Computer Tenders
Computer Tenders
Provincial Police Headquarters In Krakow Tender
Machinery and Tools
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Details: I. Premio Postępowanie:: .
1. Premiotu Zamiotu:
- Plecak Z Logo Kolei Wielkopolskich - Szt. 40.
Torba Na Kółkach z Logo Kolei Wielkopolskich - Szt. 60.
Torba Na Ramię Z Logo Kolei Wielkopolskich - Szt. 20.
"Koplet Kymiennych Do Torby - Kpl. 11010.
- Stelaż Do Torby Na Kółkach - Wózek Q-533 - Szt. 40.
2. The Asortyment Musi S complements Poniższe Wymagania: Być New I Wolny Od Wad, original, unobgnanimous Laws of the Third Side.
3. Oceny Ofert: Cena 100%.
ii. Realization: Reliefation: Reliefation.
1. Termination: 30 Dni Roboskich.
2. Godziny Realization - 7:00 - 15:00.
3. Dostarczenie I Rozładunku Towaru: According to Z Owd.
4. Dostawy:
- Koleje Sp. z O.o., Ul. Składowa 5f, 61-897 Poznań Poznań.
No later Niż Na 12 Godziny Before the Reformation of the Order, Zobowiązany is to confirm the Termin Dostawy Towaru, and to confirm the Termin Dostawa, Towaru, the term of the Towaru, to confirm the Termin Dostawa, and to confirm the Termin Dostawa, to confirm the Towaru, and to confirm the term of the Towaru. In this God.
5. Dostawa: Dostawa Oneorazowa, Cena Winna features the Dostawy I Rozładunku, Cena Winna to include the Kostawy I Rozładunku, I Rozładunku, and Cena Winna contained the cost of the Dostawa.
6. The term Płatności: According to Owd.
7. Gwarancja: According to Z Owd; Where the War.
8. The term Wad Wad W Ramach Gwarancja: According to Z Owd.
9. Kary Umowne: § 7 Owd.
Iii. "Pobieg Postępowanie:: Przebieg Postępowanie".
The Informs, Że Postępowanie Prowadzone is W Two Etapach:: W Two Etapach:
A) a. I Etap - It consists of Ofert, - I Etap.
"Ii Etap - Licytacja Electroniczna - Licytacja Rozpocznie Się Automatyowo po Zakończowanie I Etapu I Potrwa 15 Minut Oraz Dogrywki - Podetap Ii Etapu, Których Warunki Oscription 15 Minut Oraz Dogrywki - Podetapu - Podetapu - Podetapetapetap I Otapu, Których Warunki Okładnie Opisowanie Opisacji Opisowanie Naępowanie Naępowanie Naępowanie Nakupowej.
Each Dog runs Trwa 3 Minuty - Uruchomia Się, If W Ciągu Lasts 3 Minut Postępowanie Zostan Złoowana Prawidłowo Another Oferta (instead).
Executives of Zaakcepted by Zamawiać, Którzy Na Etapie consisted of Ofert (i Etap) don't give the right-wing Oferty, Zostana Automatically Extension.
As a result, the Na Realization of the Resolution of the Office of the Office of the Occupation of the Best Coalition. With Chwila, O Której Mowa W Zdanie Poprzednim Nauje Udzielenie Zadania. As a result, W Each time Upravated is Do Od Udzielenie.
Informs, Że Udział W Przedmiotego Postępowanie jest Eoznaczny ze Złożym Poniższe Oświęcie: Experience: Receivement: Examination: Exploration: Examination: Exceptual experience: Examination: Examination: Examination: Examinations: Examination: Examinations: Examination: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: The experience: The experience of the experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience of the experience of the experience of the experience of the experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the
1. "Oświadczam, Że Wypełnił Obowiązekcyjny Przewidziane W Art. 13 Lub Art. 14 Rodo*) Wobec Osób Fiztyczne, Od Których Dane Osobowe Bezpo Middleo Lub Pozyskał Wunia Się Udzielenie Zadzielenie Zadzielenie Zadzielenie, Od Których Wtórychny Nizhny Postępowenie.
*Distruction of the European Parliament I Council (ue) 2016/679 z dnia 27 Kwietnia 2016 R. In the case of the Protection of the Fiscal In the Union of the Distribution of Danch Osobowych I W Sprawie Swobodnego Przepływać
2. "Oświadczam, Że Wyrażam Zgodę Na Faceanie Moich Danch Osobowych Przekazanych przez Mnie Dobrowolnie Do Zamawiający".
Z Art. 13 Rodo - It was populated by the Eb2bbup web page. In the Department of Computer Science.
3. As a result, Że Oferta Cenowa Na Platformie Zakupowej Z put Osoba Umocowana Do presentnie Wykonawcy.
Prowadzone's progress on the § 25 Regulaminu § 25 Regulaminu Udzielnia Zamówień. Accessed to the Executives on the website Https:/
In the premiotment of Maą Za adapted the General Warunki Dostaw Kolei Greater Sp. With O.o. available on the Internet website Htps:/
"Z Art. 13 Rodo" – It is located on the Eb2bbup web page. In the Department of Computer Science.
All Pytania Dotyczące Prosecuting Prosimy to direct the Zakup Platform.
As a result of the Techniographic aid, the user can use the Podmer Telefonu website Się W Stopce Na Dole website.
Article 7 of the Act of the 13th Day of the 2022 R. O particularly Distributions of the W Zakresie Against the Chapter of the Agresji Na Ukraina O along with the National Security Protection Act. With Niego Progressing O Udzielnie Zajukenia Public Wyklucza Się Wykonawka: "Się Wykonawcy: I am admirer: I am not a member of the public order.
He was mentioned in the Octreślonych W Rozporządzacji Rady (we) Nr 765/2006 z dnia 18 Maja 2006 R. Dotyczący Środków Ograniczy W Związek Z Sytuacja Na Biało (dz. Ue L 134 Z.20.2006, Str 1. Zóźn; Dalej Rozporządzenie 765/2006) Ipoza (March 2, 2014. In the Nature of the Environment, the Integration of Ukraine Lub Im Zaghorrych (dz. Urz. 78 Z.2014, Str. Zóźn 6: Zóźn; Daleja Rozporządzenie 269/2014) al Wbo written by Nago. "Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3 of the Sanction Act".
One of the Baptists of the Acts of 1 March 2018 R. Odziałaniu Praniu Pieniędzy Oraz Finansowanie Terrorism (U. z 2022 R. Poz. 593 I 655) is the Osobymna Wachreślonych Wachreślonych Wenia 765/22 IOz. O Ile was written on the List of Na Lista Na Porisie of the W Sprawie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgatrzyowego O Za adaptanie Środka, Środka, Zaązeku Na Listie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgażający "Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3 of the Sanction Act".
"W Rozumienie Art. 3 Ust. 1 Pkt 37 Acts of 29 September 1994 R. O Rachunkności". He is a member of the Order of the Octreślonych W Rozporządzenie 765/2006 I Rozporządzacji 269/2014 Albo Wpis na Lista Lubay Taka Uniting from 24 Lutego 2022 R. O Ile was inscribed on the letter Na of the decision of the W Sprawie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgatrzygną O Za adapting Środka, Zaązeku Na Lista Rozsgażający "O Którym Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3".
According to Art. 7 Ust. 6-7 of the Sanction Act of the Osoby Lub Podmioty Podmioty Podmioty Podmiło Wykluczowanie, Wykluczowanie, Z. The following Administrative Resolution, Będa Podlegć Karze Pieniężny Do Wysokości 200,000 Zł. Kara Pieniężna Nakładana will be made by the President of the Public Museums of the Administrative Revolution.
The period of the Restoration of the Się does not precede Nizh Po Upływie 14 Dni Od dnia Wejścia Wejścia W Życie Sancyjny.
Closing Date31 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Provincial Police Headquarters In Krakow Tender
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Details: I. Premio Postępowanie:: .
1. Premiotu Zamiotu:
"W Zakładce "przedmiot Postępowanie" Oraz "załącznik"".
"Produkty Muszą Być Nowe, Wolne Od Wad".
- Cena Winna features the Dostawy O with the Rozładunkuku.
- Oferent Dołączy Kartę Katalogową Oferowany Produktu.
2. The Asortyment Musi S complements Poniższe Wymagania: Być New I Wolny Od Wad, Nieobciąży Osóbch Third, Third, Third, Third Laws.
3. Documentation: Karta is a feature of ethics.
4. Kryterium Oceny Ofert: Cena 100%.
"Ii. Warunki Realization".
1. For example, the term "Dni Roboskich" (Dni Roboskich, Do 14 Dni Roboskich)".
- Godziny Realization - 8:00 Do 14:00 :0000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Godziny Realization - 8:00 - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - - 8:00 - - - - - - - - - Godziny Realization - 8:00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8:00 - 8:00 - 8:00 - - 8:00 - 8:00 - 8:00 - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - - - - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - 8:00 - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - - 8:00 - - - - - -
2. The Dostarczenie I Rozładunku Towaru – According to Do Owdddd.
3D Place Dostawy: Koleje Wielkopolskie Sp. Z O.o., Ul. Kolejowa 23, 60-717 Poznań, Punkt Utrzynia Tabor Poznań.
No later Niż Na 12 Godziny Before the Reformation of the Order, Zobowiązany is to confirm the Termin Dostawy Towaru, and to confirm the Termin Dostawa, Towaru, the term of the Towaru, to confirm the Termin Dostawa, and to confirm the Termin Dostawa, to confirm the Towaru, and to confirm the term of the Towaru. In this God.
4. The Dostawa: Dostawa Oneorazowa, Cena Winna features the Dostawa Oraz Rozładunku W Wyznaczony przez Wykonawcy Miejscu.
5: Termin Płatności – According to Z Owd; 5.
6. Warunki Gwarancja – According to Z Owd.
7. Wad Wad W Ramach Gwarancja - According to Z Owd.
8. Kary Umowne - § 7 Owddddd.
Iii. "Pobieg Postępowanie:: Przebieg Postępowanie".
Informs, Że Postępowanie Prowadzone is W Two Etapach:: W Two Etapach:
A) a. I Etap - It consists of Ofert, - I Etap.
"Ii Etap - Licytacja Electroniczna - Licytacja Rozpocznie Się Automatyowo po Zakończowanie I Etapu I Potrwa 15 Minut Oraz Dogrywki - Podetap Ii Etapu, Których Warunki Oscription 15 Minut Oraz Dogrywki - Podetapu - Podetapu - Podetapetapetap I Otapu, Których Warunki Okładnie Opisowanie Opisacji Opisowanie Naępowanie Naępowanie Naępowanie Nakupowej.
Each Dog runs Trwa 3 Minuty - Uruchomia Się, If W Ciągu Lasts 3 Minut Postępowanie Zostan Złoowana Prawidłowo Another Oferta (instead).
Executives of Zaakcepted by Zamawiać, Którzy Na Etapie consisted of Ofert (i Etap) don't give the right-wing Oferty, Zostana Automatically Extension.
As a member of the Na Realization of the Order of the Umbifying Na Platformie Zakupowej Information O Wyborze Najkorzystniejszy Oferty. With Chwila, O Której Mowa W Zdanie Poprzednim Nauje Udzielenie Zadania. As a result, W Each time Upravated is Do Od Udzielenie.
Informs, Że Udział W Przedmiotego Postępowanie jest Eoznaczny ze Złożym Poniższe Oświęcie: Experience: Receivement: Examination: Exploration: Examination: Exceptual experience: Examination: Examination: Examination: Examinations: Examination: Examinations: Examination: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: The experience: The experience of the experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience of the experience of the experience of the experience of the experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the
1. "Oświadczam, Że Wypełnił Obowiązekcyjny Przewidziane W Art. 13 Lub Art. 14 Rodo*) Wobec Osób Fiztyczne, Od Których Dane Osobowe Bezpo Middleo Lub Pozyskał Wunia Się Udzielenie Zadzielenie Zadzielenie Zadzielenie, Od Których Wtórychny Nizhny Postępowenie.
*Distruction of the European Parliament I Council (ue) 2016/679 z dnia 27 Kwietnia 2016 R. In the case of the Protection of the Fiscal In the Union of the Distribution of Danch Osobowych I W Sprawie Swobodnego Przepływać
2. "Oświadczam, Że Wyrażam Zgodę Na Faceanie Moich Danch Osobowych Przekazanych przez Mnie Dobrowolnie Do Zamawiający".
Z Art. 13 Rodo - It was populated by the Eb2bbup web page. In the Department of Computer Science.
3. As a result, Że Oferta Cenowa Na Platformie Zakupowej Z put Osoba Umocowana Do presentnie Wykonawcy.
Prowadzone's progress on the § 25 Regulaminu § 25 Regulaminu Udzielnia Zamówień. Accessed to the Executives on the website Https:/
In the premiotment of Maą Za adapted the General Warunki Dostaw Kolei Greater Sp. With O.o. available on the Internet website Htps:/
Article 7 of the Act of the 13th Day of the 2022 R. The Special Distributions of the W Zakresie Against the Chapter of the Agresji Na Ukraina O along with the National Security Protection Act. With Niego Progressing O Udzielnie Zajukenia Public Wyklucza Się Wykonawka: "Się Wykonawcy: I am admirer: I am not a member of the public order.
1) In the autumn of 18 Maja 2006 R. Dotyczący W Rozporządzenie Rady (we) No. 765/2006 z dnia 18 Maja 2006 R. Dotyczący Środków Ograniczy w Związek Z Sytuacja Na Biało (dz. In the Nature of the Environment, the Integration of Ukraine Lub Im Zaghorrych (dz. Urz. 78 Z.2014, Str. Zóźn 6: Zóźn; Daleja Rozporządzenie 269/2014) al Wbo written by Nago. "Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3 of the Sanction Act".
2) Któr Benefi's patient of the Act of the Day of 1 March 2018 R. Odział Praniu Pieniędzy Oraz Finansowanie Terrorism (U. z 2022 R. Poz. 593 I 655) is the Octonia Wymona Wachrelonych Wych Wace 765/22 / 269 I 655. O Ile was written on the List of Na Lista Na Porisie of the W Sprawie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgatrzyowego O Za adaptanie Środka, Środka, Zaązeku Na Listie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgażający "Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3 of the Sanction Act".
3) Którego Unit Dominujący W Rozumienie Art. 3 Ust. 1 Pkt 37 z dnia 29 Września 1994 R. O Rachunkności (dz. He is a member of the Order of the Octreślonych W Rozporządzenie 765/2006 I Rozporządzacji 269/2014 Albo Wpis na Lista Lubay Taka Uniting from 24 Lutego 2022 R. O Ile was inscribed on the letter Na of the decision of the W Sprawie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgatrzygną O Za adapting Środka, Zaązeku Na Lista Rozsgażający "O Którym Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3".
According to Art. 7 Ust. 6-7 of the Sanction Act of the Osoby Lub Podmioty Podmioty Podmioty Podmiło Wykluczowanie, Wykluczowanie, Z. The following Administrative Resolution, Będa Podlegć Karze Pieniężny Do Wysokości 200,000 Zł. Kara Pieniężna Nakładana will be made by the President of the Public Museums of the Administrative Revolution.
The period of the Restoration of the Się Nie previously Niż Po Uwodie 14 Dni Od wejścia Wejścia Wejściy of the Sancyjny.
