Tenders of Directorate Of Employment And Craftsmen Training
Tenders of Directorate Of Employment And Craftsmen Training
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Tenders of Directorate Of Employment And Craftsmen Training
Directorate Of Employment And Craftsmen Training Tender
Machinery and Tools
CATEGORY: Adjustable spanner Pipe Wrench 350mm , Air Blow Gun with
standard Accessories like Coil Pipe set , Air ratchet with
standard Accessories like Coil Pipe set , Air Impact Wrench
with standard Accessories like Coil Pipe set , Auto Electric
Test Bench , Air Compressor Direct Drive , Dail Gauge Gr. A
complete with clamping device and with Megnetic Stand ,
Out Side Micrometer 50-75mm , Out Side Micrometer 75mm
- 100mm , Starter Motor Axial type, Pre engagement type
and Co-axial type, set of 3 types , Surface gauge with dail
test indicator plunger type , Cut section of 4 cylinder Diesel
Engine with moving condition , Fuel injection Test Bench for
calibration of Fuel Pump , Pipe Bending machine Hydraulic
type with tripod stand , C- Clamp, 200 mm and 100 mm set
of 2 , Spanner Adjustable drop forged, 150 mm and 300mm
set of 2 , Blow lamp brass, 0.5 ltr , Chisel Cold, octagonal,
25 mm X 200 mm , Allen Key alloy steel, 1.5-10 mm set of 9
, Pully Puller with 2 or 3 legs, duly drop forged. , Crimping
Tool, 1.5 sq mm to 6 sq mm, 6 sq mm to 9.5 sq mm set of 2
, Wire Cutter and Stripper, 150 mm, self adjusting wire
cutter and stripper for wire from 0.2mm to 6mm , Mallet
0.50 kg , Try Square, 150 mm , Pliers long nose insulated,
150 mm , Pliers flat nose insulated, 160 mm , Tweezers, 100
mm , Snip Straight heavy duty 250 mm , D.E. metric
Spanner Double Ended, Set of 6 , Gauge, wire imperial
stainless steel , De soldering Gun, Heat proof nozzle, PVC
type, standard size , Hand Vice, 50 mm , Table Vice with
clamp adjustable, 100 mm , Portable Electric Drill Machine
12 mm capacity, 240v with chuck and key , Load Bank 6
KW, 3Ph , Out Side Micrometer, 0 to 25 mm , Digital Multi
Meter 3.5 digit , Kilo Wattmeter Digital , Power Factor Meter
Digital, 440 V, 3Ph , Tachometer, Digital Photo Sensor Type
10000 RPM , Tong Tester Clamp Meter, 100 A Digital Type ,
Megger, Analog 500 V , Wheat Stone Bridge with
galvanometer and battery , Growler, 230 V, 50 Hz, Single
Phase, for testing armature , Oscilloscope Digital storage
type 20 MHz or higher , Soldering Iron, 25 Watt, 65 Watt and
120 Watt, 230 Volt set of 3 , Temperature controlled
Soldering Iron, , Oil Testing Kit , DC Power Supply, 0 to 30 V,
5 A, regulated type , Solar panel with Battery, 18 Watt ,
Motor Generator DC to AC set , AC Squirrel Cage Motor 5
HP, 3 Phase, 415 V, 50 Hz , Universal Motor with starter
switch, 240 V, 50 Hz, 1 HP , Thyristor IGBT controlled D.C.
motor drive, 1 HP , Thyristor IGBT controlled A.C. motor
drive 2 HP , Electrical Machine Trainer , Diesel Generator
Set , Pillar Electric Drill Machine Motorized , Single Phase
Capacitor Motor with starter and switch, 1 HP, 240 V, 50 Hz ,
Primary current injection set , Stepper Motor, fractional HP,
with Digital Controller
Closing Date11 Mar 2024
Tender AmountINR 3.8 Million (USD 45.9 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.