Finland Tenders
Finland Tenders
Kolarin Kunta Tender
Civil And Construction...+2Others, Civil Works Others
The invitation to tender concerns the demolition of three separate buildings located in the centre of the municipality of Kolari. The buildings to be demolished, the scope of the contract and the schedule of the work are described in more detail in the annexes to the invitation to tender. However, the demolition work will be carried out in its entirety between the spring and autumn of 2025.
Closing Date31 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
HSY Helsingin Seudun Ymp Rist Palvelut Kuntayhtym Tender
Healthcare and Medicine
The contract includes repair work on the control stations of the recycled water system at the Ämmässuo Waste Treatment Center at the old landfill. Recycled water stations Kv1, Kv2 and Kv3 have been damaged due to the subsidence of the landfill. The contract includes, among other things, demolition, jacking and restoration work on the stations, as well as the procurement and installation of new process plumbing pipes. The contract includes conventional earthmoving work. The work will be combined and coordinated with operational suppliers to ensure occupational safety. The site contains landfill gas and landfill leachate, which must be taken into account in the safe performance of the work.
Closing Date31 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
H Meen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy Tender
Civil And Construction...+2Civil Works Others, Building Construction
Hämeen University of Applied Sciences Oy and its subsidiaries Hämeen Ammatti-instituutti Oy and Hamk Academy Oy (hereinafter referred to as "hamk") are inviting tenders for the provision of first aid training. There are 900-1500 students and 150-200 staff members who receive first aid training annually. Hamk organises first aid training of various scopes for its students. The tenderer must be able to offer first aid training both in accordance with the Finnish Red Cross training models and to offer its own first aid training. The service provider must offer its courses both in person and online.
Closing Date4 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Tunturipalon Mets tie Tender
This is a basic improvement of the Tunturipalon Forest Road. The road is located in Northern Finland, Lapland, in Kemijärvi. More detailed information regarding the procurement procedure is provided in the request for tender and other tender documents. The procurement consists of four subcontracts. The works offered on one tender form form one subcontract. All parts together form a whole, which constitutes the entire tender process.
Closing Date4 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
731-740 of 1318 archived Tenders