Contract for the Provision of the Service of Physical Activity Monitor for the Elderly and Rhythmic Gymnastics in the Municipal Sports Facilities of Navalcarnero (Madrid).
Contract for the Supply of 95-Liter Zinc-Plated Steel Bins, Metal Fences and Canine Bins to be Installed in Different Areas of the Municipality of Navalcarnero (Madrid).
General Concession Contract for the Installation of a Mobile Telephone Base Station on a Municipally Owned Plot (Skatepark Plot), in Navalcarnero (Madrid).
Machinery Services Contract Associated with the Basic Project for the Adaptation of Public Spaces in the Municipality 2024-2025, of the Navalcarnero City Council (Madrid).
Spain – Exterior Lights – Contratación Para El Suministro, Mediante Arrendamiento, E Instalación De Iluminación Para Fiestas Patronales Y Fiestas De Navidad En El Municipio De Navalcarnero (madrid)
Contract for the Provision of Lifeguard and Ats-due Service for the Municipal Summer Swimming Pool of the Covadonga Sports Center in Navalcarnero (Madrid)