Tenders of Indian Navy
Tenders of Indian Navy
Indian Navy Tender
Corrigendum : Corrigendum Added
CATEGORY: Tri colour flags 5 ft X 2 ft , Plaque card for all Academies 2 ft
X 1ft , Banner for Bakhshi Cup 25 6 ft X 4 ft , Bakhshi Cup
logo Banner 6 ft X 4 ft , Ceremonial banner with frame 10 ft
X 6 ft , Services Academies combine banner with Bakhshi
Cup 25 logo with frame 8 ft X 5 ft , Volleyball metallic score
board with stand , Sticker for scoreboard with INA emblem ,
Team position board with stand , INA flag Knitted fabric
digital printing 6 ft X 4 ft , All Squadrons flag Knitted fabric
digital printing 6 ft X 4ft , 1st and 2nd flotilla flags knitted
fabric digital printing 6ft x 4ft , Back drop with Bakshi cup
25 logo with side banner and fixing 17 ft x 12ft , Double side
chest number with rope , VIP folder with INA logo , Medi
bibs , Red flag for Cross country 3 ft X 2 ft , Basketball pole
safe guard with INA emblem , Ice box , Ice pack , Repairing
of Rackets , GI Tricolour Flag base diameter 1.25 inch , GI
Sqn flag pole Height 6 Mtr Dia 4 inch with white colour spray
painted , SS Falg Poles Height 6 ft diameter 1.25 inch ,
Corner flag with base , Standees 5ft X 2ft , Google map with
stand 4ftX3ft , Tennis Tally Olympia Sporting , Canopy Size
6 ft X 3 ft , Black screen
Closing Date15 Jan 2025
Tender AmountINR 1.6 Million (USD 18.7 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Indian Navy Tender
Electronics Equipment...+1Electrical and Electronics
CATEGORY: EB9918V-012886 , EB9918V-014121 , EB9918V-058135 ,
EB9918V-058136 , EB9918V-059183 , EB9918V-059410-
225 , EB9918V-077239 , EB9918V-14720570 , EB9918V-
21753070 , EB9918V-37300880 , EB9918V-58036 ,
EB9918V-66-001-097 , EB9918V-N1315 , EB9918V-N28355-
1 , EB9918V-N28355-5 , EB9918V-N4101
Closing Date31 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Indian Navy Tender
CATEGORY: EE4050B-M-NY01-01-PT002-N , EE4050B-M-NY01-01-PT004-
N , EE4050B-M-NY01-01-PT024-N , EE4050B-M-NY01-01-
PT025-N , EE4050B-M-NY01-01-PT026-N , EE4050B-M-NY01-
01-PT027-N , EE4050B-M-NY01-01-PT030-N , EE4050B-M-
NY01-01-PT031-N , EE4050B-M-NY01-01-PT032-N ,
EE4050B-M-NY01-01-PT033-N , EE4050B-M-NY01-01-PT034-
N , EE4050B-S-NY01-01-PT003-N , EE4050B-S-NY01-01-
PT005-N , EE4050B-S-NY01-01-PT007-N , EE4050B-S-NY01-
01-PT008-N , EE4050B-S-NY01-01-PT009-N , EE4050B-S-
NY01-01-PT010-N , EE4050B-S-NY01-01-PT011-N ,
EE4050B-S-NY01-01-PT013-N , EE4050B-S-NY01-01-PT016-
N , EE4050B-S-NY01-01-PT017-N , EE4050B-S-NY01-01-
PT018-N , EE4050B-S-NY01-01-PT019-N , EE4050B-S-NY01-
01-PT021-N , EE4050B-S-NY01-01-PT022-N , EE4050B-S-
NY01-01-PT023-N , EE4050B-S-NY01-01-PT028-N ,
EE4050B-S-NY01-02-CONT04-N , EE4050B-S-NY01-02-
CONT05-N , EE4050B-S-NY01-02-CONT06-N , EE4050B-S-
NY01-02-CONT07-N , EE4050B-S-NY01-03-DISP-N ,
EE4050B-S-NY01-SPR020-N , EE4050B-S-NY01-SPR030-N ,
EE4050B-R-YJPLOT0001-N-NAV-S-PL , EE4050B-M-NY01-01-
Closing Date16 Jan 2025
Tender AmountINR 18.6 Million (USD 214.8 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
2601-2610 of 2828 archived Tenders