Z Art. 13 Rodo - It was populated by the Eb2bbup web page. In the Department of Computer Science.
"Wszelkie Pytania Dotyczące Postępowanie Prosimy Kiercieć Zajowej".
As a result of the Techniographic aid, the user can use the Podmer Telefonu website Się W Stopce Na Dole website.
Closing Date29 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Provincial Police Headquarters In Krakow Tender
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Details: I. Premio Postępowanie:: .
1. Premiotu Zamiotu:
Drzwi Wc Do En 57 Akw – 10 Fine Arts.
2. The Asortyment Musi S meet the Poniższe Wymagania: Być New I Wolny Od Wad, original, unobgnanimed the Laws of the Thirds, Toulouse, Toulouse: To make the New I Wolny Od Wad, original, unobciążed Laws of the Thirds, the Third Laws, the Third Laws.
3. The document: Brakkk.
4. Kryterium Oceny Ofert: Cena 90%, 10% Termin Realization.
"Ii. Warunki Realization".
The term Realization - Oczekied by the Termin Realization of the 7th Amendment. Ws argues, Że Dopuszcza Złoż Z Terminem Dłużych Niż 7 Dni Roboskich.
For Określona W Kryterium Terminu Realization Unit "day" is the "Dni Roboczeczecze.
- Godziny Realization - 8:00 Do 14:00 :0000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Godziny Realization - 8:00 - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - - 8:00 - - - - - - - - - Godziny Realization - 8:00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8:00 - 8:00 - 8:00 - - 8:00 - 8:00 - 8:00 - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - - - - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - 8:00 - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - - 8:00 - - - - - -
2. The Dostarczenie I Rozładunku Towaru – According to Do Owdddd.
3 Place Dostawy: Koleje Wielkopolskie Sp. Z O.o., Ul. Railway 3. 66-210 Zbąszynek, Punkt Utrzynia Tabor Zbąszynek 3.
No later Niż Na 12 Godziny Before the Reformation of the Order, Zobowiązany is to confirm the Termin Dostawy Towaru, and to confirm the Termin Dostawa, Towaru, the term of the Towaru, to confirm the Termin Dostawa, and to confirm the Termin Dostawa, to confirm the Towaru, and to confirm the term of the Towaru. In this God.
4. Dostawa: Dostawa Oneorazowa, Cena Winna features the Dostawy I Rozładunku.
5: Termin Płatności – According to Z Owd; 5.
6. Warunki Gwarancja – According to Z Owd.
7. Wad Wad W Ramach Gwarancja - According to Z Owd.
8. Kary Umowne - § 7 Owddddd.
Iii. "Pobieg Postępowanie:: Przebieg Postępowanie".
Informs, Że Postępowanie Prowadzone is W Two Etapach:: W Two Etapach:
A) a. I Etap - It consists of Ofert, - I Etap.
"Ii Etap - Licytacja Electroniczna - Licytacja Rozpocznie Się Automatyowo po Zakończowanie I Etapu I Potrwa 15 Minut Oraz Dogrywki - Podetap Ii Etapu, Których Warunki Oscription 15 Minut Oraz Dogrywki - Podetapu - Podetapu - Podetapetapetap I Otapu, Których Warunki Okładnie Opisowanie Opisacji Opisowanie Naępowanie Naępowanie Naępowanie Nakupowej.
Each Dog runs Trwa 3 Minuty - Uruchomia Się, If W Ciągu Lasts 3 Minut Postępowanie Zostan Złoowana Prawidłowo Another Oferta (instead).
Executives of Zaakcepted by Zamawiać, Którzy Na Etapie consisted of Ofert (i Etap) don't give the right-wing Oferty, Zostana Automatically Extension.
As a member of the Na Realization of the Order of the Umbifying Na Platformie Zakupowej Information O Wyborze Najkorzystniejszy Oferty. With Chwila, O Której Mowa W Zdanie Poprzednim Nauje Udzielenie Zadania. As a result, W Each time Upravated is Do Od Udzielenie.
Informs, Że Udział W Przedmiotego Postępowanie jest Eoznaczny ze Złożym Poniższe Oświęcie: Experience: Receivement: Examination: Exploration: Examination: Exceptual experience: Examination: Examination: Examination: Examinations: Examination: Examinations: Examination: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: The experience: The experience of the experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience of the experience of the experience of the experience of the experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the
1. "Oświadczam, Że Wypełnił Obowiązekcyjny Przewidziane W Art. 13 Lub Art. 14 Rodo*) Wobec Osób Fiztyczne, Od Których Dane Osobowe Bezpo Middleo Lub Pozyskał Wunia Się Udzielenie Zadzielenie Zadzielenie Zadzielenie, Od Których Wtórychny Nizhny Postępowenie.
*Distruction of the European Parliament I Council (ue) 2016/679 z dnia 27 Kwietnia 2016 R. In the case of the Protection of the Fiscal In the Union of the Distribution of Danch Osobowych I W Sprawie Swobodnego Przepływać
2. "Oświadczam, Że Wyrażam Zgodę Na Faceanie Moich Danch Osobowych Przekazanych przez Mnie Dobrowolnie Do Zamawiający".
Z Art. 13 Rodo - It was populated by the Eb2bbup web page. In the Department of Computer Science.
3. As a result, Że Oferta Cenowa Na Platformie Zakupowej Z put Osoba Umocowana Do presentnie Wykonawcy.
Prowadzone's progress on the § 25 Regulaminu § 25 Regulaminu Udzielnia Zamówień. Accessed to the Executives on the website Https:/
In the premiotment of Mają Za adapted the General Warunki Dostaw Kolei Wielkopolski Sp. Z O.o. Accessed on the Internet Web site Htps:/
"Z Art. 13 Rodo" – It is located on the Eb2bbup web page. In the Department of Computer Science.
"Wszelkie Pytania Dotyczące Postępowanie Prosimy Kiercieć Zajowej".
As a result of the Techniographic aid, the user can use the Podmer Telefonu website Się W Stopce Na Dole website.
Article 7 of the Act of the 13th Day of the 2022 R. O particularly Distributions of the W Zakresie Against the Chapter of the Agresji Na Ukraina O along with the National Security Protection Act. With Niego Progressing O Udzielnie Zajukenia Public Wyklucza Się Wykonawka: "Się Wykonawcy: I am admirer: I am not a member of the public order.
1) In the autumn of 18 Maja 2006 R. Dotyczący W Rozporządzenie Rady (we) No. 765/2006 z dnia 18 Maja 2006 R. Dotyczący Środków Ograniczy w Związek Z Sytuacja Na Biało (dz. In the Nature of the Environment, the Integration of Ukraine Lub Im Zaghorrych (dz. Urz. 78 Z.2014, Str. Zóźn 6: Zóźn; Daleja Rozporządzenie 269/2014) al Wbo written by Nago. "Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3 of the Sanction Act".
2) Któr Benefi's patient of the Act of the Day of 1 March 2018 R. Odział Praniu Pieniędzy Oraz Finansowanie Terrorism (U. z 2022 R. Poz. 593 I 655) is the Octonia Wymona Wachrelonych Wych Wace 765/22 / 269 I 655. O Ile was written on the List of Na Lista Na Porisie of the W Sprawie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgatrzyowego O Za adaptanie Środka, Środka, Zaązeku Na Listie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgażający "Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3 of the Sanction Act".
3) Którego Unit Dominujący W Rozumienie Art. 3 Ust. 1 Pkt 37 z dnia 29 Września 1994 R. O Rachunkności (dz. He is a member of the Order of the Octreślonych W Rozporządzenie 765/2006 I Rozporządzacji 269/2014 Albo Wpis na Lista Lubay Taka Uniting from 24 Lutego 2022 R. O Ile was inscribed on the letter Na of the decision of the W Sprawie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgatrzygną O Za adapting Środka, Zaązeku Na Lista Rozsgażający "O Którym Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3".
According to Art. 7 Ust. 6-7 of the Sanction Act of the Osoby Lub Podmioty Podmioty Podmioty Podmiło Wykluczowanie, Wykluczowanie, Z. The following Administrative Resolution, Będa Podlegć Karze Pieniężny Do Wysokości 200,000 Zł. Kara Pieniężna Nakładana will be made by the President of the Public Museums of the Administrative Revolution.
The period of the Restoration of the Się does not precede Nizh Po Upływie 14 Dni Od dnia Wejścia Wejścia W Życie Sancyjny.
Closing Date10 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Provincial Police Headquarters In Krakow Tender
Others...+1Electrical and Electronics
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Details: I. Premio Postępowanie:: .
1. Premiotu Zamiotu:
Hełmy Przemysłowe, Gogle, Maski, Kombinezy, Rękawice, Obuwie Protectionne, the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of Nature, the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the Protection of the
2. The Asortyment Musi S meet the Poniższe Wymagania: Być New I Wolny Od Wad, original, unobgnanimed the Laws of the Thirds, Toulouse, Toulouse: To make the New I Wolny Od Wad, original, unobciążed Laws of the Thirds, the Third Laws, the Third Laws.
3. The period: According to Owd.
4. Oceny Ofert: Cena 100%.
ii. Realization: Reliefation: Reliefation.
1. Terminalization: 7 Dni Roboskich.
2. Godziny Realization - 7:00 - 15:00.
3. Dostarczenie I Rozładunku Towaru: According to Z Owd.
4th Place Dostawy: Koleje Wielkopolskie Sp. Z O.o., Ul. Kolejowa 3-8 Poznań Poznań Poznań.
No later Niż Na 12 Godziny Before the Reformation of the Order, Zobowiązany is to confirm the Termin Dostawy Towaru, and to confirm the Termin Dostawa, Towaru, the term of the Towaru, to confirm the Termin Dostawa, and to confirm the Termin Dostawa, to confirm the Towaru, and to confirm the term of the Towaru. In this God.
5. Dostawa: Dostawa Oneorazowa, Cena Winna features the Dostawy I Rozładunku, Cena Winna to include the Kostawy I Rozładunku, I Rozładunku, and Cena Winna contained the cost of the Dostawa.
6. The term Płatności: According to Owd.
7. Gwarancja: According to Z Owd; Where the War.
8. The term Wad Wad W Ramach Gwarancja: According to Z Owd.
9. Kary Umowne: § 7 Owd.
Iii. "Pobieg Postępowanie:: Przebieg Postępowanie".
The Informs, Że Postępowanie Prowadzone is W Two Etapach:: W Two Etapach:
A) a. I Etap - It consists of Ofert, - I Etap.
"Ii Etap - Licytacja Electroniczna - Licytacja Rozpocznie Się Automatyowo po Zakończowanie I Etapu I Potrwa 15 Minut Oraz Dogrywki - Podetap Ii Etapu, Których Warunki Oscription 15 Minut Oraz Dogrywki - Podetapu - Podetapu - Podetapetapetap I Otapu, Których Warunki Okładnie Opisowanie Opisacji Opisowanie Naępowanie Naępowanie Naępowanie Nakupowej.
Each Dog runs Trwa 3 Minuty - Uruchomia Się, If W Ciągu Lasts 3 Minut Postępowanie Zostan Złoowana Prawidłowo Another Oferta (instead).
Executives of Zaakcepted by Zamawiać, Którzy Na Etapie consisted of Ofert (i Etap) don't give the right-wing Oferty, Zostana Automatically Extension.
As a result, the Na Realization of the Resolution of the Office of the Office of the Occupation of the Best Coalition. With Chwila, O Której Mowa W Zdanie Poprzednim Nauje Udzielenie Zadania. As a result, W Each time Upravated is Do Od Udzielenie.
Informs, Że Udział W Przedmiotego Postępowanie jest Eoznaczny ze Złożym Poniższe Oświęcie: Experience: Receivement: Examination: Exploration: Examination: Exceptual experience: Examination: Examination: Examination: Examinations: Examination: Examinations: Examination: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: The experience: The experience of the experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience of the experience of the experience of the experience of the experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the
1. "Oświadczam, Że Wypełnił Obowiązekcyjny Przewidziane W Art. 13 Lub Art. 14 Rodo*) Wobec Osób Fiztyczne, Od Których Dane Osobowe Bezpo Middleo Lub Pozyskał Wunia Się Udzielenie Zadzielenie Zadzielenie Zadzielenie, Od Których Wtórychny Nizhny Postępowenie.
*Distruction of the European Parliament I Council (ue) 2016/679 z dnia 27 Kwietnia 2016 R. In the case of the Protection of the Fiscal In the Union of the Distribution of Danch Osobowych I W Sprawie Swobodnego Przepływać
2. "Oświadczam, Że Wyrażam Zgodę Na Faceanie Moich Danch Osobowych Przekazanych przez Mnie Dobrowolnie Do Zamawiający".
Z Art. 13 Rodo - It was populated by the Eb2bbup web page. In the Department of Computer Science.
3. As a result, Że Oferta Cenowa Na Platformie Zakupowej Z put Osoba Umocowana Do presentnie Wykonawcy.
Prowadzone's progress on the § 25 Regulaminu § 25 Regulaminu Udzielnia Zamówień. Accessed to the Executives on the website Https:/
In the premiotment of Maą Za adapted the General Warunki Dostaw Kolei Greater Sp. With O.o. available on the Internet website Htps:/
"Z Art. 13 Rodo" – It is located on the Eb2bbup web page. In the Department of Computer Science.
"Monika Kruszwicka 667 313233 313".
All Pytania Dotyczące Prosecuting Prosimy to direct the Zakup Platform.
As a result of the Techniographic aid, the user can use the Podmer Telefonu website Się W Stopce Na Dole website.
Article 7 of the Act of the 13th Day of the 2022 R. O particularly Distributions of the W Zakresie Against the Chapter of the Agresji Na Ukraina O along with the National Security Protection Act. With Niego Progressing O Udzielnie Zajukenia Public Wyklucza Się Wykonawka: "Się Wykonawcy: I am admirer: I am not a member of the public order.
He was mentioned in the Octreślonych W Rozporządzacji Rady (we) Nr 765/2006 z dnia 18 Maja 2006 R. Dotyczący Środków Ograniczy W Związek Z Sytuacja Na Biało (dz. Ue L 134 Z.20.2006, Str 1. Zóźn; Dalej Rozporządzenie 765/2006) Ipoza (March 2, 2014. In the Nature of the Environment, the Integration of Ukraine Lub Im Zaghorrych (dz. Urz. 78 Z.2014, Str. Zóźn 6: Zóźn; Daleja Rozporządzenie 269/2014) al Wbo written by Nago. "Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3 of the Sanction Act".
One of the Baptists of the Acts of 1 March 2018 R. Odziałaniu Praniu Pieniędzy Oraz Finansowanie Terrorism (U. z 2022 R. Poz. 593 I 655) is the Osobymna Wachreślonych Wachreślonych Wenia 765/22 IOz. O Ile was written on the List of Na Lista Na Porisie of the W Sprawie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgatrzyowego O Za adaptanie Środka, Środka, Zaązeku Na Listie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgażający "Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3 of the Sanction Act".
"W Rozumienie Art. 3 Ust. 1 Pkt 37 Acts of 29 September 1994 R. O Rachunkności". He is a member of the Order of the Octreślonych W Rozporządzenie 765/2006 I Rozporządzacji 269/2014 Albo Wpis na Lista Lubay Taka Uniting from 24 Lutego 2022 R. O Ile was inscribed on the letter Na of the decision of the W Sprawie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgatrzygną O Za adapting Środka, Zaązeku Na Lista Rozsgażający "O Którym Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3".
