Computer Tenders
Computer Tenders
Provincial Police Headquarters In Krakow Tender
Automobiles and Auto Parts
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Details: I. Premio Postępowanie:: .
1. Premiotu Zamiotu:
- Przycisk Spustu Wody Umywalki Do Poraj En76 - Szt. 10.
(In the Interconnection)
2. The Asortyment Musi S meet the Poniższe Wymagania: Być New I Wolny Od Wad, original, unobgnanimed the Laws of the Thirds, Toulouse, Toulouse: To make the New I Wolny Od Wad, original, unobciążed Laws of the Thirds, the Third Laws, the Third Laws.
3. The document: Brakkk.
4. Seeing Na Względzie Przepisy Rozporząd Wykonawskich Commission (ue) 2019/779 z dnia 16 Maja 2019 R. Ustanawiczy Szczegółowe Przepisy Dotyczące Systemu Certification Podmiotów Odmitów Za Utakie Pogonów According to the Directive of the European Parliament Iue (2016/79). As a spokesperson for the Prosecution of the European Parliament of the Council (ue) 2016/798 Z dnia 11 Maja 2016 R. In the case of Kolei (R. No. 138, Str. 102 Zózn.), Ming Na Względzie Wpływać In confirmation, Że Przedmiot Zajdanie will be Realized by the Executives of the I Udokumented System of Utrzynia I Management is the Omission, the Omission, the Omission, the Omission, the Omission, the Omission, the Omission, the Omission, and the Omission System of Education, is to receive the Omission, the Omission, the Omission, the Omission, the Office of the Office of Education, and the Management of the Office of the Office of the Management of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Management of the Office of the Management of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Management of the Office of the Management of Education is to the Management of the Management of Educational Management of Educational Management of Education, the Educational Management of Educational Management of Education, the Educational Management of Education, the Office, the Office, the Office, the Office, the Office of Education, the Office, the Office, the Office, the Office, the Office, the Office, the Office, the Office of the Office of the Office, the Office, the Office, the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office Iv Pkt 4.
5. Kryterium Oceny Ofert: Cena 90%, 10% Termin Realization.
"Ii. Warunki Realization".
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2. The Dostarczenie I Rozładunku Towaru – According to Do Owdddd.
3 Place Dostawy: Koleje Wielkopolskie Sp. Z O.o., Ul. Railway 3. 66-210 Zbąszynek, Punkt Utrzynia Tabor Zbąszynek 3.
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7. Wad Wad W Ramach Gwarancja - According to Z Owd.
8. Kary Umowne - § 7 Owddddd.
Iii. "Pobieg Postępowanie:: Przebieg Postępowanie".
Informs, Że Postępowanie Prowadzone is W Two Etapach:: W Two Etapach:
A) a. I Etap - It consists of Ofert, - I Etap.
"Ii Etap - Licytacja Electroniczna - Licytacja Rozpocznie Się Automatyowo po Zakończowanie I Etapu I Potrwa 15 Minut Oraz Dogrywki - Podetap Ii Etapu, Których Warunki Oscription 15 Minut Oraz Dogrywki - Podetapu - Podetapu - Podetapetapetap I Otapu, Których Warunki Okładnie Opisowanie Opisacji Opisowanie Naępowanie Naępowanie Naępowanie Nakupowej.
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1. "Oświadczam, Że Wypełnił Obowiązekcyjny Przewidziane W Art. 13 Lub Art. 14 Rodo*) Wobec Osób Fiztyczne, Od Których Dane Osobowe Bezpo Middleo Lub Pozyskał Wunia Się Udzielenie Zadzielenie Zadzielenie Zadzielenie, Od Których Wtórychny Nizhny Postępowenie.
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2. "Oświadczam, Że Wyrażam Zgodę Na Faceanie Moich Danch Osobowych Przekazanych przez Mnie Dobrowolnie Do Zamawiający".
Z Art. 13 Rodo - It was populated by the Eb2bbup web page. In the Department of Computer Science.
3. As a result, Że Oferta Cenowa Na Platformie Zakupowej Z put Osoba Umocowana Do presentnie Wykonawcy.
4. I am aware, I will be Realized by the Confucians, possessing the Odpowiedni I Udokumented System of Utrzynia I Management of W Rozumienie Pkt 9.2 Lit. "B) Załącznik Ii Do Rozporząd wykonawskiego Commission (ue) 2019/779 z dnia 16 Maja 2019 R. Ustanawiujący Szczegółowe Przepisy Dotyczącye Systemu Certification Podmiotów Odmitów Odymnych Zatrzynie Zatrzynie Pojazdów According to the European Parliament Iue (2016/79 Ochącha Rozporządzenie 4 (in Polish).
