Tenders of Higher Education Department
Tenders of Higher Education Department
Higher Education Department Tender
Agriculture or Forestry Works
Closing Date16 Sep 2024
Tender AmountRefer Documents
CATEGORY: Horticulture Service – Manpower Based Model - Maintenance
of Garden/Lawn/Field/Nursery/Park; General Maintenance of
Plant (Mowing, Strimming, Laying, Sweeping, Watering,
Weeding); Gardner (Mali)
Higher Education Department Tender
Machinery and Tools
Closing Date23 Oct 2024
Tender AmountINR 155.2 K (USD 1.8 K) This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
CATEGORY: 1 pnt 5 inch CPVC Pipe , 1 pont 5 inch CPVC Coupler , 1 pt 5
inch CPVC Tee , 1 piont 5 inch CPVC 90 degree Elbow ,
1point 5 inch CPVC 45 degree Elbow , 1 pnt 5 inch CPVC Ball
Valve , 1 pnt 5 inch x 1 pnt 25inch CPVC Reducer Coupler , 1
point 5 inch CPVC to UPVC Converter , 50Gm CPVC Solvent
Cement , 1 pint 5 inch Pipe Saddle
Higher Education Department Tender
Healthcare and Medicine
Closing Date9 Nov 2024
Tender AmountINR 304.6 K (USD 3.6 K) This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
CATEGORY: Tick, Mite , Skeletal muscle, Histological slides of blood , T.S
of Parathyroid, Thyroid, Pituitary, Pancreas , T.S of
mammalian Lung, Liver, Kidney, Duodenum , Gavialis,
Echidna, Macropus, Talpa, Armadillo, Manis , DNA double
helical structure , Prokaryotic cell, Eukaryotic cell,
Bacteriophage , T.S of Monocot Root, Stem, Leaf , T.S of
Dicot Root, Stem, Leaf , Plant Ovule, T.S. of Mature Anther ,
Graded bedding, Cross bedding, Ripple marks, Braided river,
Meandering river , Delta, Normal Fault and Reverse Fault,
,Graben and Horst, Anticline and Syncline Fold,
Unconformity models , Contact metamorphism model
models, Regional metamorphism model , Batholith, Lopolith,
Lacolith, Phacolith, Sill, Dyke , Hydrogen peroxide solution
H2O2 , Sulphuric acid conc. , Benzidine solution ,
Acetocarmine stain , 1-Naphthol solution , Fehlings solution
A , Fehlings solution B , Benedict reagent , Sodium
Hydroxide powder , Copper reagent , Ninhydrin solution ,
Nitric acid conc. , Dichlorophenolindophenopl DCPIP ,
Acetone , Methanol , Di ethyl ether , Petrolium ether ,
Cobalt chloride paper , pH paper , Whatmans Filter paper ,
Glacial acetic acid , Ethyl alcohol absolute , Saffranin red
stain , Fast green , Methyl Orange , Beaker , Test tubes ,
Cork borer , Cavity block , Watch glasses , Meter Rods ,
Separating funnel , Ganongs Respirometer , Pipettes , Test
tube holders , Spatula , Stalagmometer , Viscometer , China
dish , Titration flask , Iron stands , Measuring cylinder ,
Hand lenses , Field bag , Hammers -Rock Pick E3-14P , Grain
size scale Standard , Rocks and minerals test kit with Moho,
s hardness scale set , Mineral thin sections Polished sections
of ore minerals pack of 10 , Coal samples pack , Streak
plates standard size pack , Thin sections of microfossils
pack , Geophysical map of World , Tectonic map of India ,
Mineral map of India , Tectonic map of Himalaya , Seismic
map of India , Geological Time scale , Volvox vegetative ,
Volvox Reproductive , Chara vegetative , Chara
Reproductive , Vaucheria vegetative , Vaucheria ia
Reproductive , Ectocarpus Vegetative phase , Ectocarpus
Reproductive , Polysiphonia vegetative , Polysiphonia
Reproductive , Marchantia Vegetative phase , Anthoceros
Vegetative phase , Funaria Vegetative phase
4811-4820 of 4944 archived Tenders