According to Art. 7 Ust. 6-7 of the Sanction Act of the Osoby Lub Podmioty Podmioty Podmioty Podmiło Wykluczowanie, Wykluczowanie, Z. The following Administrative Resolution, Będa Podlegć Karze Pieniężny Do Wysokości 200,000 Zł. Kara Pieniężna Nakładana will be made by the President of the Public Museums of the Administrative Revolution.
The period of the Restoration of the Się does not precede Nizh Po Upływie 14 Dni Od dnia Wejścia Wejścia W Życie Sancyjny.
Closing Date23 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Provincial Police Headquarters In Krakow Tender
Machinery and Tools...+1Automobiles and Auto Parts
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Details: I. Premio Postępowanie:: .
1. Premiotu Zamiotu:
Insect Cleaner Zekar Opak. 20 Kg – Szt.
2. The Asortyment Musi S meet the Poniższe Wymagania: Być New I Wolny Od Wad, original, unobgnanimed the Laws of the Thirds, Toulouse, Toulouse: To make the New I Wolny Od Wad, original, unobciążed Laws of the Thirds, the Third Laws, the Third Laws.
3. The document is accompanied by: Wraz Z Dostawa Wymagana Karta.
Winno holds the Czytelne Oznaczenia, Określowe Co Najlow: Pojemność Opakowanie, the name of the Dostarcza Asortymentu, the name of the manufacturer Oraz Data; and the name of the manufacturer Oraz Data; the name of the manufacturer of Oraz Data; and the name of the manufacturer of Oraz Data; and Data; the name of the manufacturer.
4. The period: According to Owd.
5. Oceny Ofert: Cena 100%.
ii. Realization: Reliefation: Reliefation.
1. Terminalization: 7 Dni Roboskich.
2. Godziny Realization - 7:00 - 15:00.
3. Dostarczenie I Rozładunku Towaru: According to Z Owd.
"Powere Wielkopolskie Sp. Z O.o., Ul. Kolejowa /hala U haltnia Tabor/, 66-210 Zbąszynek, Punkt Utrzynia Taborek Zbąszynek Zbąszynek".
No later Niż Na 12 Godziny Before the Reformation of the Order, Zobowiązany is to confirm the Termin Dostawy Towaru, and to confirm the Termin Dostawa, Towaru, the term of the Towaru, to confirm the Termin Dostawa, and to confirm the Termin Dostawa, to confirm the Towaru, and to confirm the term of the Towaru. In this God.
5. Dostawa: Dostawa Oneorazowa, Cena Winna features the Dostawy I Rozładunku, Cena Winna to include the Kostawy I Rozładunku, I Rozładunku, and Cena Winna contained the cost of the Dostawa.
6. The term Płatności: According to Owd.
7. Gwarancja: According to Z Owd; Where the War.
8. The term Wad Wad W Ramach Gwarancja: According to Z Owd.
9. Kary Umowne: § 7 Owd.
Iii. "Pobieg Postępowanie:: Przebieg Postępowanie".
The Informs, Że Postępowanie Prowadzone is W Two Etapach:: W Two Etapach:
A) a. I Etap - It consists of Ofert, - I Etap.
"Ii Etap - Licytacja Electroniczna - Licytacja Rozpocznie Się Automatyowo po Zakończowanie I Etapu I Potrwa 15 Minut Oraz Dogrywki - Podetap Ii Etapu, Których Warunki Oscription 15 Minut Oraz Dogrywki - Podetapu - Podetapu - Podetapetapetap I Otapu, Których Warunki Okładnie Opisowanie Opisacji Opisowanie Naępowanie Naępowanie Naępowanie Nakupowej.
Each Dog runs Trwa 3 Minuty - Uruchomia Się, If W Ciągu Lasts 3 Minut Postępowanie Zostan Złoowana Prawidłowo Another Oferta (instead).
Executives of Zaakcepted by Zamawiać, Którzy Na Etapie consisted of Ofert (i Etap) don't give the right-wing Oferty, Zostana Automatically Extension.
As a result, the Na Realization of the Resolution of the Office of the Office of the Occupation of the Best Coalition. With Chwila, O Której Mowa W Zdanie Poprzednim Nauje Udzielenie Zadania. As a result, W Each time Upravated is Do Od Udzielenie.
Informs, Że Udział W Przedmiotego Postępowanie jest Eoznaczny ze Złożym Poniższe Oświęcie: Experience: Receivement: Examination: Exploration: Examination: Exceptual experience: Examination: Examination: Examination: Examinations: Examination: Examinations: Examination: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: The experience: The experience of the experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience of the experience of the experience of the experience of the experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the
1. "Oświadczam, Że Wypełnił Obowiązekcyjny Przewidziane W Art. 13 Lub Art. 14 Rodo*) Wobec Osób Fiztyczne, Od Których Dane Osobowe Bezpo Middleo Lub Pozyskał Wunia Się Udzielenie Zadzielenie Zadzielenie Zadzielenie, Od Których Wtórychny Nizhny Postępowenie.
*Distruction of the European Parliament I Council (ue) 2016/679 z dnia 27 Kwietnia 2016 R. In the case of the Protection of the Fiscal In the Union of the Distribution of Danch Osobowych I W Sprawie Swobodnego Przepływać
2. "Oświadczam, Że Wyrażam Zgodę Na Faceanie Moich Danch Osobowych Przekazanych przez Mnie Dobrowolnie Do Zamawiający".
Z Art. 13 Rodo - It was populated by the Eb2bbup web page. In the Department of Computer Science.
3. As a result, Że Oferta Cenowa Na Platformie Zakupowej Z put Osoba Umocowana Do presentnie Wykonawcy.
Prowadzone's progress on the § 25 Regulaminu § 25 Regulaminu Udzielnia Zamówień. Accessed to the Executives on the website Https:/
In the premiotment of Maą Za adapted the General Warunki Dostaw Kolei Greater Sp. With O.o. available on the Internet website Htps:/
"Z Art. 13 Rodo" – It is located on the Eb2bbup web page. In the Department of Computer Science.
All Pytania Dotyczące Prosecuting Prosimy to direct the Zakup Platform.
As a result of the Techniographic aid, the user can use the Podmer Telefonu website Się W Stopce Na Dole website.
Article 7 of the Act of the 13th Day of the 2022 R. O particularly Distributions of the W Zakresie Against the Chapter of the Agresji Na Ukraina O along with the National Security Protection Act. With Niego Progressing O Udzielnie Zajukenia Public Wyklucza Się Wykonawka: "Się Wykonawcy: I am admirer: I am not a member of the public order.
He was mentioned in the Octreślonych W Rozporządzacji Rady (we) Nr 765/2006 z dnia 18 Maja 2006 R. Dotyczący Środków Ograniczy W Związek Z Sytuacja Na Biało (dz. Ue L 134 Z.20.2006, Str 1. Zóźn; Dalej Rozporządzenie 765/2006) Ipoza (March 2, 2014. In the Nature of the Environment, the Integration of Ukraine Lub Im Zaghorrych (dz. Urz. 78 Z.2014, Str. Zóźn 6: Zóźn; Daleja Rozporządzenie 269/2014) al Wbo written by Nago. "Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3 of the Sanction Act".
One of the Baptists of the Acts of 1 March 2018 R. Odziałaniu Praniu Pieniędzy Oraz Finansowanie Terrorism (U. z 2022 R. Poz. 593 I 655) is the Osobymna Wachreślonych Wachreślonych Wenia 765/22 IOz. O Ile was written on the List of Na Lista Na Porisie of the W Sprawie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgatrzyowego O Za adaptanie Środka, Środka, Zaązeku Na Listie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgażający "Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3 of the Sanction Act".
"W Rozumienie Art. 3 Ust. 1 Pkt 37 Acts of 29 September 1994 R. O Rachunkności". He is a member of the Order of the Octreślonych W Rozporządzenie 765/2006 I Rozporządzacji 269/2014 Albo Wpis na Lista Lubay Taka Uniting from 24 Lutego 2022 R. O Ile was inscribed on the letter Na of the decision of the W Sprawie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgatrzygną O Za adapting Środka, Zaązeku Na Lista Rozsgażający "O Którym Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3".
According to Art. 7 Ust. 6-7 of the Sanction Act of the Osoby Lub Podmioty Podmioty Podmioty Podmiło Wykluczowanie, Wykluczowanie, Z. The following Administrative Resolution, Będa Podlegć Karze Pieniężny Do Wysokości 200,000 Zł. Kara Pieniężna Nakładana will be made by the President of the Public Museums of the Administrative Revolution.
The period of the Restoration of the Się does not precede Nizh Po Upływie 14 Dni Od dnia Wejścia Wejścia W Życie Sancyjny.
Closing Date24 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Provincial Police Headquarters In Krakow Tender
Electronics Equipment...+1Electrical and Electronics
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Details: I. Premio Postępowanie:: .
1. Premiotu Zamiotu:
"Dozownik Mydła W Płynie Ścienny, Stożek, Polerowana (dwp 102) Do En 76 Szt.
"Zdjęcia W Załączacji".
2. The Asortyment Musi S meet the Poniższe Wymagania: Być New I Wolny Od Wad, original, unobgnanimed the Laws of the Thirds, Toulouse, Toulouse: To make the New I Wolny Od Wad, original, unobciążed Laws of the Thirds, the Third Laws, the Third Laws.
3. The document: Brakkk.
4. Kryterium Oceny Ofert: Cena 90%, 10% Termin Realization.
"Ii. Warunki Realization".
The term Realization - Oczekied by the Termin Realization of the 7th Amendment. Ws argues, Że Dopuszcza Złoż Z Terminem Dłużych Niż 7 Dni Roboskich.
For Określona W Kryterium Terminu Realization Unit "day" is the "Dni Roboczeczecze.
- Godziny Realization - 8:00 Do 14:00 :0000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Godziny Realization - 8:00 - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - - 8:00 - - - - - - - - - Godziny Realization - 8:00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8:00 - 8:00 - 8:00 - - 8:00 - 8:00 - 8:00 - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - - - - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - 8:00 - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - - 8:00 - - - - - -
2. The Dostarczenie I Rozładunku Towaru – According to Do Owdddd.
3 Place Dostawy: Koleje Wielkopolskie Sp. Z O.o., Ul. Railway 3. 66-210 Zbąszynek, Punkt Utrzynia Tabor Zbąszynek 3.
No later Niż Na 12 Godziny Before the Reformation of the Order, Zobowiązany is to confirm the Termin Dostawy Towaru, and to confirm the Termin Dostawa, Towaru, the term of the Towaru, to confirm the Termin Dostawa, and to confirm the Termin Dostawa, to confirm the Towaru, and to confirm the term of the Towaru. In this God.
4. Dostawa: Dostawa Oneorazowa, Cena Winna features the Dostawy I Rozładunku.
5: Termin Płatności – According to Z Owd; 5.
6. Warunki Gwarancja – According to Z Owd.
7. Wad Wad W Ramach Gwarancja - According to Z Owd.
8. Kary Umowne - § 7 Owddddd.
Iii. "Pobieg Postępowanie:: Przebieg Postępowanie".
Informs, Że Postępowanie Prowadzone is W Two Etapach:: W Two Etapach:
A) a. I Etap - It consists of Ofert, - I Etap.
"Ii Etap - Licytacja Electroniczna - Licytacja Rozpocznie Się Automatyowo po Zakończowanie I Etapu I Potrwa 15 Minut Oraz Dogrywki - Podetap Ii Etapu, Których Warunki Oscription 15 Minut Oraz Dogrywki - Podetapu - Podetapu - Podetapetapetap I Otapu, Których Warunki Okładnie Opisowanie Opisacji Opisowanie Naępowanie Naępowanie Naępowanie Nakupowej.
Each Dog runs Trwa 3 Minuty - Uruchomia Się, If W Ciągu Lasts 3 Minut Postępowanie Zostan Złoowana Prawidłowo Another Oferta (instead).
Executives of Zaakcepted by Zamawiać, Którzy Na Etapie consisted of Ofert (i Etap) don't give the right-wing Oferty, Zostana Automatically Extension.
As a member of the Na Realization of the Order of the Umbifying Na Platformie Zakupowej Information O Wyborze Najkorzystniejszy Oferty. With Chwila, O Której Mowa W Zdanie Poprzednim Nauje Udzielenie Zadania. As a result, W Each time Upravated is Do Od Udzielenie.
Informs, Że Udział W Przedmiotego Postępowanie jest Eoznaczny ze Złożym Poniższe Oświęcie: Experience: Receivement: Examination: Exploration: Examination: Exceptual experience: Examination: Examination: Examination: Examinations: Examination: Examinations: Examination: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: The experience: The experience of the experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience of the experience of the experience of the experience of the experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the
1. "Oświadczam, Że Wypełnił Obowiązekcyjny Przewidziane W Art. 13 Lub Art. 14 Rodo*) Wobec Osób Fiztyczne, Od Których Dane Osobowe Bezpo Middleo Lub Pozyskał Wunia Się Udzielenie Zadzielenie Zadzielenie Zadzielenie, Od Których Wtórychny Nizhny Postępowenie.
*Distruction of the European Parliament I Council (ue) 2016/679 z dnia 27 Kwietnia 2016 R. In the case of the Protection of the Fiscal In the Union of the Distribution of Danch Osobowych I W Sprawie Swobodnego Przepływać
2. "Oświadczam, Że Wyrażam Zgodę Na Faceanie Moich Danch Osobowych Przekazanych przez Mnie Dobrowolnie Do Zamawiający".
Z Art. 13 Rodo - It was populated by the Eb2bbup web page. In the Department of Computer Science.
3. As a result, Że Oferta Cenowa Na Platformie Zakupowej Z put Osoba Umocowana Do presentnie Wykonawcy.
Prowadzone's progress on the § 25 Regulaminu § 25 Regulaminu Udzielnia Zamówień. Accessed to the Executives on the website Https:/
In the premiotment of Mają Za adapted the General Warunki Dostaw Kolei Wielkopolski Sp. Z O.o. Accessed on the Internet Web site Htps:/
"Z Art. 13 Rodo" – It is located on the Eb2bbup web page. In the Department of Computer Science.
"Wszelkie Pytania Dotyczące Postępowanie Prosimy Kiercieć Zajowej".
As a result of the Techniographic aid, the user can use the Podmer Telefonu website Się W Stopce Na Dole website.
Article 7 of the Act of the 13th Day of the 2022 R. O particularly Distributions of the W Zakresie Against the Chapter of the Agresji Na Ukraina O along with the National Security Protection Act. With Niego Progressing O Udzielnie Zajukenia Public Wyklucza Się Wykonawka: "Się Wykonawcy: I am admirer: I am not a member of the public order.
1) In the autumn of 18 Maja 2006 R. Dotyczący W Rozporządzenie Rady (we) No. 765/2006 z dnia 18 Maja 2006 R. Dotyczący Środków Ograniczy w Związek Z Sytuacja Na Biało (dz. In the Nature of the Environment, the Integration of Ukraine Lub Im Zaghorrych (dz. Urz. 78 Z.2014, Str. Zóźn 6: Zóźn; Daleja Rozporządzenie 269/2014) al Wbo written by Nago. "Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3 of the Sanction Act".
