Tenders of Damodar Valley Corporation
Tenders of Damodar Valley Corporation
Damodar Valley Corporation - DVC Tender
Other Consultancy Services...+1Consultancy Services
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
CATEGORY: Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per Month Based -
Management Consultants; Team Leader; As per TOR; Yes ,
Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per Month Based -
Management Consultants; Power Generation Expert; As per
TOR; Yes , Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per Month
Based - Management Consultants; Distribution Expert; As
per TOR; Yes , Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per Month
Based - Management Consultants; Transmission Expert; As
per TOR; Yes , Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per Month
Based - Management Consultants; IT Infra Security Expert;
As per TOR; Yes , Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per
Month Based - Management Consultants; AMI Expert; As per
TOR; Yes , Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per Month
Based - Management Consultants; SCADAADMS Expert; As
per TOR; Yes , Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per Month
Based - Management Consultants; BI Architect Data Science
Expert; As per TOR; Yes , Hiring of Consultants - Per Person
Per Month Based - Management Consultants; Renewable
Energy Sources New Energy Expert; As per TOR; Yes , Hiring
of Consultants - Per Person Per Month Based - Management
Consultants; Power Market Expert; As per TOR; Yes , Hiring
of Consultants - Per Person Per Month Based - Management
Consultants; Mining Fuel supply chain expert; As per TOR;
Yes , Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per Month Based -
Management Consultants; Support resource for Power
Generation Expert; As per TOR; Yes , Hiring of Consultants -
Per Person Per Month Based - Management Consultants;
Support resource for Power Distribution Expert; As per TOR;
Yes , Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per Month Based -
Management Consultants; Support resource for Power
Transmission Expert; As per TOR; Yes , Hiring of Consultants
- Per Person Per Month Based - Management Consultants;
Support resource for IT Infra Security Expert; As per TOR;
Yes , Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per Month Based -
Management Consultants; Support resource for SCADA
ADMS Expert; As per TOR; Yes , Hiring of Consultants - Per
Person Per Month Based - Management Consultants;
Support resource ETL for BI Architect Data Science Expert;
As per TOR; Yes , Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per
Month Based - Management Consultants; Support resource
Data Visualization for BI Architect Data Science Expert; As
per TOR; Yes , Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per Month
Based - Management Consultants; Support resource Data
Science for BI Architect Data Science Expert; As per TOR;
Yes , Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per Month Based -
Management Consultants; Support resource Custom
Developer for BI Architect Data Science Expert; As per TOR;
Yes , Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per Month Based -
Management Consultants; Support resource for Renewable
Energy Sources New Energy Expert; As per TOR; Yes , Hiring
of Consultants - Per Person Per Month Based - Management
Consultants; Support resource for Power Market Expert; As
per TOR; Yes , Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per Month
Based - Management Consultants; Support resource for
Mining Fuel supply chain expert; As per TOR; Yes
Closing Date17 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Damodar Valley Corporation - DVC Tender
Finance And Insurance Sectors
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
CATEGORY: Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per Month Based -
Management Consultants; Team Leader Financial
Management Expert; As per TOR; NA , Hiring of Consultants
- Per Person Per Month Based - Management Consultants;
PPP Expert; As per TOR; NA , Hiring of Consultants - Per
Person Per Month Based - Management Consultants;
Finance Specialist Valuation Expert; As per TOR; NA , Hiring
of Consultants - Per Person Per Month Based - Management
Consultants; Business Plan and Financial Modelling Expert;
As per TOR; NA , Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per
Month Based - Management Consultants; Support resource
for Finance Specialist Valuation Expert; As per TOR; NA ,
Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per Month Based -
Management Consultants; Support resource for Business
Plan and Financial Modelling Expert; As per TOR; NA , Hiring
of Consultants - Per Person Per Month Based - Management
Consultants; Support resource for PPP Expert; As per TOR;
Closing Date21 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Damodar Valley Corporation - DVC Tender
Other Consultancy Services...+1Consultancy Services
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
CATEGORY: Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per Month Based -
Management Consultants; Team Leader; As Per TOR; NA ,
Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per Month Based -
Management Consultants; Corporate Governance Expert; As
per TOR; NA , Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per Month
Based - Management Consultants; Human Resources
Expert; As per TOR; NA , Hiring of Consultants - Per Person
Per Month Based - Management Consultants; Business
Analyst for LMS Implementation; As per TOR; NA , Hiring of
Consultants - Per Person Per Month Based - Management
Consultants; SAP ERP Expert; As per TOR; NA , Hiring of
Consultants - Per Person Per Month Based - Management
Consultants; Engineer for LLM Modelling for Gen Al KM
Implementation; As per TOR; NA , Hiring of Consultants - Per
Person Per Month Based - Management Consultants; Data
Science or ML Modelling Resource for Gen AI KM
Implementation; As per TOR; NA , Hiring of Consultants - Per
Person Per Month Based - Management Consultants;
Support Resource for Corporate Governance; As per TOR;
NA , Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per Month Based -
Management Consultants; Support Resource Human
Resources; As per TOR; NA , Hiring of Consultants - Per
Person Per Month Based - Management Consultants;
Support Resource Business Analyst for LMS Implementation;
As per TOR; NA , Hiring of Consultants - Per Person Per
Month Based - Management Consultants; Support Resource
for SAP ERP; As per TOR; NA , Hiring of Consultants - Per
Person Per Month Based - Management Consultants;
Support Resource Engineer for LLM Modelling for Gen Al KM
Implementation; As per TOR; NA , Hiring of Consultants - Per
Person Per Month Based - Management Consultants;
Support Resource Data Science or ML Modelling Resource
for Gen AI KM Implementation; As per TOR; NA
Closing Date14 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
251-260 of 256 active Tenders