Tender Notice Construction Works Replacement of Pedestrian and Road Surfaces, Renovation of Basement Manholes on the North-Eastern Side of the Service Pavilion at ul. Nowy Świat 22-28 in Warsaw
Tender Notice Construction Works Renovation of Retaining Wall Together with Renovation of Surrounding Surface in the Yard Area at ul. Świętojerska 24 in Warsaw
Tender Notice Construction Works Renovation of Vacant Residential Premises: Lot No. 1: Wilcza 69 M 4 (adk-2) Lot No. 2: Marszałkowska 81 M 22 (adk-2) (Divided into 2 Lots)
Tender Notice for Construction Works Renovation of Vacant Residential Premises: Lot No. 1: Nowolipie 17a M 17, Lot No. 2: Al. Jerozolimskie 11/19 M 30, Part No. 3: M. Anielewicza 9 M 12