Tenders of Banaras Locomotive Works
Tenders of Banaras Locomotive Works
Banaras Locomotive Works - BLW Tender
Machinery and Tools
Closing DateCancelled
Tender AmountRefer Documents
16120711 elbow 8436703 Dc Spec:purchase Spec. No.misc:574,rev.nil [ Warranty Period: 30 Months Af
ter The Date Of Delivery ]
[quantity Tolerance (+/-): 5 %age , Item Category : Normal , Total Po Value Variation Permitted: Max 8 L
acs ] ]
consignee General Stores Depot, Blw Uttar Pradesh 40.00 Numbers
Banaras Locomotive Works - BLW Tender
Closing DateCancelled
Tender AmountINR 3.8 Million (USD 44.6 K) This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
17270753 strip- Rubber As Per Drg.no. 8304908 Alt C Specn: Ems 601, Ems 602, Misc 570 R1, Mis
c 456 [ Warranty Period: 30 Months After The Date Of Delivery ] ]
consignee General Stores Depot, Blw Uttar Pradesh 1857.00 Metre
inspection Details Stage Inspection Not Required
401-410 of 414 archived Tenders