2) Któr Benefi's patient of the Act of the Day of 1 March 2018 R. Odział Praniu Pieniędzy Oraz Finansowanie Terrorism (U. z 2022 R. Poz. 593 I 655) is the Octonia Wymona Wachrelonych Wych Wace 765/22 / 269 I 655. O Ile was written on the List of Na Lista Na Porisie of the W Sprawie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgatrzyowego O Za adaptanie Środka, Środka, Zaązeku Na Listie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgażający "Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3 of the Sanction Act".
3) Którego Unit Dominujący W Rozumienie Art. 3 Ust. 1 Pkt 37 z dnia 29 Września 1994 R. O Rachunkności (dz. He is a member of the Order of the Octreślonych W Rozporządzenie 765/2006 I Rozporządzacji 269/2014 Albo Wpis na Lista Lubay Taka Uniting from 24 Lutego 2022 R. O Ile was inscribed on the letter Na of the decision of the W Sprawie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgatrzygną O Za adapting Środka, Zaązeku Na Lista Rozsgażający "O Którym Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3".
According to Art. 7 Ust. 6-7 of the Sanction Act of the Osoby Lub Podmioty Podmioty Podmioty Podmiło Wykluczowanie, Wykluczowanie, Z. The following Administrative Resolution, Będa Podlegć Karze Pieniężny Do Wysokości 200,000 Zł. Kara Pieniężna Nakładana will be made by the President of the Public Museums of the Administrative Revolution.
The period of the Restoration of the Się does not precede Nizh Po Upływie 14 Dni Od dnia Wejścia Wejścia W Życie Sancyjny.
Closing Date24 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Provincial Police Headquarters In Krakow Tender
Software and IT Solutions
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Details: I. Premio Postępowanie:: .
1. Premiotu Zamiotu:
Akcesoria Spawalnicze – W Zakładce "przedmiot Postępowanie" Oraz "załącznik" (in Polish).
"Produkty Muszą Być Nowe, Wolne Od Wad".
- Cena Winna features the Dostawy O with the Rozładunkuku.
- Oferent Dołączy Kartę Katalogową Oferowany Produktu.
2. The Asortyment Musi S complements Poniższe Wymagania: Być New I Wolny Od Wad, Nieobciąży Osóbch Third, Third, Third, Third Laws.
3. Documentation: Karta is a feature of ethics.
4. Kryterium Oceny Ofert: Cena 100%.
"Ii. Warunki Realization".
1. For example, the term "Dni Roboskich" (Dni Roboskich, Do 14 Dni Roboskich)".
- Godziny Realization - 8:00 Do 14:00 :0000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Godziny Realization - 8:00 - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - - 8:00 - - - - - - - - - Godziny Realization - 8:00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8:00 - 8:00 - 8:00 - - 8:00 - 8:00 - 8:00 - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - - - - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - 8:00 - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - - 8:00 - - - - - -
2. The Dostarczenie I Rozładunku Towaru – According to Do Owdddd.
3 Place Dostawy: Koleje Wielkopolskie Sp. Z O.o., Ul. Kolejowa 4, 66-210 Zbąszynek, Punkt Utrzynia Tabor Zbąszynek.
No later Niż Na 12 Godziny Before the Reformation of the Order, Zobowiązany is to confirm the Termin Dostawy Towaru, and to confirm the Termin Dostawa, Towaru, the term of the Towaru, to confirm the Termin Dostawa, and to confirm the Termin Dostawa, to confirm the Towaru, and to confirm the term of the Towaru. In this God.
4. The Dostawa: Dostawa Oneorazowa, Cena Winna features the Dostawa Oraz Rozładunku W Wyznaczony przez Wykonawcy Miejscu.
5: Termin Płatności – According to Z Owd; 5.
6. Warunki Gwarancja – According to Z Owd.
7. Wad Wad W Ramach Gwarancja - According to Z Owd.
8. Kary Umowne - § 7 Owddddd.
Iii. "Pobieg Postępowanie:: Przebieg Postępowanie".
Informs, Że Postępowanie Prowadzone is W Two Etapach:: W Two Etapach:
A) a. I Etap - It consists of Ofert, - I Etap.
"Ii Etap - Licytacja Electroniczna - Licytacja Rozpocznie Się Automatyowo po Zakończowanie I Etapu I Potrwa 15 Minut Oraz Dogrywki - Podetap Ii Etapu, Których Warunki Oscription 15 Minut Oraz Dogrywki - Podetapu - Podetapu - Podetapetapetap I Otapu, Których Warunki Okładnie Opisowanie Opisacji Opisowanie Naępowanie Naępowanie Naępowanie Nakupowej.
Each Dog runs Trwa 3 Minuty - Uruchomia Się, If W Ciągu Lasts 3 Minut Postępowanie Zostan Złoowana Prawidłowo Another Oferta (instead).
Executives of Zaakcepted by Zamawiać, Którzy Na Etapie consisted of Ofert (i Etap) don't give the right-wing Oferty, Zostana Automatically Extension.
As a member of the Na Realization of the Order of the Umbifying Na Platformie Zakupowej Information O Wyborze Najkorzystniejszy Oferty. With Chwila, O Której Mowa W Zdanie Poprzednim Nauje Udzielenie Zadania. As a result, W Each time Upravated is Do Od Udzielenie.
Informs, Że Udział W Przedmiotego Postępowanie jest Eoznaczny ze Złożym Poniższe Oświęcie: Experience: Receivement: Examination: Exploration: Examination: Exceptual experience: Examination: Examination: Examination: Examinations: Examination: Examinations: Examination: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: The experience: The experience of the experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience of the experience of the experience of the experience of the experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the
1. "Oświadczam, Że Wypełnił Obowiązekcyjny Przewidziane W Art. 13 Lub Art. 14 Rodo*) Wobec Osób Fiztyczne, Od Których Dane Osobowe Bezpo Middleo Lub Pozyskał Wunia Się Udzielenie Zadzielenie Zadzielenie Zadzielenie, Od Których Wtórychny Nizhny Postępowenie.
*Distruction of the European Parliament I Council (ue) 2016/679 z dnia 27 Kwietnia 2016 R. In the case of the Protection of the Fiscal In the Union of the Distribution of Danch Osobowych I W Sprawie Swobodnego Przepływać
2. "Oświadczam, Że Wyrażam Zgodę Na Faceanie Moich Danch Osobowych Przekazanych przez Mnie Dobrowolnie Do Zamawiający".
Z Art. 13 Rodo - It was populated by the Eb2bbup web page. In the Department of Computer Science.
3. As a result, Że Oferta Cenowa Na Platformie Zakupowej Z put Osoba Umocowana Do presentnie Wykonawcy.
Prowadzone's progress on the § 25 Regulaminu § 25 Regulaminu Udzielnia Zamówień. Accessed to the Executives on the website Https:/
In the premiotment of Maą Za adapted the General Warunki Dostaw Kolei Greater Sp. With O.o. available on the Internet website Htps:/
Article 7 of the Act of the 13th Day of the 2022 R. The Special Distributions of the W Zakresie Against the Chapter of the Agresji Na Ukraina O along with the National Security Protection Act. With Niego Progressing O Udzielnie Zajukenia Public Wyklucza Się Wykonawka: "Się Wykonawcy: I am admirer: I am not a member of the public order.
1) In the autumn of 18 Maja 2006 R. Dotyczący W Rozporządzenie Rady (we) No. 765/2006 z dnia 18 Maja 2006 R. Dotyczący Środków Ograniczy w Związek Z Sytuacja Na Biało (dz. In the Nature of the Environment, the Integration of Ukraine Lub Im Zaghorrych (dz. Urz. 78 Z.2014, Str. Zóźn 6: Zóźn; Daleja Rozporządzenie 269/2014) al Wbo written by Nago. "Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3 of the Sanction Act".
2) Któr Benefi's patient of the Act of the Day of 1 March 2018 R. Odział Praniu Pieniędzy Oraz Finansowanie Terrorism (U. z 2022 R. Poz. 593 I 655) is the Octonia Wymona Wachrelonych Wych Wace 765/22 / 269 I 655. O Ile was written on the List of Na Lista Na Porisie of the W Sprawie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgatrzyowego O Za adaptanie Środka, Środka, Zaązeku Na Listie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgażający "Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3 of the Sanction Act".
3) Którego Unit Dominujący W Rozumienie Art. 3 Ust. 1 Pkt 37 z dnia 29 Września 1994 R. O Rachunkności (dz. He is a member of the Order of the Octreślonych W Rozporządzenie 765/2006 I Rozporządzacji 269/2014 Albo Wpis na Lista Lubay Taka Uniting from 24 Lutego 2022 R. O Ile was inscribed on the letter Na of the decision of the W Sprawie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgatrzygną O Za adapting Środka, Zaązeku Na Lista Rozsgażający "O Którym Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3".
According to Art. 7 Ust. 6-7 of the Sanction Act of the Osoby Lub Podmioty Podmioty Podmioty Podmiło Wykluczowanie, Wykluczowanie, Z. The following Administrative Resolution, Będa Podlegć Karze Pieniężny Do Wysokości 200,000 Zł. Kara Pieniężna Nakładana will be made by the President of the Public Museums of the Administrative Revolution.
The period of the Restoration of the Się Nie previously Niż Po Uwodie 14 Dni Od wejścia Wejścia Wejściy of the Sancyjny.
Z Art. 13 Rodo - It was populated by the Eb2bbup web page. In the Department of Computer Science.
"Wszelkie Pytania Dotyczące Postępowanie Prosimy Kiercieć Zajowej".
As a result of the Techniographic aid, the user can use the Podmer Telefonu website Się W Stopce Na Dole website.
Closing Date17 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Provincial Police Headquarters In Krakow Tender
Software and IT Solutions
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Details: I. Premio Postępowanie:: .
1. Premiotu Zamiotu:
"W Zakładce "przedmiot Postępowanie" Oraz "załącznik"".
"Produkty Muszą Być Nowe, Wolne Od Wad".
- Cena Winna features the Dostawy O with the Rozładunkuku.
- Oferent Dołączy Kartę Katalogową Oferowany Produktu.
2. The Asortyment Musi S complements Poniższe Wymagania: Być New I Wolny Od Wad, Nieobciąży Osóbch Third, Third, Third, Third Laws.
3. Documentation: Karta is a feature of ethics.
4. Kryterium Oceny Ofert: Cena 100%.
"Ii. Warunki Realization".
1. For example, the term "Dni Roboskich" (Dni Roboskich, Do 14 Dni Roboskich)".
- Godziny Realization - 8:00 Do 14:00 :0000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Godziny Realization - 8:00 - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - - 8:00 - - - - - - - - - Godziny Realization - 8:00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8:00 - 8:00 - 8:00 - - 8:00 - 8:00 - 8:00 - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - - - - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - 8:00 - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - 8:00 - - - 8:00 - - - - - -
2. The Dostarczenie I Rozładunku Towaru – According to Do Owdddd.
Place Dostawy: Koleje Wielkopolskie Sp. Z O.o., Ul. Leśna 1d, 62–100 Wągrowiec, Punkt Utrzynia Tabor Wągrowiec Wągrowiec Wągrowiec Wągrowiec Wągrowiec Wągrowiecka, Punkt Utrzynia Tabor Wągrowiec Wągrowiec Wągrowiec Wągrowiec Wągrowiec Wągrowiec Wągrowiec Wągrowiec Wągrowiec Wągrowiecka Wągrowiec Wągrowiec Wągrowiec Wągrowiec Wągrowiecka.
No later Niż Na 12 Godziny Before the Reformation of the Order, Zobowiązany is to confirm the Termin Dostawy Towaru, and to confirm the Termin Dostawa, Towaru, the term of the Towaru, to confirm the Termin Dostawa, and to confirm the Termin Dostawa, to confirm the Towaru, and to confirm the term of the Towaru. In this God.
4. The Dostawa: Dostawa Oneorazowa, Cena Winna features the Dostawa Oraz Rozładunku W Wyznaczony przez Wykonawcy Miejscu.
5: Termin Płatności – According to Z Owd; 5.
6. Warunki Gwarancja – According to Z Owd.
7. Wad Wad W Ramach Gwarancja - According to Z Owd.
8. Kary Umowne - § 7 Owddddd.
Iii. "Pobieg Postępowanie:: Przebieg Postępowanie".
Informs, Że Postępowanie Prowadzone is W Two Etapach:: W Two Etapach:
A) a. I Etap - It consists of Ofert, - I Etap.
"Ii Etap - Licytacja Electroniczna - Licytacja Rozpocznie Się Automatyowo po Zakończowanie I Etapu I Potrwa 15 Minut Oraz Dogrywki - Podetap Ii Etapu, Których Warunki Oscription 15 Minut Oraz Dogrywki - Podetapu - Podetapu - Podetapetapetap I Otapu, Których Warunki Okładnie Opisowanie Opisacji Opisowanie Naępowanie Naępowanie Naępowanie Nakupowej.
Each Dog runs Trwa 3 Minuty - Uruchomia Się, If W Ciągu Lasts 3 Minut Postępowanie Zostan Złoowana Prawidłowo Another Oferta (instead).
Executives of Zaakcepted by Zamawiać, Którzy Na Etapie consisted of Ofert (i Etap) don't give the right-wing Oferty, Zostana Automatically Extension.
As a member of the Na Realization of the Order of the Umbifying Na Platformie Zakupowej Information O Wyborze Najkorzystniejszy Oferty. With Chwila, O Której Mowa W Zdanie Poprzednim Nauje Udzielenie Zadania. As a result, W Each time Upravated is Do Od Udzielenie.
Informs, Że Udział W Przedmiotego Postępowanie jest Eoznaczny ze Złożym Poniższe Oświęcie: Experience: Receivement: Examination: Exploration: Examination: Exceptual experience: Examination: Examination: Examination: Examinations: Examination: Examinations: Examination: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: The experience: The experience of the experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience of the experience of the experience of the experience of the experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the
1. "Oświadczam, Że Wypełnił Obowiązekcyjny Przewidziane W Art. 13 Lub Art. 14 Rodo*) Wobec Osób Fiztyczne, Od Których Dane Osobowe Bezpo Middleo Lub Pozyskał Wunia Się Udzielenie Zadzielenie Zadzielenie Zadzielenie, Od Których Wtórychny Nizhny Postępowenie.
*Distruction of the European Parliament I Council (ue) 2016/679 z dnia 27 Kwietnia 2016 R. In the case of the Protection of the Fiscal In the Union of the Distribution of Danch Osobowych I W Sprawie Swobodnego Przepływać
2. "Oświadczam, Że Wyrażam Zgodę Na Faceanie Moich Danch Osobowych Przekazanych przez Mnie Dobrowolnie Do Zamawiający".
Z Art. 13 Rodo - It was populated by the Eb2bbup web page. In the Department of Computer Science.
3. As a result, Że Oferta Cenowa Na Platformie Zakupowej Z put Osoba Umocowana Do presentnie Wykonawcy.
Prowadzone's progress on the § 25 Regulaminu § 25 Regulaminu Udzielnia Zamówień. Accessed to the Executives on the website Https:/
In the premiotment of Maą Za adapted the General Warunki Dostaw Kolei Greater Sp. With O.o. available on the Internet website Htps:/
Article 7 of the Act of the 13th Day of the 2022 R. The Special Distributions of the W Zakresie Against the Chapter of the Agresji Na Ukraina O along with the National Security Protection Act. With Niego Progressing O Udzielnie Zajukenia Public Wyklucza Się Wykonawka: "Się Wykonawcy: I am admirer: I am not a member of the public order.
