Tenders of General Directorate Of National Roads And Highways Department In Katowice

Tenders of General Directorate Of National Roads And Highways Department In Katowice

General Directorate of National Roads and Highways Department in Katowice Tender

Demolition of the Sewage Treatment Plant at the Knurów-east Mop and Knurów-west Mop near the A1 Motorway and at the Proboszczowice Mop near the A4 Motorway, together with the construction of a Sewage Management System.
Closing Date26 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

General Directorate of National Roads and Highways Department in Katowice Tender

Machinery and Tools
Tender Notice for Construction Works: Demolition of the Sewage Treatment Plant at the Knurów-East Mop and the Knurów-West Mop at the A1 Motorway and at the Proboszczowice Mop at the A4 Motorway, Together with the Construction of a Sewage Management System.
Closing Date26 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

General Directorate of National Roads and Highways Department in Katowice Tender

Furnitures and Fixtures
Announcement of the Procurement of the Service of Development of Design Documentation for the Needs of Securing Slopes on the Section of the A1 Motorway in the Village of Siemonia.
Closing Soon20 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

General Directorate of National Roads and Highways Department in Katowice Tender

Machinery and Tools
Tender Notice Construction Works Construction of Acoustic Protection Along Dk 86 In Będzin At The Height Of The Streets: Hutnicza, Mickiewicza And Wolności From Km 11+704 To Km 12+915
Closing Soon18 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

General Directorate of National Roads and Highways Department in Katowice Tender

Electrical and Electronics...+1Electrical Works
Construction of acoustic protection along the national road no. 86 in Będzin at the height of the streets: Hutnicza, Mickiewicza and Wolności from km 11+704 to km 12+915
Closing Soon18 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

General Directorate of National Roads and Highways Department in Katowice Tender

Furnitures and Fixtures
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
The premiot of the Order is: Construction of the Chodnik W along with the Reduction of the W Ciągu Dróg Nr 1780k I No. 1782k W Miejscence Wysoka – Etap Iii (ep 0+300 Do 0+523). The Określenie Przedmiotu Zadania Zawarte jest W Rozdziel Iv Ninszej Swz (formerly Robót), Specification of the Technical Review of I Odbioru Robót (stwior)-roz Chapter V Do Swz Oraz the remaining technical documentation. In addition, the castle covers: 1) We Własny Zakresie I Na Własny Koszt Project of the Provisional Movement for the Brd Commission; I Na Własny Koszt Project. 2) In the introduction of the We Własny Zakresie I Na Własny Kosztvision of the Movement; 3) the launch of the Branzhowy Do Poszczególnych Gestorów Sieci Orazzenie Za Ewentualne Za Ewentualne Nadzory Branżowe Robotami; 4) Spełnienie Wygoda Wymaganie Wymagów Sieci Orazień Wismachnia, Za Ewentualne Zaachininych. The Executive Office of the Geodezyjna Na Etapie Wykonawstwa Robót Oraz Sporządzi Inwentaryzacji Poznawną zadanie Zadanie objęt Na Constructiona. Investigator Opracs the documentation of the Poznawną dla Zrealized Inwestycja Oraz Uzyska W Imienia Zamawiać Na Użytkowanie nad naju Investycja Obzwolenietę Na Constructiona. The W Imienia Inwestor Skompletuje I Złoży Zawiadomenie O Zakończowanie O Zakończowanie Budowy Oraz Uzyska Z Nadzoru Budowlanacji O Braku Wienia S Against the Dowiado Change of Construction. The Zgody Od Projectanta Na Zmianę Nieistotną: - Zamiana - Zamiana I mediumcy canalu main Kanalizacja Z Rur Pvcm 400 Mm Na Rury Pp 315 Mm - Zmiany Studnitony - Studnia - 1,000 Studnitonya - the main canal of the Kanalization of the Deszczalization of the 400 Studniton Beniton Studya m m - m - - 1,000 - the Bestaya - the - the - the Aya - Zawięya - the Zaya - the Aya - Zaya - Zaya - Zaya - the Aya - Zaya - the Zaya - the Aya - the Aya - Zaya - the - Zaya - the Aya - the Aya - Zaya -Tyaya -Tya - Zayaya -
Closing Soon20 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

General Directorate of National Roads and Highways Department in Katowice Tender

"Poniku Proępowanie Roboty Budowlane Poprawa Brd na Przeją dla Piesze na Dk78 W M. Czekanów W Woj Śląskim"
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

General Directorate of National Roads and Highways Department in Katowice Tender

As a result of the Destroying System, the S-86-86 S-86-86 S-86 Responsion System is the basis of the S-86-86 S-86-86 S-86. Na part of the chapter
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

General Directorate of National Roads and Highways Department in Katowice Tender

Consultancy Services
General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways, Branch in Katowice
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

General Directorate of National Roads and Highways Department in Katowice Tender

"Połnie" W Ciągu Highwayy A4 W. Zabrzeg"
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
1-10 of 17 active Tenders