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With Uwagi Na Wpływać
In the premiotment of Mają Za adapted the General Warunki Dostaw Kolei Wielkopolski Sp. Z O.o. Accessed on the Internet Web site Htps:/ W Tym Przepisy § 3 Ust. 7 General Warunków Dostaw Kolei Wielkopolskich Sp. O.o.
"Z Art. 13 Rodo" – It is located on the Eb2bbup web page. In the Department of Computer Science.
"Wszelkie Pytania Dotyczące Postępowanie Prosimy Kiercieć Zajowej".
As a result of the Techniographic aid, the user can use the Podmer Telefonu website Się W Stopce Na Dole website.
Article 7 of the Act of the 13th Day of the 2022 R. O particularly Distributions of the W Zakresie Against the Chapter of the Agresji Na Ukraina O along with the National Security Protection Act. With Niego Progressing O Udzielnie Zajukenia Public Wyklucza Się Wykonawka: "Się Wykonawcy: I am admirer: I am not a member of the public order.
1) In the autumn of 18 Maja 2006 R. Dotyczący W Rozporządzenie Rady (we) No. 765/2006 z dnia 18 Maja 2006 R. Dotyczący Środków Ograniczy w Związek Z Sytuacja Na Biało (dz. In the Nature of the Environment, the Integration of Ukraine Lub Im Zaghorrych (dz. Urz. 78 Z.2014, Str. Zóźn 6: Zóźn; Daleja Rozporządzenie 269/2014) al Wbo written by Nago. "Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3 of the Sanction Act".
2) Któr Benefi's patient of the Act of the Day of 1 March 2018 R. Odział Praniu Pieniędzy Oraz Finansowanie Terrorism (U. z 2022 R. Poz. 593 I 655) is the Octonia Wymona Wachrelonych Wych Wace 765/22 / 269 I 655. O Ile was written on the List of Na Lista Na Porisie of the W Sprawie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgatrzyowego O Za adaptanie Środka, Środka, Zaązeku Na Listie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgażający "Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3 of the Sanction Act".
3) Którego Unit Dominujący W Rozumienie Art. 3 Ust. 1 Pkt 37 z dnia 29 Września 1994 R. O Rachunkności (dz. He is a member of the Order of the Octreślonych W Rozporządzenie 765/2006 I Rozporządzacji 269/2014 Albo Wpis na Lista Lubay Taka Uniting from 24 Lutego 2022 R. O Ile was inscribed on the letter Na of the decision of the W Sprawie Wpisu Na Lista Rozsgatrzygną O Za adapting Środka, Zaązeku Na Lista Rozsgażający "O Którym Mowa W Art. 1 Pkt 3".
According to Art. 7 Ust. 6-7 of the Sanction Act of the Osoby Lub Podmioty Podmioty Podmioty Podmiło Wykluczowanie, Wykluczowanie, Z. The following Administrative Resolution, Będa Podlegć Karze Pieniężny Do Wysokości 200,000 Zł. Kara Pieniężna Nakładana will be made by the President of the Public Museums of the Administrative Revolution.
The period of the Restoration of the Się does not precede Nizh Po Upływie 14 Dni Od dnia Wejścia Wejścia W Życie Sancyjny.
Closing Date24 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
National Farming Promotion Tender
Furnitures and Fixtures
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Details: Kraków 02/08/2024 Price Inquiry Mon. Delivery and installation of air conditioners in the buildings of the Municipal Police Headquarters in Krakow at ul. Mogilska 109” The proceedings are in accordance with Decision No. 58/2021 of November 4, 2021 of the Provincial Police Commander in Krakow General information: 1. The offer should be sent by: August 12, 2024. Until 10.00. Please submit Offers and All Inquiries via the Purchasing Platform to the following address:, "proceedings" tab - "list of open procedures". In case of problems with submitting an offer, please contact the Eb2b Helpdesk - Contact in the footer of the website. 2. The Offer should be prepared in accordance with this Request. II. Description of the Subject of the Order: Task No. 1 (Computer room, Building G) · Delivery of 2 pcs. of Lg Standard 2 S24et air conditioners or Kaisai Pro Heat Krp-24megi/krp-24mego or Gree Pular Pro Gwh24age-k6dna1a - To be selected by the Contractor and installation in the room On the first floor of the building (indoor units at a height of approx. 3 m, outdoor units on the façade of the building (height 8 meters from the ground). · Delivery and installation: O Air conditioner 1 - Refrigerant pipes 2 x approx. 7 Mb long, - Condensate pipe And a signal cable with a length of approx. 7 Mb, - trays for power cables with a length of approx. 2 x 11 m, - a power cable with a length of approx Mb, - Condensate and signal cable with a length of approx. 11 Mb, - Power cable trays with a length of approx. 10 M, dimensions allowing for the installation of two air conditioners, - Power cable with a length of approx. Performing a Leak Test, Creating a Vacuum, Starting the Air Conditioning, Replenishing the Refrigerant (if Indicated in accordance with the Air Conditioner's Documentation) · Powering the Air Conditioners from the Switchboard in the Building Corridor, Necessary to Connect the Power Cable to the Air Conditioner 2 in the Section Approx. 