Department of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports of the Vicinous Committee of the Greek Village for the Kremlin Region of the Poltava Region Tender
View complete overview of Department of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports of the Vicinous Committee of the Greek Village for the Kremlin Region of the Poltava Region Tender
Крупа Пшенична Булгур, Крупа Пшенична Артек, Дсту 7699, Крупа Перлова №1, Пластівці Вівсяні Геркулес, Крупа Ячна №2, Крупа Пшоняна, Шліфована, Сорт Вищий, Крупа Гречана Ядриця, Ґатунок Перший, Борошно Пшеничне, Сорт Вищий, Гсту 46.004, Рис Середньозернистий, Пропарений, Шліфований, Сорт Перший
Scription for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user
Tender Id
UA-2024-08-21-000281-aTender No
UA-2024-08-21-000281-aTender Authority
Department of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports of the Vicinous Committee of the Greek Village for the Kremlin Region of the Poltava Region ViewPurchaser Address