Tenders of Commune De Makary
Tenders of Commune De Makary
Commune De Makary Tender
National Open Tender Notice No. 017/aono/ren/cmakary/cipm/2023 Dated 15/12/2023 In Emergency Procedure for Construction Works of a Block of Two Classrooms and Two (02) Blocks Latrines at EP D'boudangaia, in Demakary Commune, Department of Dulogone and Chari, Far North Region.
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Commune De Makary Tender
Open National Call for Tenders No. 016/aono/c-makary /cipm/2023 of 15/12/2023 in Emergency Procedure for the Construction of Fifteen Solar Street Lights in the City of Makary (lafia Kawalme, Lafia Kotoko, Kiska, Lafiahered1i3e, Lafia Salamat, Mille Ii)extreme North region.
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Commune De Makary Tender
Quotation Request File No. 013/dc/c-mky/cipm/2o23 Dated 12/15/2023 In Emergency Procedure For The Finishing Works Of The On-call House For Teachers In Kaousseetgre In The Commune Of Makary, Department Of Logone Et Char], Far North Region.
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Commune De Makary Tender
Notice of Consultation for a Quotation Request No. 013/dc/c-mky/clpm/2023 of 12/15/2023 for Medical Equipment Equipment at the Demakary District Hospital in Certain Makary Integrated Health Centers in the Makary Commune , Department of Logone and Charl.
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents