Tenders of Indian Navy
Tenders of Indian Navy
Indian Navy Tender
CATEGORY: Erba Mannheim serum glucose estimation kit model glucose
system pack 10 into 44 ml , Erba Mannheim serum
creatinine kit model xl creatinine enzymatic 5 into 30 ml 5
into 10 ml system pack , Erba Mannheim serum total
cholestrol kit model cholestrol 10 into 40 ml system pack ,
Erba Mannheim serum HDL Cholestrol Kit with calibrator
model direct HDL 4 INTO 30 ML 4 into 10 ml system pack ,
Erba Mannheim serum LDL Cholestrol with calibrator model
direct ldl 2 into 30 ml 2 into 10 ml xl system pack , Erba
Mannheim serum Triglyceride r1 5 into 44 ml R2 5 into 11
ml xl system pack , Erba Mannheim serum urea kit model
urea 5 into 44 ml 5 into 11 ml xl system pack , Erba
Mannheim serum bilirubin total kit model bilirubin total 6x44
ml 3 intio 22 ml xl system pack , Erba Mannheim serum sgot
hl kit model sgot hl 4 into 34 ml 4into 17 ml xl system pack ,
Erba Mannheim serum SGPT HL KIT MODEL sgpt hl 4 into 34
ml 4 into 17 ml xl system pack , Erba Mannheim serum uric
acid kit model uric acid 5 into 44 ml 5 into 11 ml xl system
pack , erba norm , erba path , erba auto-wash system pack ,
erba xl auto wash ac al kit , erba xl -multical , xl hba1c with
cell set 2 into 15 ml 2 into 5 ml
Closing Date15 Feb 2024
Tender AmountINR 154.5 K (USD 1.8 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
9881-9890 of 10000 archived Tenders