Italy Tenders

Italy Tenders

A O U Policlinico BARI Area Approvvigionamenti e Patrimonio Tender

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Preventive Request For Reliance of the Supply of the Active Principle Urapidil (chloride) Ev - Cig Z283617099

Regione Puglia Sezione Enti Locali Tender

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Telematic Open Procedure for Reliance of the Integrated Service of Information, Reception and First Information, Special Orientation, Training Starting, Supporting or Reinsertion Through Activation of internships, as well as Upgrade of Service Operators.

A O U Policlinico BARI Area Gestione Tecnica Tender

Closing DateNA
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Agreement Quadro Ai Sensi Art.54 of Legislative Decree 50/2016 E S.m.i. For Reparation, Supply, Installation And La Posa In Opera Complete And Perfectly Functioning Of Curtains (Varia Type E Measure) And/or Similar At the Hospitaller Universitaria Consorziale Policlinico di Bari. Cig: 91951383ec

Comune Di Ruvo Di Puglia Tender

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Procedure Negotiated Without Previous Publication Of A Race Ban For Reliance In Concession Of Comunal Areas For Installation of Five Automatic Distributors For Powerful Water Dispensing, Managed Through the Empulia Platform – Invitation. C.i.g. N. 9195207cda

ASL TA Area Gestione Patrimonio Tender

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Procedura Negoziata, Ai Sensi Dell’art. 63 Comma 2 Lett. B) N. 2) Del D.gls. 50/2016, Per L’affidamento Della Fornitura Di “vaccino Anti Herpes Zoster Ricombinante Adiuvato” Per Le Necessità Delle Aziende Ed Enti Del Servizio Sanitario Della Regione Puglia.

ASL BA Area Patrimonio Tender

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Procedure Negotiation Ex Artt. 63 Comma 2 Lett. B) Point 2 and 58 of Legislative Decree no. N° 50/2016 E S.m.i. For purchase, For a 36 month period, With Prorogation Options Of 12 months, Anticipated Salvo Convention Activation By the Subject Aggregater Innovapuglia Spa, of Chairs Chirurgici Di Varie Typologie To Satisfy the Esigenzes of the Nefro Urological Department

ASL BA Area Patrimonio Tender

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Procedura Negoziata, Tramite La Piattaforma Telematica Empulia, Ai Sensi Dell’art. 95, Comma 4, Lettera B) Del D. Lgs. 50/2016 E S.m.i, Per L’affidamento In 2 Lotti Indivisibili Della Fornitura Toner E Drum Compatibili Brother E Di Toner Compatibili Hp Laserjet. Smart Cig Z223613feb

ASL TA Area Gestione Patrimonio Tender

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Telematic Negotiation Procedure For Reliance of the Manual/Informatized Recovery Service of Approximately 4,000 Insurance Positions of Employees and Personnel Granted of Asl Ta and Recuperated Positions Analysis. Cig Z7235fef9c. Letter of Invitation

ASL BA P O Monopoli Tender

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Procedure Telematic Negotiation To the Sensi Art. 36, Co. 2 Lett. A) E Art. 58 of Legislative Decree 50/2016 S.m.i. For Supplies for Renting An Endoscopic Column For Necessities of Hospitality San Giacomo Di Monopoli(ba)

Comune Di Gravina In Puglia Tender

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Open Telematic Procedure For Reliance in the Concession Biennale of the Removal Service and Block of Vehicles with Relative Custody, On the Municipality of Gravina in Puglia. Cigzdf3426247 - Cpv 50118400-9
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