority
Kerala Water Authority ViewPurchaser Address
General conditions of E Tendering Process