Tenders of Employees State Insurance Corporation
Tenders of Employees State Insurance Corporation
Employees State Insurance Corporation - ESIC Tender
Real Estate Service
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
CATEGORY: Leasing in of Commercial Properties - Office Space; Wet
Lease (maintenance to be borne by lessor); Upto 15 years;
NA; Ground Floor; As per ATC; yes; no; yes; 300
Closing Date6 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Employees State Insurance Corporation - ESIC Tender
CATEGORY: Access Total T3 , Access Total T4 , Access hTSh 3rd IS ,
Access Free T3 , Access Free T4 , Access TPO Ab , Access
FSH , Access LH , Access Prolactin , Access AMH , Access
CEA , Access GI Monitor , Access OV Monitor , Access 25 OH
Vitamin D , Access Vitamin B12 , Access Folate , Access
Ferritin , Access PSA , Access Procalcitonin , Access AFP ,
Access iPTH , Access BNP , Access Substrate , Access Wash
Buffer , Access Reaction Vessels , Access Total T3 Calibrator
, Access Total T4 Calibrator , Access Free T3 Calibrator ,
Access TPO Ab Calibrator , Access CEA Calibrator , Access
OV Monitor Calibrator , Access GI Monitor Calibrator , Access
Total Beta HCG Calibrator , Access PSA Calibrator , Access
Vitamin B12 Calibrator , Access Folate Calibrator , Access 25
OH Vitamin D Calibrator , Access Procalcitonin Calibrator ,
Access BNP Calibrators , Access BNP QC , Access AMH QC ,
Access Cortisol , Access CA 15 3 Antigen BRMonitor
Closing Date6 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Employees State Insurance Corporation - ESIC Tender
Healthcare and Medicine
CATEGORY: Elastic adhesive bandage 10 cm X 4 by 6 mtr , Enzyme
instrument cleaner 1 ltr , HME Filter Bacterial viral filter for
ICU , IM Needle disposable 24 G , IM Needle disposable 26 G
half inch length , Intravenous Infusion set IV Set , Non-
Invasive Ventilator Mask Adult with adjustment , Non Re-
Breathing Mask Adult NRBM Adult , T-piece for ventilator
Connector Disposable , Autoclave indicator tape , Catheter
Mount Adult , Tegaderm 9 cm x 15 cm , Povidone Iodine
Solution 10 percent 500 ml , Triple lumen catheter 7 Fr x 16
cm , Asepto Pump Syringe Bladder wash syringe , Double
Lumen Catheter 11.5 Fr x 13.5 cm Straight Extension ,
Injection Ozurdex intravitreal Dexamethasone implant ,
Perm catheter 23cm 14.5 fr symmetrical tip , Perm catheter
35cm 14.5 Fr symmetrical tip , Opsite dressing 45 cm X 55
cm , Gigli saw wire , Fallopian Tube ring , surgicel ,
Umbilical catheter No 5 Fr , Umbilical catheter No 4 Fr ,
Coloelast adhesive remover spray , Disposable shoe covers
for medical device , Duoderm Extra thin , Peritonial Dialysis
-PD catheter , 50 ml syringe , Central Line 7f , ET tube 7.5
SIZE , Hemodialysis catheter 11.5 , Plastic urinary catheter
14 Fr , codan IV set , BacT Alert PF Plus Pediatric , BacT Alert
FA Plus ADULT , Sytlletadult , Sytlletpaediatric , Anaesthetic
Reservoir Bags 0.5 liter , Anaesthetic Reservoir Bags 1 liter ,
Anaesthetic Reservoir Bags 2 liter , Reusable AMBU bag with
mask adult , Reusable AMBU bag with mask paediatric ,
Theater central suction unit , Suction jar 2000ml, Alone ,
Lagrngoscope Leb bulb , ETCO2 Water trap work station ,
Single piece foldable hydrophobic IOL 22.50D
Closing Date7 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Employees State Insurance Corporation - ESIC Tender
Real Estate Service
Corrigendum : Corrigendum Added
CATEGORY: Leasing in of Commercial Properties - Dispensary; Wet
Lease (maintenance to be borne by lessor); upto 15 years;
2; Ground Floor; As per bid document; yes; no; yes; As
mentioned in the bid document
Closing DateCancelled
Tender AmountRefer Documents
871-880 of 956 archived Tenders