Administration and Technical Assistance Service for the Operation of Technical Resources in the Laboratories of the Analysis, Methods and Tools Division of the Environment Mission.
France – Agency Fuel Cards – Fourniture De Carburants Par Cartes Accréditives À La Pompe Destinés Aux Véhicules Municipaux De La Ville De Saint-jean-de-luz
Face-to-face training “Recruit, Integrate, Retain, Promote” in road transport and auxiliary activities Ccn 0016 by “Cléa Management” certification and additional module
France – Prepared Meals – Marché Mixte De Fourniture Et De Livraison De Repas "petits Déjeuners", "déjeuners" Et "diners" En Liaison Froide Pour Le Foyer D'hébergement De L'e.p.d.a.h.a.a (62)
Framework Agreement with Purchase Orders Relating to the Supply, Delivery, Installation and Removal of Permanent and Temporary Vertical Signage on the National Road Network Managed by the Dir Nord-Ouest