10 Meters Under the Suspended Ceiling, the Power Cable for Air Conditioner 1 Was Lead to the Room), Connection to the Switchboard on the Contractor's Side, Gravity Condensate Discharge to the Outside of the Building. Task No. 2 (room 102, Building G) · Delivery of a M-Lg, Gree or Vivax cassette air conditioner with a nominal cooling capacity of min. 7 KW and installation in the ceiling of the room at a height of approx. 3 M (requires disassembly of the suspended ceiling structure in place of the installed air conditioner and additional attachment of the structure to the ceiling (if necessary) · The external unit of the air conditioner should be mounted on the roof of the building covered with roofing felt, drilling through the roof is necessary (the first board is 24 cm thick, the second one is approx. 10 cm, distance between slabs approx. 1 meter, access to the roof via a roof hatch, - delivery and installation of: - refrigerant pipes approx. Power Cable Approx. 12 M long, - Roof culvert, - Outdoor unit bracket. · The place of drilling through the roof should be protected against moisture (an additional piece of insulation should be installed around the culvert) · Installation in the roof space should be protected · Performing a Leak Test, Creating a Vacuum, Starting the Air Conditioning, Replenishing the Refrigerant (if Indicated in accordance with the Air Conditioner Documentation), · Powering the Air Conditioners from the Switchboard in the Building Corridor, Connecting to the Switchboard on the Contractor's Side, Draining Condensate to the Roof of the Building Task No. 3 (Room No. 1 Building No. 9) · Delivery and installation of a ceiling-floor (ceiling) air conditioner with a nominal cooling capacity of min. 7.0 KW M-ki Lg, Gree or Vivax - To be selected by the Contractor (indoor unit at the ceiling at a height of approx. 3.30 M, Outdoor Unit on the Ground Next to the Building, • Delivery and Installation of: - Refrigeration Pipes 2 X Approx. 9 M, - Condensate and signal cable with a length of approx. 9 M, - Power Cord Length Approx. 25 M, - trays for refrigeration pipes with a length of approx. 7 M, - Trays for a power cable with a length of approx. 15 M, - Outdoor Unit Stand of the Outdoor Unit Enables Installation of the Unit at a Height of Approx. 40 Cm, · Power supply for air conditioners from the switchboard in the building corridor, connection to the switchboard on the Contractor's side, gravity drainage of condensate outside the building. Warranty Cards should be handed over to the Ordering Party's Representative. III. Conditions regarding the Offer and Order Fulfillment: 1. Payment for the Service within 30 Days from the date of receipt of a correctly issued invoice - by transfer to the account indicated by the Contractor. 2. Required Warranty Conditions for the air conditioner - in accordance with the Warranty of the Manufacturer of the installed device. 3. The offer must include all necessary materials for the installation and proper functioning of the devices. 4. The basis for issuing a VAT invoice will be the Work Acceptance Protocol, confirmed by the User. 5. The Contractor is responsible for any damage resulting from the work performed during the installation of air conditioning. 6. The Employer provides a basket lift or crane for the duration of the work. 7. The Ordering Party reserves the right to award an order for all or individual tasks or to refuse to award an order in the event of failure to obtain appropriate financial resources or when the price of the most advantageous offer exceeds the amount that the Ordering Party can allocate to finance the order. 8. The condition for the implementation of the service is to send the data of the persons performing the service at least 3 business days before the completion date (name and surname, PESEL number) and the Registration No. Vehicle Used for the Order In the event of no recommendation of the person(s), the Contractor will provide a replacement for other persons. 9. The Ordering Party recommends carrying out a visit to the place of execution of works in order to determine the conditions of execution of the order. The date of the visit should be set at Tel. No. 47 83 58 678. 10. The Ordering Party allows the possibility of submitting partial offers, i.e. For Individual Tasks. Order Completion Deadline: Up to 21 Calendar Days from receipt of the order, within the time agreed with the Ordering Party. Place of Order Fulfillment: Kwp in Krakow at ul. Mogilska 109. Contact numbers in the case: - Paweł Trela - 47 83 58 678, Iv. Criteria for Research, Evaluation and Selection of Offers: Lowest Price for the Implementation of Individual Tasks. V. Attachments: Offer Presentation Template Attachment No. 1
Closing Date23 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
6801-6810 of 6802 archived Tenders