Tenders of Higher Education Department
Tenders of Higher Education Department
Higher Education Department Tender
Electronics Equipment...+1Electrical and Electronics
Corrigendum : Corrigendum Added
CATEGORY: Arduino Mega , Arduino Uno , Respberry Pi 4 , Pi Display , Pi
camera , BMS , NodeMCU , ESP32 CAM Development Board
, Power Router , BeagleBone AI for Artificial Intelligence
based applications , Peripheral Sets for Arduino or NodeMCU
or Raspberry Pi , Oscilloscopes , Function Generator ,
Benchtop Multimeter , Non contact Voltage tester ,
Micrometer , Vernier Calliper Digital , Electronic Component
Repository , Hot Air Gun , Air Compressor silent , LED String
Light Making Machine , Circular saw , Bench drill machine ,
Bench drill machine Magnetic , Hand drill machine , Impact
Drill , Pnumatic Drill Machine , Jigsaw Machines , Bench
Grinder , Chopsaw , Table Saw , Laser cutting machine ,
Printer Vinyl cutter , Angle Grinder , Printer laser ,
Screwdriver set Powered , Wood Lathe , Mini Desktop Lathe
cum Milling , Scroll Saw Machine , Dremel Cordless Rotary
Tool , Belt and Disc Sanding Machine , Coil Winding Machine
Motorized , Nail machine , PCB Power Drilling Machine ,
Advanced Motorized Sewing Machine , Sheet cutter for
power tools , Variavle voltage Power Supply , Power
Adopters , Multiple Adopter , Smart AC Plug , Conference
Speaker , Sheet Cissor , Sheet cutter for machining and
fabrication tools , Screwdriver set , Tool Wall Covering
Perforator , End Cutting Mini Plier , Multi purpose Bent Nose
Plier , Ratchet Clamp , Needle Files , Pipe Vice , Dremel
Multi tool kit , Revet Gun , Electric Rivet Insert Nut Gun
Cordless Riveting Drill Adaptor Tool , Adjustable spanner ,
Micor Chisel Set , Baby Vice , Anvil , Wire stripper ,
Linesmans Pliers , Cutting Pliers , Fencing Pliers , Ironworker
Pliers Rebar Pliers , Locking Pliers , Ring spanner , Socket
spanner , Hook spanner , Radium Cutter Knives , Spirit Level
, Tap and die set , Height gauge , Magnifying Glass with
Stand 2 No , Digital Microscope , Digital Telescope ,
Measuring Tape , Measuring tape digital , techometer ,
Glass Cutter , Allen key , Tri square , Electric clamp meter ,
multimeter , Weighing scales , Welding consumables , Rust
remover spray , Acrylic Sheets , Foam Sheets , Aluminum
Channels , PCB Drill Bits , 3D Printer Filament , Thinner , PU
Paint , PU Primer , Wires , Pneumatic Pipes , Pneumatic
Fittings , Drill Bit set , Revet , Gypsum , C Clamp ,
Microware Portable scan , 3D Scanner CNC , Exhaust
portable , Slide changer , Carpentry Boring Bits , USB Cables
, LAN Cables , 9V Batteries , Tin Cutter With Spring , Cutting
Mats , Laser distance measurer , Flashlights , Gas Welding ,
Adjustablet wrench head , Trolley , Card machine ,
Rechargeable Lithium Ion Battery , Hot Air Blower With
Soldering Iron , Shouldering Rod , Clothes Iron , Lithium
Battery Spot Welding Machine , Tool bins Plastic with metal
brackets , Vacuum Cleaner , Robotic Vacuum Cleaner ,
Filament Dehydrator dry cabinet , Reflow Oven
Closing Date13 Feb 2025
Tender AmountINR 6.2 Million (USD 71.8 K)
Higher Education Department Tender
Solid Waste Management
Corrigendum : Corrigendum Added
CATEGORY: Operation and Maintenance of Effluent/Sewage Treatment
Plant - Complete System; Any Experienced Service Provider;
Functional but outside AMC and Warranty
Closing Date2 Jan 2025
Tender AmountINR 3.5 Million (USD 40.9 K)
171-180 of 181 active Tenders