Tenders of Eastern Railway
Tenders of Eastern Railway
Eastern Railway - ER Tender
Solid Waste Management
Closing Date20 Mar 2025
Tender AmountINR 36.8 Million (USD 426.5 K)
CATEGORY: Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome
Based - Public Transport Places; Daily manual cleaning
outcome based at Komagata Maru Budge Budge KBGB
station for a period of 03 Years ie 1095 days; Railway
Station , Collection & Disposal Waste Management Service -
Collection Lifting Transportation Unloading Segregation of
garbage at Komagata Maru Budge Budge KBGB station
premises for a period of 03 Years ie 1095 days; Dry Waste ,
Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome
Based - Public Transport Places; Daily manual cleaning
outcome based at Nangi NAI station for a period of 03 Years
ie 1095 days; Railway Station , Collection & Disposal Waste
Management Service - Collection Lifting Transportation
Unloading Segregation of garbage at Nangi NAI station
premises for a period of 03 Years ie 1095 days; Dry Waste ,
Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome
Based - Public Transport Places; Daily manual cleaning
outcome based at Akra AKRA station for a period of 03 Years
ie 1095 days; Railway Station , Collection & Disposal Waste
Management Service - Collection Lifting Transportation
Unloading Segregation of garbage at Akra AKRA station
premises for a period of 03 Years ie 1095 days; Dry Waste ,
Cleaning, Sanitation and Disinfection Service - Outcome
Based - Public Transport Places; Daily manual cleaning
outcome based at BraceBridge BRJ station for a period of 03
Years ie 1095 days; Railway Station , Collection & Disposal
Waste Management Service - Collection Lifting
Transportation Unloading Segregation of garbage at
BraceBridge BRJ station premises for a period of 03 Years ie
1095 days; Dry Waste , Cleaning, Sanitation and
Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - Public Transport
Places; Daily manual cleaning outcome based at NewAlipur
NACC station for a period of 03 Years ie 1095 days; Railway
Station , Collection & Disposal Waste Management Service -
Collection Lifting Transportation Unloading Segregation of
garbage at NewAlipur NACC station premises for a period of
03 Years ie 1095 days; Dry Waste , Cleaning, Sanitation and
Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - Public Transport
Places; Daily manual cleaning outcome based at Bagbazar
BBR station for a period of 03 Years ie 1095 days; Railway
Station , Collection & Disposal Waste Management Service -
Collection Lifting Transportation Unloading Segregation of
garbage at Bagbazar BBR station premises for a period of
03 Years ie 1095 days; Dry Waste , Cleaning, Sanitation and
Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - Public Transport
Places; Daily manual cleaning outcome based at
BenoyBadalDinesh Bag BBDB station for a period of 03
Years ie 1095 days; Railway Station , Collection & Disposal
Waste Management Service - Collection Lifting
Transportation Unloading Segregation of garbage at
BenoyBadalDinesh Bag BBDB station premises for a period
of 03 Years ie 1095 days; Dry Waste , Cleaning, Sanitation
and Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - Public Transport
Places; Daily manual cleaning outcome based at
PrincepGhat PPGT station for a period of 03 Years ie 1095
days; Railway Station , Collection & Disposal Waste
Management Service - Collection Lifting Transportation
Unloading Segregation of garbage at PrincepGhat PPGT
station premises for a period of 03 Years ie 1095 days; Dry
231-240 of 1787 active Tenders