Tenders of Employees State Insurance Corporation
Tenders of Employees State Insurance Corporation
Employees State Insurance Corporation - ECIS Tender
Healthcare and Medicine
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
CATEGORY: Glutaraldehyde , Green stick compound sticks , Guided
Tissue Regeneration membrane GTR , Hand rotary file
assorted Protaper univeral files Dentsply 21mm , Hand
rotary file assorted Protaper univeral files Dentsply 25mm ,
Heat cure acrylic resin liquid , Heat cure acrylic resin pink
powder , Hemostatic agent Botroclot , Heracryl trevlon heat
cure acrylic denture base resin high impact liquid monomer
, Heracryl trevlon heat cure acrylic denture base resin high
impact veined pink powder , Hinge articulator , Intraoral
photographic mirror set , Ivoclar Variolink Esthetic Light
cured cement kit , Lacron Carver , Light body impression
intraoral mixing tips Curved , Light body impression mixing
tips , Local anaesthesia Lignocaine HCL 2 PERCENT with
adrenaline 1 80000 , Luting cement temporary eugenol free
two paste base and catalyst system , Mcintosh sheet 90cm
BY 50cm , Metal autoclave bin Large , Metal autoclave bin
Medium , Metal autoclave bin Small , Metal cement spatula ,
Metal gauge caliper , Metal polishing cake , Mixing tips for
Dispensing gun 10 RATIO 1 , Novabone putty bone graft 0
POINT 25cc , Orthodontic wire 22 gauge , Para core build up
dual cure kit , Pattern resin GC , Pkt carver set , Protaper
Gutta percha assorted F1 F2 F3 , Protemp temporary crown
and bridge material carrtridge , Pumice , Sand paper grit
size 60 80 100 120 , Self cure resin pink Liquid , Self cure
resin pink Powder , Separating media , sintered diamond
ceramic finishing and polishing kit , Sprue wax 2mm ,
Sterilization indicator tape , Thermoplastic sheet for splints
2mm hard , Thermoplastic sheet for splints 2mm soft ,
Tissue paper , Tooth moulding powder self cure Shade C ,
Tooth moulding powder self cure Shade E , Tungsten
carbide burs Flame shaped , Tungsten carbide burs Tree
radius end standard cross cut , Vaseline 500g , Vita glaze
powder 15 g , Vita glaze powder liquid 40ml , Wash opaque
VITA powder , Wax separator liquid , Zinc oxide eugenol
cement powder AND liquid , Zinc oxide eugenol free
impression paste , Zinc oxide eugenol impression paste ,
sterilisation cassette for 10 instruments , steilisation
pouches 150mm BY200 metre , steilisation pouches 75mm
BY 200 metre
Closing Date25 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
1091-1100 of 1113 archived Tenders