Tenders of Capital Municipality
Tenders of Capital Municipality
Capital Municipality Tender
Closing Date13 Jan 2025
Tender AmountBGN 160 K (USD 84.7 K)
Bulgaria – Insurance Services – Сключване На Застраховки "гражданска Отговорност", "пълно Каско" И "злополука На Местата В Мпс" За Служебните Автомобили, Стопанисвани От Дирекция "транспорт" При Столична Община
Capital Municipality Tender
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Closing Date14 Jan 2025
Tender AmountBGN 7.7 Million (USD 4.1 Million)
"engineering for the main repair/reconstruction of the buildings of three kindergartens on the territory of the Metropolitan Municipality" on three separate positions.
31-40 of 32 active Tenders