1) In the autumn of 18 Maja 2006 R. Dotyczący W Rozporządzenie Rady (we) No. 765/2006 z dnia 18 Maja 2006 R. Dotyczący Środków Ograniczy w Związek Z Sytuacja Na Biało (dz. In the Nature of the Environment, the Integration of Ukraine Lub Im Zaghorrych (dz. Urz. 78 Z.2014, Str. Zóźn 6: Zóźn; Daleja Rozporządzenie 269/2014) al Wbo written by Nago. "Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3 of the Sanction Act".
2) Któr Benefi's patient of the Act of the Day of 1 March 2018 R. Odział Praniu Pieniędzy Oraz Finansowanie Terrorism (U. z 2022 R. Poz. 593 I 655) is the Octonia Wymona Wachrelonych Wych Wace 765/22 / 269 I 655. O Ile was written on the List of Na Lista Na Porisie of the W Sprawie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgatrzyowego O Za adaptanie Środka, Środka, Zaązeku Na Listie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgażający "Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3 of the Sanction Act".
3) Którego Unit Dominujący W Rozumienie Art. 3 Ust. 1 Pkt 37 z dnia 29 Września 1994 R. O Rachunkności (dz. He is a member of the Order of the Octreślonych W Rozporządzenie 765/2006 I Rozporządzacji 269/2014 Albo Wpis na Lista Lubay Taka Uniting from 24 Lutego 2022 R. O Ile was inscribed on the letter Na of the decision of the W Sprawie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgatrzygną O Za adapting Środka, Zaązeku Na Lista Rozsgażający "O Którym Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3".
According to Art. 7 Ust. 6-7 of the Sanction Act of the Osoby Lub Podmioty Podmioty Podmioty Podmiło Wykluczowanie, Wykluczowanie, Z. The following Administrative Resolution, Będa Podlegć Karze Pieniężny Do Wysokości 200,000 Zł. Kara Pieniężna Nakładana will be made by the President of the Public Museums of the Administrative Revolution.
The period of the Restoration of the Się Nie previously Niż Po Uwodie 14 Dni Od wejścia Wejścia Wejściy of the Sancyjny.
Z Art. 13 Rodo - It was populated by the Eb2bbup web page. In the Department of Computer Science.
"Wszelkie Pytania Dotyczące Postępowanie Prosimy Kiercieć Zajowej".
As a result of the Techniographic aid, the user can use the Podmer Telefonu website Się W Stopce Na Dole website.
Closing Date24 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Provincial Police Headquarters In Krakow Tender
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Details: I. Premio Postępowanie:: .
1. Premiotu Zamiotu:
Nitrylex Classic 100 Szt. Rozmiar S - Opak. 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030
Nitrylex Classic 100 Szt. Rozmiar M - Opak. 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030 3030
Nitrylex Classic 100 Szt. Rozmiar L - Opak 30.
2. The Asortyment Musi S complements Poniższe Wymagania: Być New I Wolny Od Wad, original, unobtained Laws of the Third.
3. Oceny Ofert: Cena 100%.
ii. Realization: Reliefation: Reliefation.
1. Terminalization: 7 Dni Roboskich.
2. Godziny Realization - 7:00 - 15:00.
3. Dostarczenie I Rozładunku Towaru: According to Z Owd.
4th Place Dostawy: Koleje Wielkopolskie Sp. Z O.o., Ul. Kolejowa 4/hala U haltnia Tabor/, 66-210 Zbąszynek, Punkt Utrzynia Taborek Zbąszynek, 66-210 Zbąszynek, Punkt Utrzynia Taborekąszynek Zbąszynek, Zbąszynek, Punkt Utrzyekęszynek, Zbąszynek, Zbąszynek.
No later Niż Na 12 Godziny Before the Reformation of the Order, Zobowiązany is to confirm the Termin Dostawy Towaru, and to confirm the Termin Dostawa, Towaru, the term of the Towaru, to confirm the Termin Dostawa, and to confirm the Termin Dostawa, to confirm the Towaru, and to confirm the term of the Towaru. In this God.
5. Dostawa: Dostawa Oneorazowa, Cena Winna features the Dostawy I Rozładunku, Cena Winna to include the Kostawy I Rozładunku, I Rozładunku, and Cena Winna contained the cost of the Dostawa.
6. The term Płatności: According to Owd.
7. Gwarancja: According to Z Owd; Where the War.
8. The term Wad Wad W Ramach Gwarancja: According to Z Owd.
9. Kary Umowne: § 7 Owd.
Iii. "Pobieg Postępowanie:: Przebieg Postępowanie".
The Informs, Że Postępowanie Prowadzone is W Two Etapach:: W Two Etapach:
A) a. I Etap - It consists of Ofert, - I Etap.
"Ii Etap - Licytacja Electroniczna - Licytacja Rozpocznie Się Automatyowo po Zakończowanie I Etapu I Potrwa 15 Minut Oraz Dogrywki - Podetap Ii Etapu, Których Warunki Oscription 15 Minut Oraz Dogrywki - Podetapu - Podetapu - Podetapetapetap I Otapu, Których Warunki Okładnie Opisowanie Opisacji Opisowanie Naępowanie Naępowanie Naępowanie Nakupowej.
Each Dog runs Trwa 3 Minuty - Uruchomia Się, If W Ciągu Lasts 3 Minut Postępowanie Zostan Złoowana Prawidłowo Another Oferta (instead).
Executives of Zaakcepted by Zamawiać, Którzy Na Etapie consisted of Ofert (i Etap) don't give the right-wing Oferty, Zostana Automatically Extension.
As a result, the Na Realization of the Resolution of the Office of the Office of the Occupation of the Best Coalition. With Chwila, O Której Mowa W Zdanie Poprzednim Nauje Udzielenie Zadania. As a result, W Each time Upravated is Do Od Udzielenie.
Informs, Że Udział W Przedmiotego Postępowanie jest Eoznaczny ze Złożym Poniższe Oświęcie: Experience: Receivement: Examination: Exploration: Examination: Exceptual experience: Examination: Examination: Examination: Examinations: Examination: Examinations: Examination: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: Examinations: The experience: The experience of the experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience of the experience of the experience of the experience of the experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience: The experience of the
1. "Oświadczam, Że Wypełnił Obowiązekcyjny Przewidziane W Art. 13 Lub Art. 14 Rodo*) Wobec Osób Fiztyczne, Od Których Dane Osobowe Bezpo Middleo Lub Pozyskał Wunia Się Udzielenie Zadzielenie Zadzielenie Zadzielenie, Od Których Wtórychny Nizhny Postępowenie.
*Distruction of the European Parliament I Council (ue) 2016/679 z dnia 27 Kwietnia 2016 R. In the case of the Protection of the Fiscal In the Union of the Distribution of Danch Osobowych I W Sprawie Swobodnego Przepływać
2. "Oświadczam, Że Wyrażam Zgodę Na Faceanie Moich Danch Osobowych Przekazanych przez Mnie Dobrowolnie Do Zamawiający".
Z Art. 13 Rodo - It was populated by the Eb2bbup web page. In the Department of Computer Science.
3. As a result, Że Oferta Cenowa Na Platformie Zakupowej Z put Osoba Umocowana Do presentnie Wykonawcy.
Prowadzone's progress on the § 25 Regulaminu § 25 Regulaminu Udzielnia Zamówień. Accessed to the Executives on the website Https:/
In the premiotment of Maą Za adapted the General Warunki Dostaw Kolei Greater Sp. With O.o. available on the Internet website Htps:/
"Z Art. 13 Rodo" – It is located on the Eb2bbup web page. In the Department of Computer Science.
All Pytania Dotyczące Prosecuting Prosimy to direct the Zakup Platform.
As a result of the Techniographic aid, the user can use the Podmer Telefonu website Się W Stopce Na Dole website.
Article 7 of the Act of the 13th Day of the 2022 R. O particularly Distributions of the W Zakresie Against the Chapter of the Agresji Na Ukraina O along with the National Security Protection Act. With Niego Progressing O Udzielnie Zajukenia Public Wyklucza Się Wykonawka: "Się Wykonawcy: I am admirer: I am not a member of the public order.
He was mentioned in the Octreślonych W Rozporządzacji Rady (we) Nr 765/2006 z dnia 18 Maja 2006 R. Dotyczący Środków Ograniczy W Związek Z Sytuacja Na Biało (dz. Ue L 134 Z.20.2006, Str 1. Zóźn; Dalej Rozporządzenie 765/2006) Ipoza (March 2, 2014. In the Nature of the Environment, the Integration of Ukraine Lub Im Zaghorrych (dz. Urz. 78 Z.2014, Str. Zóźn 6: Zóźn; Daleja Rozporządzenie 269/2014) al Wbo written by Nago. "Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3 of the Sanction Act".
One of the Baptists of the Acts of 1 March 2018 R. Odziałaniu Praniu Pieniędzy Oraz Finansowanie Terrorism (U. z 2022 R. Poz. 593 I 655) is the Osobymna Wachreślonych Wachreślonych Wenia 765/22 IOz. O Ile was written on the List of Na Lista Na Porisie of the W Sprawie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgatrzyowego O Za adaptanie Środka, Środka, Zaązeku Na Listie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgażający "Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3 of the Sanction Act".
"W Rozumienie Art. 3 Ust. 1 Pkt 37 Acts of 29 September 1994 R. O Rachunkności". He is a member of the Order of the Octreślonych W Rozporządzenie 765/2006 I Rozporządzacji 269/2014 Albo Wpis na Lista Lubay Taka Uniting from 24 Lutego 2022 R. O Ile was inscribed on the letter Na of the decision of the W Sprawie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgatrzygną O Za adapting Środka, Zaązeku Na Lista Rozsgażający "O Którym Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3".
According to Art. 7 Ust. 6-7 of the Sanction Act of the Osoby Lub Podmioty Podmioty Podmioty Podmiło Wykluczowanie, Wykluczowanie, Z. The following Administrative Resolution, Będa Podlegć Karze Pieniężny Do Wysokości 200,000 Zł. Kara Pieniężna Nakładana will be made by the President of the Public Museums of the Administrative Revolution.
The period of the Restoration of the Się does not precede Nizh Po Upływie 14 Dni Od dnia Wejścia Wejścia W Życie Sancyjny.
Closing Date24 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
United States
Details: 5. Project Number (if Applicable)
7. Administered By
2. Amendment/modification Number
6. Issued By
8. Name And Address Of Contractor
4. Requisition/purchase Req. Number
3. Effective Date
9a. Amendment Of Solicitation Number
9b. Dated
page Of Pages
10a. Modification Of Contract/order Number
10b. Dated
bpa No.
1. Contract Id Code
facility Code
offers Must Acknowledge Receipt Of This Amendment Prior To The Hour And Date Specified In The Solicitation Or As Amended, By One Of The Following Methods:
the Above Numbered Solicitation Is Amended As Set Forth In Item 14. The Hour And Date Specified For Receipt Of Offers
e. Important:
is Extended,
(a) By Completing Items 8 And 15, And Returning __________ Copies Of The Amendment; (b) By Acknowledging Receipt Of This Amendment On Each Copy Of The
offer Submitted; Or (c) By Separate Letter Or Electronic Communication Which Includes A Reference To The Solicitation And Amendment Numbers. Failure Of Your
acknowledgment To Be Received At The Place Designated For The Receipt Of Offers Prior To The Hour And Date Specified May
is Not Extended.
12. Accounting And Appropriation Data
(rev. 11/2016)
is Required To Sign This Document And Return ___________ Copies To The Issuing Office.
is Not,
a. This Change Order Is Issued Pursuant To: (specify Authority) The Changes Set Forth In Item 14 Are Made In The Contract Order No. In Item 10a.
15c. Date Signed
b. The Above Numbered Contract/order Is Modified To Reflect The Administrative Changes
set Forth In Item 14, Pursuant To The Authority Of Far 43.103(b).
result In Rejection Of Your Offer. If By Virtue Of This Amendment You Desire To Change An Offer Already Submitted, Such Change May Be Made By Letter
or Electronic Communication, Provided Each Letter Or Electronic Communication Makes Reference To The Solicitation And This Amendment, And Is Received Prior To
the Opening Hour And Date Specified.
c. This Supplemental Agreement Is Entered Into Pursuant To Authority Of:
d. Other
16c. Date Signed
14. Description Of Amendment/modification
16b. United States Of America
except As Provided Herein, All Terms And Conditions Of The Document Referenced In Item 9a Or 10a, As Heretofore Changed, Remains Unchanged And In Full Force And Effect.
15a. Name And Title Of Signer
16a. Name And Title Of Contracting Officer
15b. Contractor/offeror
standard Form 30
previous Edition Not Usable
prescribed By Gsa - Far (48 Cfr) 53.243
(type Or Print)
(type Or Print)
(organized By Ucf Section Headings, Including Solicitation/contract Subject Matter Where Feasible.)
(number, Street, County, State And Zip Code)
(if Other Than Item 6)
(specify Type Of Modification And Authority)
(such As Changes In Paying Office, Appropriation Date, Etc.)
(if Required)
(see Item 11)
(see Item 13)
13. This Item Applies Only To Modifications Of Contracts/orders,
it Modifies The Contract/order No. As Described In Item 14.
