Tenders of Indian Council Of Agricultural Research
Tenders of Indian Council Of Agricultural Research
Indian Council Of Agricultural Research - ICAR Tender
Closing Soon18 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
CATEGORY: 50 bp DNA Ladder , TAE Buffer , RNA Stabilization Solution ,
N 3 Dimethylaminopropyl N ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride
, N Hydroxysulfosuccinimide sodium salt , Gold Chloride ,
Biotin , Latex beads, carboxylate modified polystyrene,
fluorescent red , Latex beads carboxylate modified
polystyrene fluorescent orange , Latex beads carboxylate-
modified polystyrene fluorescent yellow green , Sodium
Azide , Poly ethylene glycol , Desalting Column , Potassium
Phosphate Monobasic , Boric Acid , EDTA , Competent Cells
, Hematoxylin , Eosin , Sodium cacodylate , Glutaraldehyde
, Agarose Powder , High fidelity Hot Start PCR master mix ,
DNA ladder , EcoRI restriction enzyme , Hind III restriction
enzyme , Sal I restriction enzyme , Bam HI restriction
enzyme , LB Broth , LB agar , IPTG , Pre stained protein
ladder , Tris SDS Buffer , TEMED , Skim Milk Powder ,
Ammonium persulphate , Acrylamide Bis-acrylamide
solution , Laemmli Buffer , Tris base , Glycine , SDS , Ni NTA
agarose , Urea , Sodium phosphate monobasic , Transfer
buffer , Methanol , Tris buffered saline , TBST , Blocker for
western blotting , TMB substrate solution , Imidazole ,
Carbonate Bicarbonate Buffer , Sulphuric acid , Competent
E coli cells , TMB substrate , Acetic acid , Coomassie
brilliant blue G 250 , PCR Master Mix , Protease Inhibitor
Cocktail , SYTOX Green Nucleic Acid Stain , DNA Gel Stain ,
PCR Master Mix 2X Hotstart , Nucleic acid gel stain dye safe
, RNAse decontamination solution , Anhydrous denatured
Ethanol , Ethanol diluent for DNA extraction , SYBR Green
Master Mix for Real Time-PCR , Kanamycin sulphate ,
Ampicillin Sodium Salt , Chloramphenicol
361-370 of 367 active Tenders