Tenders of K Ge Vand A S
Tenders of K Ge Vand A S
K GE VAND A S Tender
Køge Vand A/s has decided to supply softer drinking water in Køge. After conducting a feasibility study and market research, it has been decided that the drinking water will be softened using the Carix method, which uses CO2 for softening. For this purpose, a building will be constructed to house the softening plant - this tender concerns this building. The building will be constructed as an independent extension to the waterworks at Vasebækvej 40, 4600 Køge on the southwestern part of the plot on part of the current parking lot. The building area is approximately 540 m² with a height of approximately 8.0 meters, a length of approximately 38.5 meters and a width of approximately 14.0 meters. The building is an integrated part of the waterworks function and will house the new softening plant with associated support functions. The building will therefore be a yellow hygiene zone, like the existing waterworks, and since access to the plant is direct from the outside, a hygiene lock will be necessary. In addition, a compressor room with access from the outside must be established, which can also function as a technical lock. In connection with the construction and civil engineering work, there must be cooperation and coordination with, among others, the supplier of the softening plant, which must be installed at the same time as the completion of the building. The tendered main contract includes options for “green concrete” and “green steel”, respectively. The tendered construction and civil engineering work is described in more detail in the tender materials, which are available on Dalux Tender: https://field.dalux.com/client/da-dk/public/tender/tid-40105
Closing Date1 Apr 2025
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