11. This Item Only Applies To Amendments Of Solicitations
amendment Of Solicitation/modification Of Contract
(signature Of Person Authorized To Sign)
(signature Of Contracting Officer)
department Of Veterans Affairs
ann Arbor Healthcare System
network Contracting Office 10
2215 Fuller Road
ann Arbor, Mi 48105
department Of Veterans Affairs
ann Arbor Healthcare System
network Contracting Office 10
2215 Fuller Road
ann Arbor, Mi 48105
to All Offerors/bidders
see Continuation Page
1. The Purpose Of This Amendment Is To:
A. Answer Industry Questions;
B. Provide An Updated Statement Of Work (sow), Attached Herein, Which Must Be The Sow Submitted With Any Offer, And;
C. Provide A Revised Price Schedule, Attached Herein, Which Must Be The Price Schedule Submitted With Any Offer
2. No Other Changes To The Solicitation Are Made As A Result Of This Amendment.
jeannie Ortiz
contracting Officer
page 33 Of 44
a.1 Price/cost Schedule
item Number
description Of Supplies/services
unit Price
blue Pe1 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
(warranty Coverage 12/16/2024 Through 12/15/2025)
contract Period: Base
pop Begin: 12-16-2025
pop End: 03-31-2026
blue Pe2 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage 03/02/2025 To 03/01/2026)
contract Period: Base
pop Begin: 03-02-2026
pop End: 03-31-2026
blue Pe3 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage 05/19/2025 To 05/18/2026)
contract Period: Base
pop Begin: 04-01-2025
pop End: 05-18-2025
blue Pe4 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage And Gps 07/17/2025 To 07/16/2026)
contract Period: Base
pop Begin: 04-01-2025
pop End: 07-16-2025
yellow Pe8 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
(warranty Coverage 12/16/2024 Through 12/15/2025)
contract Period: Base
pop Begin: 12-16-2025
pop End: 03-31-2026
yellow Pe9 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage 05/19/2025 To 05/18/2026)
contract Period: Base
pop Begin: 04-01-2025
pop End: 05-18-2025
yellow Pe10 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage 03/02/2025 To 03/01/2026)
contract Period: Base
pop Begin: 03-02-2026
pop End: 03-31-2026
red Pe11 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
(warranty Coverage 12/16/2024 Through 12/15/2025)
contract Period: Base
pop Begin: 12-16-2025
pop End: 03-31-2026
red Pe12 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage And Gps 07/17/2025 To 07/16/2026)
contract Period: Base
pop Begin: 04-01-2025
pop End: 07-16-2025
red Pe14 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage 03/02/2025 To 03/01/2026)
contract Period: Base
pop Begin: 03-02-2026
pop End: 03-31-2026
blue Se5 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage 09/01/2025 To 08/31/2026)
contract Period: Base
pop Begin: 04-01-2025
pop End: 08-31-2025
red Se15 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage 09/01/2025 To 08/31/2026)
contract Period: Base
pop Begin: 04-01-2025
pop End: 08-31-2025
blue Se6 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage 12/01/2025 To 11/30/2026)
contract Period: Base
pop Begin: 04-01-2025
pop End: 11-30-2025
red Se16 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage 12/01/2025 To 11/30/2026)
contract Period: Base
pop Begin: 04-01-2025
pop End: 11-30-2025
blue Fe7 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage And Gps 07/17/2025 To 07/16/2026)
contract Period: Base
pop Begin: 04-01-2025
pop End: 07-16-2025
yellow Cl7 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage 09/01/2025 To 08/31/2026)
contract Period: Base
pop Begin: 04-01-2025
pop End: 08-31-2025
yellow Cl8 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage 12/01/2025 To 11/30/2026)
contract Period: Base
pop Begin: 04-01-2025
pop End: 11-30-2025
blue Ge1 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
(warranty Coverage 07/03/2025 To 07/02/2026)
contract Period: Base
pop Begin: 04-02-2025
pop End: 07-02-2025
red Ge3 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
(warranty Coverage 07/03/2025 To 07/02/2026)
contract Period: Base
pop Begin: 04-02-2025
pop End: 07-02-2025
blue Ge2 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
(warranty Coverage 11/03/2025 To 11/02/2026)
contract Period: Base
pop Begin: 04-02-2025
pop End: 11-02-2025
red Ge2 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
(warranty Coverage 11/03/2025 To 11/02/2026)
contract Period: Base
pop Begin: 04-02-2025
pop End: 11-02-2025
base Year Total: $ _____________
blue Pe1 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
contract Period: Option 1
pop Begin: 04-01-2026
pop End: 03-31-2027
blue Pe2 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 1
pop Begin: 04-01-2026
pop End: 03-31-2027
blue Pe3 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage 05/19/2025 To 05/18/2026)
contract Period: Option 1
pop Begin: 05-19-2026
pop End: 03-31-2027
blue Pe4 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage And Gps 07/17/2025 To 07/16/2026)
contract Period: Option 1
pop Begin: 07-17-2026
pop End: 03-31-2027
yellow Pe8 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
contract Period: Option 1
pop Begin: 04-01-2026
pop End: 03-31-2027
yellow Pe9 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage 05/19/2025 To 05/18/2026)
contract Period: Option 1
pop Begin: 05-19-2026
pop End: 03-31-2027
yellow Pe10 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 1
pop Begin: 04-01-2026
pop End: 03-31-2027
red Pe11 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
contract Period: Option 1
pop Begin: 04-01-2026
pop End: 03-31-2027
red Pe12 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage And Gps 07/17/2025 To 07/16/2026)
contract Period: Option 1
pop Begin: 07-17-2026
pop End: 03-31-2027
red Pe14 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 1
pop Begin: 04-01-2026
pop End: 03-31-2027
blue Se5 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage 09/01/2025 To 08/31/2026)
contract Period: Option 1
pop Begin: 09-01-2026
pop End: 03-31-2027
red Se15 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage 09/01/2025 To 08/31/2026)
contract Period: Option 1
pop Begin: 09-01-2026
pop End: 03-31-2027
blue Se6 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage 12/01/2025 To 11/30/2026)
contract Period: Option 1
pop Begin: 12-01-2026
pop End: 03-31-2027
red Se16 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage 12/01/2025 To 11/30/2026)
contract Period: Option 1
pop Begin: 12-01-2026
pop End: 03-31-2027
blue Fe7 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage And Gps 07/17/2025 To 07/16/2026)
contract Period: Option 1
pop Begin: 07-17-2026
pop End: 03-31-2027
yellow Cl7 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage 09/01/2025 To 08/31/2026)
contract Period: Option 1
pop Begin: 09-01-2026
pop End: 03-31-2027
yellow Cl8 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
(warranty Coverage 12/01/2025 To 11/30/2026)
contract Period: Option 1
pop Begin: 12-01-2026
pop End: 03-31-2027
blue Ge1 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
(warranty Coverage 07/03/2025 To 07/02/2026)
contract Period: Option 1
pop Begin: 07-03-2026
pop End: 03-31-2027
red Ge3 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
(warranty Coverage 07/03/2025 To 07/02/2026)
contract Period: Option 1
pop Begin: 07-03-2026
pop End: 03-31-2027
blue Ge2 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
(warranty Coverage 11/03/2025 To 11/02/2026)
contract Period: Option 1
pop Begin: 11-03-2026
pop End: 03-31-2027
red Ge2 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
(warranty Coverage 11/03/2025 To 11/02/2026)
contract Period: Option 1
pop Begin: 11-03-2026
pop End: 03-31-2027
option Year 1 Total: $_____________
blue Pe1 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
contract Period: Option 2
pop Begin: 04-01-2027
pop End: 03-31-2028
blue Pe2 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 2
pop Begin: 04-01-2027
pop End: 03-31-2028
blue Pe3 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 2
pop Begin: 04-01-2027
pop End: 03-31-2028
blue Pe4 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 2
pop Begin: 04-01-2027
pop End: 03-31-2028
yellow Pe8 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
contract Period: Option 2
pop Begin: 04-01-2027
pop End: 03-31-2028
yellow Pe9 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 2
pop Begin: 04-01-2027
pop End: 03-31-2028
yellow Pe10 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 2
pop Begin: 04-01-2027
pop End: 03-31-2028
red Pe11 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
contract Period: Option 2
pop Begin: 04-01-2027
pop End: 03-31-2028
red Pe12 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 2
pop Begin: 04-01-2027
pop End: 03-31-2028
red Pe14 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 2
pop Begin: 04-01-2027
pop End: 03-31-2028
blue Se5 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 2
pop Begin: 04-01-2027
pop End: 03-31-2028
red Se15 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 2
pop Begin: 04-01-2027
pop End: 03-31-2028
blue Se6 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 2
pop Begin: 04-01-2027
pop End: 11-30-2028
red Se16 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 2
pop Begin: 04-01-2027
pop End: 11-30-2028
blue Fe7 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 2
pop Begin: 04-01-2027
pop End: 03-31-2028
yellow Cl7 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 2
pop Begin: 04-01-2027
pop End: 03-31-2028
yellow Cl8 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 2
pop Begin: 04-01-2027
pop End: 11-30-2028
blue Ge1 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
(warranty Coverage 07/03/2025 To 07/02/2026)
contract Period: Option 2
pop Begin: 04-01-2027
pop End: 03-31-2028
red Ge3 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
(warranty Coverage 07/03/2025 To 07/02/2026)
contract Period: Option 2
pop Begin: 04-01-2027
pop End: 03-31-2028
blue Ge2 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
contract Period: Option 2
pop Begin: 04-01-2027
pop End: 03-31-2028
red Ge2 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
contract Period: Option 2
pop Begin: 04-01-2027
pop End: 03-31-2028
option Year 2 Total: $_____________
blue Pe1 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
contract Period: Option 3
pop Begin: 04-01-2028
pop End: 03-31-2029
blue Pe2 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 3
pop Begin: 04-01-2028
pop End: 03-31-2029
blue Pe3 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 3
pop Begin: 04-01-2028
pop End: 03-31-2029
blue Pe4 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 3
pop Begin: 04-01-2028
pop End: 03-31-2029
yellow Pe8 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
contract Period: Option 3
pop Begin: 04-01-2028
pop End: 03-31-2029
yellow Pe9 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 3
pop Begin: 04-01-2028
pop End: 03-31-2029
yellow Pe10 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 3
pop Begin: 04-01-2028
pop End: 03-31-2029
red Pe11 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
contract Period: Option 3
pop Begin: 04-01-2028
pop End: 03-31-2029
red Pe12 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 3
pop Begin: 04-01-2028
pop End: 03-31-2029
red Pe14 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 3
pop Begin: 04-01-2028
pop End: 03-31-2029
blue Se5 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 3
pop Begin: 04-01-2028
pop End: 03-31-2029
red Se15 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 3
pop Begin: 04-01-2028
pop End: 03-31-2029
blue Se6 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 3
pop Begin: 04-01-2028
pop End: 11-30-2029
red Se16 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 3
pop Begin: 04-01-2028
pop End: 11-30-2029
blue Fe7 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 3
pop Begin: 04-01-2028
pop End: 03-31-2029
yellow Cl7 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 3
pop Begin: 04-01-2028
pop End: 03-31-2029
yellow Cl8 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 3
pop Begin: 04-01-2028
pop End: 11-30-2029
blue Ge1 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
contract Period: Option 3
pop Begin: 04-01-2028
pop End: 03-31-2029
red Ge3 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
contract Period: Option 3
pop Begin: 04-01-2028
pop End: 03-31-2029
blue Ge2 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
contract Period: Option 3
pop Begin: 04-01-2028
pop End: 03-31-2029
red Ge2 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
contract Period: Option 3
pop Begin: 04-01-2028
pop End: 03-31-2029
Option Year 3 Total: $_____________
blue Pe1 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
contract Period: Option 4
pop Begin: 04-01-2029
pop End: 03-31-2030
blue Pe2 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 4
pop Begin: 04-01-2029
pop End: 03-31-2030
blue Pe3 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 4
pop Begin: 04-01-2029
pop End: 03-31-2030
blue Pe4 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 4
pop Begin: 04-01-2029
pop End: 03-31-2030
yellow Pe8 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
contract Period: Option 4
pop Begin: 04-01-2029
pop End: 03-31-2030
yellow Pe9 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 4
pop Begin: 04-01-2029
pop End: 03-31-2030
yellow Pe10 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 4
pop Begin: 04-01-2029
pop End: 03-31-2030
red Pe11 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
contract Period: Option 4
pop Begin: 04-01-2029
pop End: 03-31-2030
red Pe12 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 4
pop Begin: 04-01-2029
pop End: 03-31-2030
red Pe14 - Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 4
pop Begin: 04-01-2029
pop End: 03-31-2030
blue Se5 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 4
pop Begin: 04-01-2029
pop End: 03-31-2030
red Se15 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 4
pop Begin: 04-01-2029
pop End: 03-31-2030
blue Se6 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 4
pop Begin: 04-01-2029
pop End: 11-30-2030
red Se16 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 4
pop Begin: 04-01-2029
pop End: 11-30-2030
blue Fe7 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 4
pop Begin: 04-01-2029
pop End: 03-31-2030
yellow Cl7 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 4
pop Begin: 04-01-2029
pop End: 03-31-2030
yellow Cl8 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspection
contract Period: Option 4
pop Begin: 04-01-2029
pop End: 11-30-2030
blue Ge1 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
contract Period: Option 4
pop Begin: 04-01-2029
pop End: 03-31-2030
red Ge3 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
contract Period: Option 4
pop Begin: 04-01-2029
pop End: 03-31-2030
blue Ge2 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
contract Period: Option 4
pop Begin: 04-01-2029
pop End: 03-31-2030
red Ge2 - Maintenance, Repairs, Testing & Inspections
contract Period: Option 4
pop Begin: 04-01-2029
pop End: 03-31-2030
option Year 4 Total: $_____________
base Plus Four Option Year Grand Total: $_____________
answers To Vendor Questions Asked 36c25025q0149
section B. Scope Of Work Oncall And Onsite Schedule
a. Please Clarify The Minimum Time Required To Be Included In The Monthly Cost.
i. This Section States 50 Hours Of On-call Service (10hours Per Day)
1. Are These Hours In Addition To The 8hrs Per Day Maintenance Requirement For Monday, Wednesday, And Friday 2. 50 On Call Hours Please Clarify If These Hours Are Regular Time Or Overtime Hours. (there Are Cost Differences)
answer: On-call Hours Are Regular Time And Separate From On-site Hours On Monday, Wednesday & Friday. There Is No Overtime For Any Services Required Under The Contract. This Is A Firm, Fixed-price Contract, And As Stated In The Sow The Monthly Rate Is To Be All-inclusive Of All Services Required Unless It Is Something Clearly Listed In The Exclusions.
section B. Scope Of Work Callback Services
a. Does This Section Apply To Elevator Union Holidays As Well?
answer: The Only Holidays Recognized/applicable Under This Federal Acquisition Are Federal Holidays A Link To The Federal Holidays At The Opm Website Was Included In The Rfq. See Sow Section B, Item 4, Sub Items A & B For Call-back Services Details.
section B. Scope Of Work Callback Services 7
a. This Section States That Cleaning Of Door Tracks Are The Responsibility Of The Contractor.
i. Based On The Site Requirements The Elevator Contractor Would Lonely Be Onsite 3 Days A Week And Cannot Monitor The Tracks On A Daily Basis.
answer: Item 7 Does Not Identify This As A Daily Requirement, Therefore, The Expectation Is That The Contractor Will Be Responsible For This On The Days They Are There/scheduled To Be There.
ii. Can This Be A Shared Responsibility?
answer: The Contract Awardee Will Be Required To Do This.
iii. Within The Industry, Cleaning Of Door Sills Are The Responsibility Of The Facility. We Check And Monitor When Conducting Maintenance Only.
answer: The Sow Is What Drives The Acquisition And Future Contract Contractor Will Be Required To Perform These Services And Follow All Requirements Listed In The Sow.
section B. Scope Of Work Callback Services 12
answer: In The Sow, There Is No Callback Services 12 There Is A Sow, Section B, Item 12 Which Is Not Related To Call-back Services, If That Is What Is Being Referenced.
this Section States That The Cor Can Elect To Have Repairs Completed On Overtime At No Additional Cost.
answer: Yes, This Is An All-inclusive, Firm, Fixed-price Acquisition. All Services Required Must Be Covered Under The Monthly Rate With The Only Exception Being Items Clearly On The Exclusions List.
i. There Is No Way To Capture That Cost Without Knowing What Could Be Required To Replace On Overtime.
answer: There Are No Overtime Hours As A Firm, Fixed-price Contract Does Not Engage In Variable Types Of Rates. Repairs Are Required Under The Contract Unless They Are Clearly Listed On The Exclusions List. The Monthly Rate Shall Cover All Services Required Under The Contract. Some Months May Require More Repair Work, While Other Months, Contractor Would Receive The Entire Monthly Payment When No Repairs Are Required. Please See The Attached Revised Sow For Slightly Updated Language To Section B, Item 12.
ii. Would The Cor Be Willing To Adjust This Section To Cover The Cost Of The Difference In Labor (premium Portion Of Labor) Premium Portion Standard Rate.
answer: No. This Is A Firm, Fixed-price Acquisition, Therefore, Additional/variable Rates Do Not Apply. The Contract Will Be All-inclusive Of Services Required, With A Monthly Fixed Rate, Fixed Annual Value, And A Fixed Total Contract Value (assuming Each Option Year Is Exercised At Government Discretion).
