European Union Tenders

European Union Tenders

Public Authority CPO LT Tender

Electrical Generators And Transformers...+1Electrical and Electronics
Closing Date1 Nov 2032
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Lithuania – Generators – Elektros Generatorių Su Pristatymu Centralizuotas Viešasis Pirkimas, Taikant Dinaminę Pirkimo Sistemą

Bridgestone Day Tender

Consultancy Services
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Brzezin County

Military Technical Academy Tender

Education And Training Services
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Military Technical Academy

Municipality Of Soto Del Real Tender

Software and IT Solutions
Closing Date6 Feb 2025
Tender AmountEUR 8.7 K (USD 9 K)
Contract for the Supply and Maintenance of the Web Platform for Time Control Management of Public Employees of the Soto Del Real City Council

Government Board Of The Alcoy Municipality Tender

Closing Date1 Jan 2026
Tender AmountEUR 288.4 Million (USD 300.5 Million)
Execution of the Works Contained in the Modified Project for the Rehabilitation of the Buildings at C/tibi 4 and 6, whose Project has been drafted by Ramón Esteve Estudio de Arquitectura Slp | Ute Re-civic.

Aena Directorate Of Josep Tarradellas Airport Barcelona El Prat Tender

Electrical Cables And Wires...+2Machinery and Tools, Electrical and Electronics
Closing Date2 Apr 2026
Tender AmountEUR 100 K (USD 104.1 K)
Supply Tensabarriers Double Tape

Hospitals with limited responsibility Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
"Operation of Dostawa Leków, Płynów Infuznych, Żyienia extrajelitowej I Innych dla Hospitala Powiatowego Sp. O. W Golubiu-dobrzyniurzynienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienienie" I Dostawa Dostawa Dostawa Dostawa Dostawa Dostawa Dostawa Dostawa Dostawa Dostawa Dostawa Dostawa Dostawa Dostawa Dostawa Leków Dostawa Leków Dostawa Leków Dostawa Leków Dostawa Leków dostawa Leków dostawa Leków

The Balvu Municipality - LATVIA Tender

Civil And Construction...+3Civil Works Others, Other Consultancy Services, Consultancy Services
Closing Date8 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Reconstruction of Balvu City's Ziedu Street Section, within the framework of the "infrastructure for business support" measure of the Cohesion Policy Program

Central Commerce Committee Of Navantia S A , S M E Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Closing Soon5 Jan 2025
Tender AmountEUR 536 K (USD 558.4 K)
Enlargement of Block Transformation Center and Replacement of the Section Table

City Of Gorzow Wlkp Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
City of Gorzów Wlkp.
9921-9930 of 10000 active Tenders