section B. Scope Of Work Inspections 14, Performance Parameters 19
this Section Details Inspection Reports And Key Performance Indicators/parameters
i. Please Provide Evidence That The Units Included Within The Rfp Meet These Requirements And Parameters
answer: Asme 17.1 Performance Parameters For Elevators Are Required. This Includes Elevators Still In Operation Since 1996, Elevators That Were Renovated In 2024, And New Elevators That Will Be Operational In 2025. Please See The Attached Sow For Updated Language To Section B, Item 19.
does The Cor Recognize Elevator Union Holidays?
answer: The Only Holidays Concerned/recognized Under This Federal Acquisition Are Federal Holidays A Link To The Federal Holidays At The Opm Website Was Included In The Rfq See Sow, Section E, Item 1 For The Opm Federal Holiday Link.
is The Cor Aware Of Any City Of Detroit Elevator Division Violations That Are Outstanding?
if So, Please Provide Documentation
answer: The Service Is Unaware Of Any Facility Vertical Lift That Has Any Municipal Violations That Are Outstanding.
how Will Pre-maintenance Repairs, Vandalism Etc Be Handled?
answer: Regarding Vandalism, See/review Sow, Section F. Regarding Pre-maintenance Repairs, A Repair Is A Repair, Whether Pre- Or Post-maintenance. Repairs Of Any Nature, Except For Items On The Exclusion List, Are To Be Covered Under The Contract And Handled By Contractor In A Timely Manner Once The Contract Is Effective. All Elevators Are As Is If A Repair Is Required, The Contractor Is Required To Do The Repair.
in The Event Of Water And/or Oil, Fluid Accumulates In The Elevator Pit, How Will It Be Handled?
a. Is This A Billable Situation
answer: There Are No Billable Situations With A Firm, Fixed-price Contract. The Monthly Rate Paid By The Government Is Not A Variable Rate But A Firm, Fixed-rate Which Covers All Services Required Unless Clearly Listed As An Exclusion On The Exclusions List.
will The Site Remove The Fluid And Dispose?
answer: The Contractor Is Required To Remove The Fluid And Properly Dispose Of It.
will The Contractor Be Responsible For Removing The Fluid
answer: The Contractor Is Required To Remove The Fluid And Properly Dispose Of It.
who Is Responsible For Maintaining The Elevator Phone Lines?
answer: Contractor Is Responsible For Maintaining The Operation Of Elevator Cabin Phones.
a. Elevator Contractors Do Not Manage Or Run The Lines.
answer: The Facility Will Provide An Operational Phone Signal, But The Contractor Is Responsible For Connecting Both Ends Of The Telephone Line (at Elevator Cabin, Within Each Elevator Travel Cable , And At Elevator Control Panel) In Order To Have Operational Phones In Each Elevator Cabin.
b. If The Event Of An Inoperable Phone, Is The Site Responsible For Contacting The Phone Company
answer: In The Event Of An Inoperable Phone, Detroit Va S Office Of Information & Technology (oi&t)/telecom Staff Will Repair Any Faulty Phone Signal. If The Facility Telecom Staff Confirms The Phone Signal Is Being Provided, Then The Contractor Is Responsible For Repairing An Inoperable Phone.
how Will Obsolescence Be Handled?
answer: None Of The Elevators Will Be Obsolete During The Course Of The Awarded Contract, Even If All Option Years Are Exercised, Therefore, This Question Is Irrelevant.
the Site Is Currently Modernizing Elevators
a. Are There Any Components That Are Considered Proprietary?
i. If So, Please Detail How The Cor Would Like To Approach The Situation
answer: The Service/cor Is Unaware Of Any Proprietary Components. Contractors Must Be Capable Of Repairing Or Replacing Elevator Equipment To Properly Maintain The Facility S Vertical Lifts.
badging Training
a. Please Detail Any Training Or Badging Requirements Needed For Access
answer: Upon Arrival At Detroit Va, Contractor/contractor Staff Are Required To Report To Cor Who Will Handle Badge Information/access, Training Information And Any Other Items Required.
will The Cor Consider Alternate Maintenance Approaches That Differ From The 3 Day A Week Maintenance Requirement?
answer: No, The Sow Defines Exactly What The Requirement/needs Are.
part A: I Noticed That There Are 3 New Elevators Red Garage 1, Blue Garage 3, And Red Passenger 13 These Upon Expiration Of Will Be Installed And Are Not On The List.â Is The Intent To Add These To The Agreement?
answer: Yes, The Intent Will Likely Be To Add Them To The Contract Via Contract Modification At Whatever Point In Future They Should Be Added, However, For The Purposes Of The Contract Required At Present Time (which Does Not Include The Unknowns Regarding These Three Elevators), These Elevators Are Not Included In The Sow And Any Offers Submitted Should Related To The Actual Contents/requirements Of The Sow.
part B: All 21 Elevators In The Hospital And Garages Are Undergoing Modernizations Over The Next 2 Years Plus Finishing At Various Times.â as The Elevators Are Upgraded They Go Onto A Free Service Period.â i Believe It Is A Full Year Free Service. If A Company Other Than The Installation Company Works On The Elevators In Any Way It Voids The Warranty.â it Would Appear If The Installation Company Is Not Maintaining These Upgraded Elevators The Va Is Paying Twice For The Same Services And Possibly Voiding Warranties.â is This The Intent Of This Agreement?
answer: To More Clearly Define Which Elevators Will Be Requiring Services Under The Contract For Certain Periods Of Time, A New Price Schedule Has Been Drafted And Is Attached To This Amendment. Not All Elevators Will Need Services At The Same Time/in The Same Years, And As Such, It Is Imperative To Price Services Accordingly. Offerors Should Make Careful Note To Only Price Services For The Months Required, For The Base Year And For Each Potential Option Year, For Each Elevator.
please Provide Any Information Available On:
the Manufacture Of Controls, Geared Or Gearless Type Of Machine And,
1. Original Parking Elevators:
A. Dover (hydraulic) Motor.
B. Dover Wcr Control Panel.
2. Original Cart-lifts:
A. Dover Motor.
B. Dover Msd1 Control Panel.
3. Original Freight Elevator:
A. Dover (hydraulic) Motor.
B. Dover Wcr Control Panel.
4. Original Passenger Elevators And Original Service Elevators:
A. Dover Motor.
B. Thyssenkrupp Tac 50-04 Control Panel.
5. New Passenger Elevators:
A. Kone Mx40 Motor.
B. Kone Kcm Control Panel.
6. New Service Elevator 15 And Service Elevator 16:
A. Kone Mx40 Motor.
B. Kone Kcm Control Panel.
7. New Service Elevator 5 And Service Elevator 6:
A. Kone Mx Machine. (not The Same As Motor For Se15 & Se16).
B. Kone Kcm Control Panel.
8. New Parking Elevators:
A. Kone Mx Machine.
B. Kone Kcm Control Panel.
how Many Stops Each Elevator Has.
answer: This Information Is For The 21 Elevators Associated With This Requirement, And Also For The 3 Additional That May Or May Not Be Added To The Contract At A Later Date. Please Ensure Any Offer Submitted Pertains Only To The Actuals Of This Acquisition.
cart-lifts 7 And 8 (cl7, Cl8) Have Two Stops: Lower Level (ll) And Floor Four (f4).
freight Elevator (fe7) Has Two Stops: Ll And F1.
blue Parking Elevators 1, 2, And 3 (ge1, Ge2, Ge3) Have Six Stops: Ll Thru F5.
red Parking Ge1, Ge2, And Ge3 Have Six Stops: Ll Thru F5.
blue Passenger Elevators (pe1, Pe2, Pe3, Pe4) Have Eight Stops: Ll Thru F7.
blue Service Elevators (se5, Se6) Have Eight Stops: Ll Thru F7.
yellow Pe8 Has Six Stops: Ll Thru F5.
yellow Pe9 And Pe10 Have Five Stops: Ll Thru F4.
red Pe11, Pe12, Pe13, And Pe14 Have Six Stops: Ll Thru F5.
red Se15 And Se16 Have Six Stops: Ll Thru F5.
please Provide Any Outstanding Repairs, Inspection Items To Be Corrected, Etc.:
answer: The Only Outstanding Issue Is With Cart-lift (cl) 8 For Dirty Surgical Instruments. A Padlock Has Been On The Power Switch Since 2019 For Two Reasons:
cart-lift Travels At About One-third The Expected Vertical Speed.
surgical Staff, Multiple Elevator Specialists, And I Have Witnessed Cl8 Travel Up And Down While Lobby Doors Are 100 Percent Open At Floor Four.
page 44 Of 44
statement Of Work
the Detroit Va Medical Center (dva) Located At 4646 John R. Street, Detroit, Michigan 48201 Requires A Firm, Fixed-price Contract For Preventive Maintenance And Repairs For All Operational Vertical Lifts At Vamc Detroit. Contractor Shall Provide All Tools, Parts, Materials, Equipment, Labor, Certified Elevator Specialists/technicians, Supervision, Licenses, Insurance And Transportation Necessary To Perform Preventive Maintenance, Repairs, Inspections And Call-back Services For The Vertical Transport Equipment Listed In This Statement Of Work (sow). Contractor Shall Provide Maintenance In A Manner Which Ensures The Safe And Continuous Operation Of All Equipment Listed In Accordance With Commercial Practices Or Manufacturer's Specifications (ansi-asme Al7).
firm, Fixed-price Contracts Cover The Services Listed Within (with Exception To Any Exclusions List) At A Set Monthly Price, And Overall Total Contract Value. All Services And Repairs Under This Contract Are Included In The Monthly Price (except For Items On The Exclusions List).
scope Of Work:
elevator Services Include, But Are Not Limited To Scheduled Weekly Inspections, Adjustments, Cleaning And Lubrication Of All Machinery, Machinery Spaces, Hoist Ways, And Pits.
annual No-load Test
five-year Full-load Test
on-call And On-site Schedule:
the Contractor Shall Provide On-call Service Of 50 Hours Per Week, Ten Hours Per Day, Monday Through Friday, From 7:00 Am To 5:00 Pm Et, For All Vertical Transportation Equipment.
following Are Maintenance Hours Required By This Contract. Contractor Shall Be On-site:
monthly: 96 Hours
weekly: 24 Hours
Assigned Day: 8-hour Shift. Assigned Days Are Monday, Wednesday And Friday,
Unless One Of Those Days Is A Federal Holiday, In Which The Shift Shall Be Adjusted
To A Non-federal Holiday Business Day That Week, Subject To Cor Approval.
call-back Services:
the Contractor Shall Provide Call-back Service During Federal Holidays And Non-business Hours For Emergencies. The Contractor Shall Provide Make-up Inspection Hours Lost Due To Holidays By Scheduling Additional Preventative Maintenance Hours Within The Month The Holiday Occurs.
example: If The Holiday Falls On A Monday, Then The Makeup Day Shall Be Either Tuesday Or Thursday.
contractor Shall Provide Scheduled Weekly Examinations, Adjustments, Cleaning, And
Lubrication Of All Machinery, Machinery Spaces, Hoist Ways, And Pits.
Contractor Shall Maintain All Parts Of The Vertical Transportation Equipment Systems
Consisting Of, But Not Limited To, The Following:
hoisting Machinery
operating And Signal Fixtures
wire Ropes
door Operating And Safety Equipment
control Apparatus And Power Drives .
fixed Mechanical Equipment
auxiliary Apparatus (to Include Any Cart Ejection Systems) And Appurtenance
electrical Wiring And Traveling Cables
mechanical And Electrical Safety Devices
contractor Shall Ensure That Elevator Door Tracks Are Free From Dirt And Debris To Ensure Smooth, Proper Operation Of Elevator Doors.
contractor Shall Replace All Burned Out Light Bulbs Inside The Elevator Cabs To Maintain Proper Lighting At All Times. Vamc Detroit Will Provide The Light Bulbs For The Contractor.
Install As Used In The Work Required, Specifications And Drawings Shall Mean Furnish, Install, Connect, Adjust And Test Except Where Otherwise Specified.
brand Names Are Specified To Indicate Performance And Quality Characteristics. No Substitutes Of Specified Materials Shall Be Accepted.
emergency Generator Test: Vamc Detroit Conducts Testing Of The Facility S Emergency Generators On The First Wednesday Of Each Month, From 6:15 Am To 6:45 Am. Duties To Be Performed Shall Include The Following:
before 6:00 Am: Be Present For Duty To Participate In The Test.
no Later Than 6:05 Am: Assist Vamc Detroit Staff In Utilizing The Fire Recall System To Bring All Elevators To The First Floor. Note: Waiting Until Five Minutes After 6:00 Am Is To Give Biomedical Engineering Staff Necessary Time To Shut Down Biomedical Equipment Prior To Generator Testing.
after 6:15 Am: When The Facility Disconnects From Detroit Edison At 6:15 Am, The Contractor Will Assist Vamc Detroit Staff In Turning Off The Fire Recall System And Ensure That At Least One Elevator Is Running At Each Elevator Bank For The Duration Of The Generator Test.
assist Va Staff In Performing Code Blue Testing On Selected Elevators During The Test.
different Elevators Will Be Selected By The Cor For Each Test.
be Available To Troubleshoot Any Problems Occurring With The Elevators When Normal Power Has Been Restored Upon The Conclusion Of The Test.
the Cor Will Notify The Contractor If There Is A Need To Take A Vertical Lift Out Of Service In Order For Contractor To Make Repairs. If The Contractor Determines That A Vertical Lift Is Operating In An Unsafe Manner, The Contractor Is Authorized To Remove The Vertical Lift From Service And Must Notify The Cor Immediately. The Cor Will Coordinate With The Contractor To Repair Off-line Vertical Lifts In A Timely Fashion. Repairs Will Be Covered Under This Contract Unless It Is An Item Clearly Listed On The Exclusions List.
the Next Five-year Full-load Test Is Due In 2025.
monthly: Examine All Safety Devices And Governors.
test The Communications And Elevator Fire Safety System.
the Fire Safety System Testing Includes Manual Recall (phase I) And Fireman S
elevator Operation (phase Ii).
confirmation And Results Of All Tests Shall Be Forwarded To The Cor Upon Completion Of Testing.
annually No-load Test Of Safety Mechanisms:
conduct A No-load Test Of Safety Mechanisms, In Accordance With The American Society Of Mechanical Engineers, Asme/ans1 A17.1 (2010).
confirmation And Results Of All Tests Shall Be Forwarded To The Cor Upon Completion Of Testing.
every Five Years Full Load Test Of Safety Mechanisms. During The Full-load Test, The Following Shall Also Be Conducted:
conduct A Full-load Test Of Safety Mechanisms, In Accordance With The American Society Of Mechanical Engineers, Asme/ans1 A17.1 (2010).
inspect Car Balances.
inspect The Governors. Set Them, Recalibrate Them, And Seal Them For Proper Tripping Speed.
confirmation And Results Of All Tests Shall Be Forwarded To The Cor Upon Completion Of Testing.
the Contractor Shall Provide Vertical Transportation System Efficiency And Maintenance Survey Inspections Annually. The Results Of These Inspections Shall Be Summarized With Appropriate Backup Material In An Annual Report To The Cor By The End Of The Month Following The Anniversary Date Of The Contract. This Report Shall Include The Following Performance Parameters And Summary Data For Each Vertical Transportation Unit As Appropriate:
unit Speed Up And Oem Specification.
unit Speed Down And Oem Specification.
door Open Speed And Oem Specification.
door Close Speed Normal And Code Limit.
door Close Speed Reduced And Code Limit.
door Closing Torque And Code Limit.
door Dwell Time For Car Call.
door Dwell Time For Hall Call.
leveling Accuracy Summary And Oem Specification.
date Of The Last Annual / Five-year Safety Test Completed.
date Of The Last Annual Communications And Fire Recall System Test.
annualized Call-back Rate With Backup Detail.
dedicated Maintenance Hours For The Preceding Twelve Months.
semi-annual Inspections By Independent Consultant: Contractor Shall Accompany Cor Or Vamc Detroit S Independent Consultant On Inspections To Audit The Facility S Elevator Operations Every Six Months.
the Independent Consultant Shall Provide Semi-annual Inspection Reports To The Cor.
the Cor Shall Provide A Copy Of These Reports To The Contractor. The Contractor And Cor Will Determine Who Is Responsible For The Abatement Of Deficiencies Listed In The Semi-annual Reports.
the Cor Shall Provide A Copy Of These Reports To The Chief Of Facility Management Service. The Chief Of Facility Management Service Will Determine Abatement Procedures For Deficiencies That Are The Responsibility Of Vamc Detroit.
the Cor Shall Archive Corrective Actions Taken By Contractor And Chief Of Facility Management, For A File-retention Period Of Five Years.
lubrication: Lubricate Monthly (12 Times Per Year At Regularly Scheduled Intervals), All Mechanical Parts Recommended To Be Lubricated By The Oem Of The Vertical Transportation Equipment.
cleaning: The Contractor Shall, During All Examinations, Remove And Discard Immediately All Accumulated Dirt And Debris From The Pit Areas, And Be Responsible For Always Maintaining The Cleanliness Of All Elevator Machine Rooms. Additionally, Prior To Each Annual Anniversary Date Of This Contract, Contractor Shall Thoroughly Clean Down The Entire Hoist Way Of All Accumulated Dirt, Grease, Dust, And Debris.
painting: Contractor Shall Keep Machinery Exterior And Any Rust-prone Equipment Clean And Painted. Motor Windings And Controller Coils Shall Be Periodically Treated With Proper Insulating Compound. The Machine Room Floor And All Storage Areas Shall Be Painted Annually With Good Quality Deck Enamel.
repairs And Replacements Shall Be Made Promptly By Contractor, Or When The Cor Advises The Contractor To Do So. Repairs And Replacements Shall Be Made In Accordance With Conformance Standards And Oem Standards. Repair And Replacement Of Parts Shall Be New/genuine Oem Or Equal In Design, Workmanship, Quality, Finish Fit, Adjustment, Operation And Appearance. Repairs And Replacements Shall Apply To All Mechanical, Electronic, And Electrical Parts, Including But Not Limited To:
automatic Power And Manually Operated Door Systems, Car Door And Gate Hangers, Car Door And Gate Contact, Door Protective Device, Guides, Stops And Appurtenances, Car Safety Mechanism, Platform, Car Sills, Car Guide Shoes, Gibs Or Rollers And Appurtenances.
geared And Gearless Machinery, Worm, Gear, Bearings, Drive Sheave, Deflector Sheave, And Brake Assembly, Component Parts And All Associated Castings.
motor, Motor Generator, Motor Windings, Rotating Element, Stator, Bearings, Rotors, Starters, Solid-state Power Drives Complete And Associated Apparatus, Speed Monitoring Equipment And Attachments.
controller, Selector And Dispatching Equipment, All Relays, Solid State Components, Resistors, Condensers, Transformers, Contact Leads, Dashpots, Timing Devices, Computer Devices, Insulators, Solenoids, Resistance Grids, Mechanical And Electrical Driving Equipment, Diagnostics, Troubleshooting Tools, Monitors And Associated Apparatus.
governor, Governor Sheave And Shaft Assembly, Bearings, Contacts And Governor Tension Sheave Assemblies.
overhead, Deflector Or Secondary Sheaves, Bearings, Car And Counterweight Buffers, Car And Counterweight Guide Rails, Top And Bottom Limit Switches, Activating Cams, Compensating Equipment, Counterweight And Counterweight Guide Shoes Including Rollers Or Gibs.
hoist Way Door Interlocks, Top Tracks, Hanger Rollers, Operating Linkages And Auxiliary Door Closing Devices, Hoist Way Landing, Leveling And Encoding Systems Complete, And Power Door Clutch-engaging Systems Complete.
car And Hall Lanterns, Lobby Fixtures, Car Operating Panels, Car And Hall Position Indicators, Hall Push-button Fixtures, Audible/visible Signals And Controls Complete, Emergency Lighting, Communication Devices, Remote Operating And Signal Equipment Complete.
the Contractor Shall Examine And Equalize Tension On All Wire Ropes And Renew Them Whenever Necessary To Ensure The Maintenance Of Adequate Safety Factor. Contractor Shall Also Shorten All Ropes As Required To Maintain Legal Bottom Clearances And Perform All Safety Code Re-shackling Procedures Per Asme/ans1 A17.1 (2010).
contractor Shall Repair Or Replace All Electrical Traveling Cables, Wiring And Conductors Extending To The Vertical Transportation Unit From Main Line Switch In The Machine Room And Outlets In The Hoist Ways. The Main Power Switch And Its Fuses Are Excluded.
contractor Shall Be Responsible For Changing Lightbulbs And Lighting Fixtures In The Cab, Pit, Machine Room, And Hoist Way As Required. Dva Will Provide The Light Bulbs.
hydraulic Systems Components, Including But Not Limited To, Tanks, Valves, Pump, Cylinder Head, Above Ground Piping, Hoses, Fittings, Gauges, Seals, O-rings, Packing S, Belts, Recovery Devices, Overflow Devices, Rescuvator (auxiliary Power Device) Or Other Emergency Operating And Signal Systems, Above-grade Cylinder And Plunger Assemblies Complete, Cathodic Protection Devices, Muffler, Heater And Shut-off Valves.
performance Parameters: All Vertical Lifts Shall Meet The Standards Required By The American Society Of Mechanical Engineers (asme). Performance Parameters For Each Vertical Lift Must Comply With The Particular Version Of Asme 17.1, Safety Code For Elevators And Escalators, That Was In Effect At The Time Of Installation Or With The Most Recent Version For Each Renovated Vertical Lift.
spare Parts: The Contractor Shall Provide And Maintain A Supply Of Contacts, Coils, Solid-state Boards And Associated Components, Leads, Brushes, Lubricants, Wiping Cloths, Rollers, Guides, Switches, And Other Minor Parts In The Vertical Transportation System(s) Machine Room(s) For The Performance Of Routine Preventive Maintenance. All Spare Parts Shall Be Kept In Storage Cabinets Provided By The Contractor.
record Keeping:
a Complete Permanent Record Of Maintenance Inspections And Routines, Repair Work, Lubrication, And Call Back Service Will Be Kept In The Machine Room. These Records Are To Be Always Available To The Cor. The Records Shall Indicate The Reason The Mechanic Was In The Building, Arrival And Departure Time, The Work Performed, Etc., And These Records Shall Be Property Of Vamc Detroit. Record Keeping Requirements Are The Responsibility Of Contractor S Maintenance Personnel.
a Contractor S Proprietary System That Fulfills The Requirements In The Above Paragraph Will Be Accepted In Lieu Of The Method Specified, However, All Records, Including Annual Summary Reports Must Be Provided To The Cor And Are Property Of Dva.
Hot Work :
precautions Shall Be Taken By The Contractor, To Prevent Accidental Operation Of Any Existing Smoke Detectors By Minimizing The Amount Of Dust Generated In The Vicinity Of Any Smoke Detectors.
the Contractor Shall Not Perform Any Hot Work Without An Approved Hot Work Permit From The Cor. Hot Work Is Any Work That May Generate A Source Of Ignition In Areas Where Flammable Or Combustible Materials May Be Present. Welding, Flame Cutting, Use Of Pneumatic Hammers, Soldering, Brazing, Thermal Spraying, Thawing Pipe And Spark Producing Equipment Are Examples Of This Type Of Work.
before Any Hot Work Is Conducted, The Contractor Or Sub-contractors Shall Obtain A Hot Work Permit From The Cor. Cor Is The Overseer And Decider On Any And All Hot Work To Be Performed.
contractor Storage Space On Dva Premises: There Will Be Space Made Available To Contractor For Storing Items. The Cor Will Designate The Space; The Space Designated May Be Subject To Change With Dva.
list Of Elevators Requiring Services
lift Name
lift Type
lift Location
maximum Lift Capability
blue Pe1
geared Traction Passenger Elevator
blue Tower
blue Pe2
geared Traction Passenger Elevator
blue Tower
blue Pe3
geared Traction Passenger Elevator
blue Tower
blue Pe4
geared Traction Passenger Elevator
blue Tower
yellow Pe8
geared Traction Passenger Elevator
yellow Tower
yellow Pe9
geared Traction Passenger Elevator
yellow Tower
yellow Pe10
geared Traction Passenger Elevator
yellow Tower
red Pe11
geared Traction Passenger Elevator
red Tower
red Pe12
geared Traction Passenger Elevator
red Tower
red Pe14
geared Traction Passenger Elevator
red Tower
blue Se5
geared Traction Service Elevator
blue Tower
blue Se6
geared Traction Service Elevator
blue Tower
red Se15
geared Traction Service Elevator
red Tower
red Se16
geared Traction Service Elevator
red Tower
blue Fe7
hydraulic Freight Elevator
blue Tower
yellow Cl7
geared-traction Cart Lifts
yellow Tower
yellow Cl8
geared-traction Cart Lifts
yellow Tower
red Ge2
hydraulic Garage Elevators
red Garage
red Ge3
hydraulic Garage Elevators
red Garage
blue Ge1
hydraulic Garage Elevators
blue Garage
blue Ge2
hydraulic Garage Elevators
blue Garage
elevator Warranty Coverage Periods
during The Specific Warranty Period Listed For Each Elevator, An Elevator Modernization Warranty Is In Effect And Contractor Shall Not Perform Any Services To Any Elevator Within The Warranty Period Listed. Contractor Shall Provide All Sow Services Required For Any Elevator Beginning On The First Day That Elevator Is No Longer Covered Under Warranty. For Example, Elevator Blue Pe1 S Last Day Under Warranty Is 12/15/2025, Therefore, Contractor Must Begin Providing Services On 12/16/2025. The Following Schedule Is Provided To Clarify Existing Warranty Coverage Periods For Each Elevator:
ten Gearless-traction Elevators:
blue Pe1 (warranty Coverage And Gps 12/16/2024 To 12/15/2025)
blue Pe2 (warranty Coverage And Gps 03/02/2025 To 03/01/2026)
blue Pe3 (warranty Coverage And Gps 05/19/2025 To 05/18/2026)
blue Pe4 (warranty Coverage And Gps 07/17/2025 To 07/16/2026)
yellow Pe8 (warranty Coverage And Gps 12/16/2024 To 12/15/2025)
yellow Pe9 (warranty Coverage And Gps 05/19/2025 To 05/18/2026)
yellow Pe10 (warranty Coverage And Gps 03/02/2025 To 03/01/2026)
red Pe11 (warranty Coverage And Gps 12/16/2024 To 12/15/2025)
red Pe12 (warranty Coverage And Gps 07/17/2025 To 07/16/2026)
red Pe14 (warranty Coverage And Gps 03/02/2025 To 03/01/2026)
four Service Elevators:
blue Se5 (warranty Coverage And Gps 09/01/2025 To 08/31/2026)
blue Se6 (warranty Coverage And Gps 12/01/2025 To 11/30/2026)
red Se15 (warranty Coverage And Gps 09/01/2025 To 08/31/2026)
red Se16 (warranty Coverage And Gps 12/01/2025 To 11/30/2026)
one Hydraulic Freight Elevator:
blue Fe7 (warranty Coverage And Gps 07/17/2025 To 07/16/2026)
two Geared-traction Cart-lifts:
yellow Cl7 (warranty Coverage And Gps 09/01/2025 To 08/31/2026)
yellow Cl8 (warranty Coverage And Gps 12/01/2025 To 11/30/2026)
four Gearless-traction Elevators:
blue Ge1 (warranty Coverage And Gps 07/03/2025 To 07/02/2026)
blue Ge2 (warranty Coverage And Gps 11/03/2025 To 11/02/2026)
red Ge2 (warranty Coverage And Gps 11/03/2025 To 11/02/2026)
red Ge3 (warranty Coverage And Gps 07/03/2025 To 07/02/2026)
conformance Standards
asme A17.1 / Csa B44 Safety Code For Elevators And Escalators (2013) Or Current
asme A17.1 Safety Code For Elevators And Escalators The Particular Version Of Asme 17.1 In Effect At Time Of Installation Or At Time Of Most Recent Renovation Of Each Vertical Lift
asme A17.2 Guide For Inspection Of Elevators, Escalators, And Moving Walks (2012) Or Current
compliance With The Current Editions Of Ansi/asme Al 7 (a17.1, A17.2, And A17.3)
original Equipment Manufacture (oem) Standards And Requirements
va Standards And Regulations
days And Hours Of Operation / Federal Holidays
a List Of All Federal Holidays Can Be Found At: Https://
all Work, Including Regular Examinations And Repairs In Accordance With This Contract Are To Be Made During Regular Business Hours Between 6:00 Am To 4:30 Pm, Monday Through Friday, Except For Federal Holidays.
all Repairs, Parts And Labor Required For Repairs Shall Be Included, At No Additional Cost, Unless It Is Clearly And Specifically An Excluded Item Listed Below:
any Extra Charge Work Clearly Due To Vandalism Or Misuse. Contracting Officer Must Be Informed In Advance And Approve Of Work Being Outside Of Scope For This Contract No Invoice Will Be Paid Without Prior Approval.
installation Of New Attachments, Which May Be Required Or Recommended By Insurance Agencies Or Government Authorities.
repairs Or Replacement Of Cab Enclosure, Hoist Way Enclosures, Door Frames (not Doors) And Sills, Machine Room Lighting, Cab Tile Or Carpet.
replacement Of Underground Hydraulic Piping Or Hydraulic Cylinder.
it Is To Be Understood That Any Item Not Specifically Excluded In The List Above Shall Be Considered The Contractor's Responsibility And Fall Within The Costs Of This Contract.
contractor & Contractor Staff Responsibilities
maintenance Work Shall Be Performed Only By Employees Directly Employed And Supervised By The Contractor. Contractor Employees Shall Be Experienced And Certified In Maintaining Vertical Transportation Systems/elevators.
the Contractor Shall Be Regularly Engaged In The Business Of Servicing Equipment Similar To That Being Maintained Under This Contract And Shall Have Done So For A Period Of At Least Five Years Prior To The Date Of The Solicitation For This Contract. The Contractor Shall Have A Permanent Service Branch Capable Of Providing Normal Service Within Two Hours After A Request Is Made And Emergency Call-back Service As Specified In Paragraph 17.
contractor Shall Make All Repairs Or Replacements Due To Damage By Contractor Employee Improper Repair, Negligent Or Willful Acts, Or Omissions Of Required Information, Services, Repairs, Etc.
Closing Date7 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
7441-7450 of 7457 archived Tenders